BASED Chinese tell Africans to prep their bussies for wealth extraction

1  2019-02-05 by DerekSavageCoolCuck



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Leave it to Twitter thots to not understand business terms

Exploitation of Africa really would mean just that though... The actual translation is "development"


Dictionary result for exploit


verb: exploit; 3rd person present: exploits; past tense: exploited; past participle: exploited; gerund or present participle: exploiting


1. make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).

Congratulations, you're as dumb as a twitter thot.

I mean I know buddy but the actual translation is development which is also the word they intended to use.

But thanks, mongoloid friend!

mongoloid friend!

Clearly he isn't, otherwise he might have known the translation

The other 3 words are nouns so doesnt really make sense to use the definition when used as a verb. Also the word is exploitation and not exploit as you linked.

ex·ploi·ta·tion /ˌekˌsploiˈtāSH(ə)n/ noun 1. the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.

2. the action of making use of and benefiting from resources.

I'm sure you'll now argue they clearly meant the latter when the whole point of the tweet was the irony. Ya damn ornery troll

In terms of countries exploitation has long meant one country just using another for its benefit and getting by far the better of the deal. Just extracting its resources and sending them back home basically. There are certain connotations in which it's not negative, but never when talking in the context of relations between independent countries or people.

This has been your autists lesson of the day. Congrats on finishing! Maybe one day you'll be able to pass as a non autists long enough to put your weiner in a vagoo.

I think you need to read this again lmfao

The translation of the Chinese word.

Since the Chinese printed this, and their English is well known to be inexact or terrible, it's not surprising the translator pulled a word loaded with extra meaning out of the dictionary.

I love it when people pretend they don't understand the connotations of a word to "win" an internet argument.

Resorting to dictionary posting is so fake and gay u loser lol

Reading the Twitter comments, can't help but wonder if we'll get /r/africanmasculinity soon?

You must be invited to visit this community


It will come when the chinese women get blacked and the chineseafrican kid cant get laid


lmao cute

Its over for africans

It should have been a hundred years ago but the mayos went soft after ww2.

I've lived in Africa for 20 years.

It's over for China...... They have no idea what they've got themselves into.

Well Chinese women are getting BLACKED, just in a smaller scale. It did raise a few eyebrows, though.

I guess it goes both ways.

Oh man, I can't wait to check that link when I get home.

Lol at that picture. A relatively handsome African guy marrying the fattest woman in China.

Maybe the union will produce a hybrid that is both industrious and capable of thinking about things beyond 12 hours from now, AND also hung like a mule.

We actually have proof of concept that those kids will get laid so much it’ll be to their detriment also they’ll be really good at gold.

Uh what?

Tiger Woods

that's not how it works lmao, m'click'click's bitch gon get CHANGED

Ok this is epic 😎

Well, it's true - China has a rising middle class that is putting pressure on profit margins that businesses are making due to their home grown labor exploitation. They need to make up the difference somewhere, so Africa is seen as a natural place to extract materials and labor from dirt cheep.

Why pay a Chinese guys 2 dollars an hour to recycle electronic parts in abysmal health conditions when you can pay some African school kids 25 cents to do it half naked wading through poison?

Thing is.. Chinese are moving to Africa.

Uh... china has no interest in using labor from Africa. In fact, a large portion of the infrastructure being built is done by Chinese laborers. The problem is Africa is starting to owe China more and more money and using it's natural resources and payment. In the future, China will more or less own Africa and the trillions of natural resources buried in it.

You're absolutely wrong. When China finally owns all these factories and mining operations in Africa, they are not going to staff them with Chinese workers who are going to demand wages that are more than they can make staying home in China. They're going to staff them with Africans and the working conditions will be even worse than what China is notorious for.

If you think Africas most valued resource is its workforce, you're seriously mistaken. No one cares about how little they'll be paid or the work conditions, as if it could get any worse than digging holes for african warlords. The big deal is Africans practically giving away all their natural resources for stupid things they could do themselves if they got their shit together.

No one cares about how little they'll be paid or the work conditions


What do you see the media covering day by day. Sweat shops in china, slaves in Africa working under warlords... or daddy trumps tweet of the hour. Be real, no one cares

Maybe people in general, but as far as businessmen in China, they care, they care a lot. They care in terms of literal billions of dollars in next 10 years.

What exactly should they be caring about? Whatever work conditions and pay their current employees have, it's probably much better than only other option available for the people there so what do they have to worry about? Their factories in China is literally destroying the environment and we maybe see a couple posts on reddit here and there

kwa nini si wawili?

