GamerGate is at it again! This time encouraging people to learn a useful skill

1  2019-02-05 by ImDumbLmao


skrrt skrrt my heart hurt


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Last Thursday, I received the news that the HuffPost Opinion section—where I’d been opining on a weekly basis for a few months—had been axed in its entirety. The same opinion column had had a home at The Village Voice for some 21 weeks before that entire publication shuttered as well. “This business sucks,” I tweeted, chagrined at the simple fact that I kept losing my column because of the cruel, ongoing shrinkage of independent journalism in the United States.

It's amazing that in the very first paragraph this retard comes off as an extremely obnoxious dipshit who should be kept in a cage.

With a programming textbook that teaches how to code

Like...actually unironically.

Every single response is about learning to code. Amazing.

I'm annoyed at how much they use the word opine.

I'm going to opine about it.

Can you imagine being an editor and having to read an entire article of this shot. No wonder they threw her at the opinion column and said “go ham dumbass”.

Imagine thinking the death of journalism is some right wing plot and it's not organisations like BuzzFeed, Facebook and Gawker salting the earth with clickbait, algorithm-generated, Twitter Vox Pop bollocks. 😂

Doesn’t say anything about them doing that to blue collar workers first

cause they didn't, but they should've tbh

:shocked pikachu face: someone used my shitty behavior against me. Better not call into question my shitty behavior.

Implying telling joblets to learn to code is shitty behaviour


It does though.

An odd little narrative sprung up around this malevolence, postulating that journalists had condescendingly told coal miners who had lost their jobs to “learn to code.” The scant evidence for this quickly debunked narrative was a collage of several articles covering programs to retrain jobless former coal miners in the rudiments of coding, and bipartisan job-training efforts. 

quickly debunked


oof, they got us boys


These journalists are only getting canned because publishers don't understand cutting edge 4D chess strategies like poisoning your own well.

quickly debunked


lmfao do these “””people””” love to talk about gaslighting because it’s their favorite hobby?


4chan posts as evidence of anything

Many of those juicy quotes are journalists posting it themselves. /pol/ is a board of peace. 😎

Then the responses started rolling in—some sympathy from fellow journalists and readers, then an irritating gush of near-identical responses: “Learn to code.” “Maybe learn to code?” “BETTER LEARN TO CODE THEN.” “Learn to code you useless bitch.” Alongside these tweets were others: “Stop writing fake news and crap.” “MAGA.” “Your opinions suck and no one wants to read them.” “Lmao journalists are evil wicked cretins. I wish you were all jail [sic] and afraid

It's like "get owned by Gamergate bitch!" all over again.

lmao judging by the amount of salt in her column looks like she was indeed owned 😎

Imagine being unironically bussblasted by e p i c g a m e r s rising up, the absolute state of western media




I’ve been blessed

Zozzy time traveler confirmed?

Your opinions suck and no one wants to read them

ooof destroyed

The Fetid, Right Wing Origin of "Learn to Code"

Soy sucking journos are fetid right wingers?

coding requires autism and autists are the majority of the alt right and thus anyone who can do a IF ELSE loop is suspect and should be gassed.

All alt right are autists but not all autists are alt right.

of course, there are chapos and LSC posters and may allah forgive me, gamers as well so in the end it doesnt even matter you are doing gods will regardless.

Don't forget the trannies. Trannies are all world class autismos.

This is true. I'm a proud anarcho-autist

IF ELSE loop


be very quiet im hunting nazis

Just what we need: More soy mayos who can write for loops but