Because unlike people willing to work for almost nothing, resources are limited. Once china has ownership of it, it doesnt matter if they pay an african 25 cents or their own people 50 cents, they walk away with trillions. It's like if you're worrying about spending an extra penny when you're a millionaire.

You used google translate for that?

Accurately it would be "Kwa nini sio zote mbili?" Or "Mbona sio zote mbili?"

"Wawili" is used in reference to living things.

Wrong, wawili is mean 'two'

"Mbili" means two. Used on things. "Wawili" also means two but is only used when referring to animals or people.

Lemme guess you are Tanzanian, you folks need to chill with this ngeli stuff. Kiswahili is already too hard

Not Tanzanian, close enough.

But grammar is important, its like saying "Why not together", instead of "both". It just doesn't work.

It's unnecessary complex, why not just say mbili for every noun, instead of

Watu wawili

Vitabu viwili

Mimea miwili

For example in Kenya majority don't speak grammatically correct sentences.

Its a language with rules can't change shit about it.

That's cause Kenyans interject "sheng' " into it which is basically ebonics for swahili. It doesn't affect grammar that much though.

If you think Africas most valued resource is its workforce, you're seriously mistaken.

You are like literally retarded.

This is econ 101. Why do you think General Motors makes cars in Mexico?

There is going to be, in the future, a time and place where the average wage in China is going to start impacting their exporting power because they will not be able to compete with other countries in South East Asia or India.

When that happens, if China wants to keep it's "super power" aspirations, they are going to have to do exactly what the US does - outsource labor for goods and materials to economies where the cost of labor is even cheaper.

They know this, and they are planning for it.

Chinese don't want to work with Africans. When they have projects to build, they will bring their own people to do them. I've talked with a couple of Chinese who were in Africa and what they had to say about Africans is unprintable on Reddit.

China already has a big workforce. What they're investing in Africa for is it's natural resources.

"China needs to use its skilled workers to build the infrastructure, therefore China will continue to ship its workers all the way to Africa, only to defeat the purpose of going to Africa in the first place by having to pay them the same wage as any other Chinese worker"

This is some of the most retarded logic I've seen in a while, well done

If you think africa is swarming with people capable of working heavy machinery, welding, wiring, or doing any sort of major construction at the scale the chinese are currently doing... you're the same kind of idiot who's afraid some illegal Mexicans are going to steal your job.

Btw, if there really is a chance you can be easily replaced by one at your current job, you clearly didnt amount to much.

You are incredibly dumb. Yes, they need skilled workers for the construction. Hence why I said "China needs to use its skilled workers to build the infrastructure".

They won't need the same level of skilled workers to operate the factories once it's built. They'll have a few Chinese there to run the show, and the people working on the assembly lines/in the mines/etc will be Africans. This is not the same as needing skilled construction workers to build it in the first place.

No one gives a shit who's working the factories... that's a complete moot point. Oh no those chinese are taking advantage of the poor Africans just to turn a profit. But you're overlooking the literal trillions of dollars of raw material Africa basically gave away. The Chinese could give them all completely livable wages to 1st world country standards and they'll still run off with again.... TRILLIONS.

Uh... china has no interest in using labor from Africa.

This is the quote, from you, which I was replying to.

This is in context to the major infrastructure they are currently building for Africa in return of use of their ports and ownership of a stupid amount of natural resources buried in Africa.

They don't even need many people at home to "run" factories, they're advancing automation and displacing workers pretty fast at home. Unskilled Africans (unskilled workers in general) aren't needed in the future the Chinese are envisioning, they'll be less profitable than high-throughput machines, even if they're paid nothing.

The source of your delusion is Marxist dogma that profits cannot be made without exploitation of labor, because for magical reasons human labor itself is the source of profit. This is evidently retarded: of course you can have robots make stuff and then sell this stuff to humans in other countries.

Even simple factories are nowhere near fully automated, and the economic incentive to produce automated factories is dependent on the price of labour being comparatively high. This is already not true in China - their labour costs are low enough that they can have entire assembly lines of workers and have this be cheaper than automating the process - and it's going to be even less true when they relocate to Africa and can pay people even less.

The source of your delusion is the idea that economic conditions in the West (where automation really is an immediate threat) are the same as in places like China (where lower labour costs mean that automation will remain economically unviable for longer) and Africa (where even lower labour costs mean automation will remain economically unviable for the longest time possible).

As I've already said, China has been running mines in Africa for decades. They're not being dug by machines. They won't be being dug by machines for 100 years as long as they can pay Africans 5 cents an hour to do it, and not have to care when they get injured because they're easily replaced.

This is already not true in China - their labour costs are low enough that they can have entire assembly lines of workers and have this be cheaper than automating the process

That's a retarded argument. Their wages have been growing for many years, while the price of automation is naturally decreasing, so we get this and this. Automation is viable in China.

They won't be being dug by machines for 100 years as long as they can pay Africans 5 cents an hour to do it

It doesn't matter how little they can pay if the productivity of labor makes you noncompetitive. Large-scale, efficient mining requires heavy machinery, not cartoonish slaves with pickaxes; and heavy machinery costs money and needs skilled operators. Same for any industry, especially for factory work: Africans are simply unable to work the way Chinese can, so they won't be hired. Cheap or not, their labor is not worth having the valuable space occupied.

I was in Ethiopia a while ago where there are a lot of construction projects being headed by China and you are mostly right. In most cases they seem to higher a few locals for good will and few probably do hire locally but otherwise yeah it's mainly chinese people working on it.

To be fair to them, there are a lot locally managed half-complete projects around Addis Ababa that no one is working on because they ran out of funds, while the Chinese ones always get finished, but thats a pretty low bar for praise IMO.

It's the fault of the mayos because they inspired the Chinese to do this.

A lot of people believe this unironically. SAD!

Where did the mayos get their inspiration from, as once upon a time they were a bunch of half naked barbarians living in the snow who couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery?

Probably the Egyptians and Fertile Crescent-cels

we wuz cavedwellers get it right

Not really surprising that the Chinese saw a continent filled with some of the most shitty, corrupt, moronic governments ever to grace this world and decided to start exploiting it. Only reason the west didn't do the same is because we already did.

The only reason we still don't do it is because white people are pussies. We should be robbing these "people" blind.

The Africans will start nationalizing Chinese development soon, after which it will all fall apart and they will have a self-imposed crisis ala Venezuela. The Chinese will learn the same lessons the Europeans did.

If African countries try to nationalize Chinese developments, China will intervened militarily, and nobody is going to risk a conflict with a world superpower to protect impoverished, (formerly) debt-ridden nations with no strong ties to them. I doubt those countries would be stupid enough to nationalize but I'll probably eat my words.

They are that stupid though.

Why do you think that China would intervene militarily, rather than telling their companies to just eat the loss?

Apart from a few American firms, the largest banks in the world are Chinese regional banks, whose policies are based around the needs of the Communist party. Goldman-Sachs is incredibly influential, but even they don't have a ten million man army to back them up.

Easy excuse to gain more control

China will intervened militarily

Awesome, Call of Duty needs some new inspiration

Lol its quite funny how no one remembers the invasion of tibet by china and everyone is cool with it. Im sure china can and will do it and every western power would just go back to watching their chinese funded hollywood movies that is literally made in china but has a sticker assembled in america.

Tbf brittain made an effort but never really accomplished much. The damn chinese started playing the long con while americans were too busy bombing Iraq for oil

Nah you can't do that that's racist

It’s hilarious that the only race of "males" in society that gets off to cuckoldry is still trying to make themselves believe they are superior to anyone lmaooo. You let yourseves be cucked in marriage and enjoy it. Give it up man, we’re not buying it

You realise that's exactly what's happening, right? Colonialism ended because capitalist exploitation is so much more efficient.

Congo has some of the most fertile farmland in Africa, but it's also a food importer with frequent famines, because everyone is busy mining. Local warlords enslave villagers and use them to mine, say, cobalt, then sell it to foreign companies so they can buy weapons and attack the rival warlord from the next village over. Net result is Western companies make billions of dollars from Africa's resources, all without a white person having to set foot in Africa.

i believe its actually "development" but it can be translated as exploit

The African-China Friendly Night

Why does everything translated from Chinese always sound so retarded?

Because they don't get native speakers to check their translations.

Professional translations always use native speakers of the TARGET language to translate the SOURCE material. Do this backwards, and you have Chinglish.

Why does Chinese to English always sound the most retarded compared to other translations?

Chinese is a very terse language. Complex words can be expressed in one or two syllables. Thus, phrases that sound very simple in Chinese can become very wordy and clumsy in English.

because chinese doesnt really have words in the same way english does

every squiggly line in chinese is a word with its own meaning

so most of those words are just two words put together to make a word

Well how about they pick non retarded English words instead of picking from first graders vocabulary homework.

Plenty of languages are complex, but none botch up translating to English like the Chinese.

The China-Africa Friendly Night

This would make a great title for an interracial Black on Asian gay porno

Don't let your dreams become memes.

In this case it looks more like Asian on Black

People freaking out as if Chinese are known to be humanitarian progressives who put needs and wants of other ethnicity and races into their agendas is probably most ironic aspect of this.

Somehow, a fucking aberration, a one in a billion... smh

What do you mean everyone? Its just mayos who think like that. In reality asians have no concept of humanitarianism that dates back from idk the start of the first chinese dynasty, to ww2 imperial japanese period, cambodian communist purge, and the current drug war on the philliphines. All asians care about is what the elite wants, conformity, and progress, and they dont care whats the price to pay for it.

I'm more offended some contracted "this is" to "this's" imho.

a mindless mistake was made.

That was no mistake. That was a Freudian slip.


By allah, if even literal soyboy chinese ricecels get to cuck my continent this easily, I'll start pretending to be white. Rather be a mayo than a 5'5" chinese manlet's slave

get to cuck my continent this easily

Where (vaguely obv.) on the Heart of Darkness are you?

I'm from north africa, but I'm not a "we wuz whites" berber LARPer so I consider myself African to a certain extent.

though sadly enough I recently found out that I was more mayo than I originally hoped . Thank you 23andme, not very cool

I'm also from MENA and I'm doing a DNA test just for this reason. I will probably rope if I get a mayo percentage.

Tbh, don't do the 23andme test if you're from MENA. It's super vague for us, basically said that im 75% "north African and arabian". It can't really make the difference between the local populations. I had to upload my DNA to gedmatch to get a more accurate reading. And knowing drama users, I don't think that anybody here should make their DNA public if they don't want ending up getting arrested lmao

It was super precise for my European origins though, and idk if Ancestry's test is any better

Yeah I've been looking at /r/23andme for a while now. From what I can tell, it works best for Sub-Saharan Africans and Europeans. Still I'm interested in trying it out because as far as I know I don't have any recent foreign ancestry and I wanna know if that's accurate. But you're right, for us its does a pretty shitty job at breaking down our origins into specific regions.

The thing is I already bought the testing kit when it was on sale so I'm still gonna do it, even though I'm not expecting much.

I mean, the whole 23andme experience is really cool, especially with the health analysis.

I also thought I had no recent foreign ancestry, but middle eastern families can be weird. Personally, most of my male ancestors had multiple wives and had kids way into their eighties.

So the definition of recent can be totally different. Considering my grand-father was born in 1880, the generational breakdown the service gave me was probably inaccurate since they assumed a normal cycle.

So if your ancestors were Chads, 23andme could probably pick up ancestries that are way older than what they usually get

I will probably rope if I get a mayo percentage.

You can always halve the mayo with each generation till its statistically insignificant.

How can I do that with my raging lust for white women though? Being a mayocide advocate can cause a lot of inner struggles man.

Hmm, that's challenging. You're going to have to get creative here. I think artificially fertilizing the mayoess with non mayo eggs and a little timing could do the trick.

Or go r/childfree with stacy while breeding like a true minority with fatima 😍

We have 😍 fatima's 😍 down here too, funnily enough.

Ye true

I recently found out that I was more mayo than I originally hoped

I'm sorry!

My Ghaddafi pan-africanist side still gets sad for my fellow black people down there. You can say a lot about wypipo, but at least you can expect them to end up having some empathy or moral concerns with their exploitation and leave at some point. Chinamen however? They won't leave until they literally bled the continent out of everything. The vast majority of the chinese public opinion barely see black people as humans, so why not?

And yeah, where I'm from France and the gulf states are still the bulls. But at least France is getting fucked by north africans too so it's just mutual cucking at the end of the day

I'm pretty conflicted, like it'll be nice that the new (((elite))) class will be the Chinese and not the mayo generally, but at the same time it totally sucks and (despite my level of mayo) I do feel the black people.

But at least France is getting fucked by north africans too so it's just mutual cucking at the end of the day

The circle of life, hakuna matata!

That would be a great day for every white nigga suffering of yellow fever but I'd rather have mayos as my overlords simply because I don't want r/aznmasculinity to ever feel superior or happy

Based and ricepilled

This is what you get for trusting commies.

But they are all equal. Equally oppressed.

Scramble for Africa: Chinese boogaloo

Lol even china doesnt care how bad colonialism is as long as it would be an efficient means of progress. I used to love nazism, then soviet style communism, but holy shit I think china finally perfected the ultimate form of socialism which is quite impressive.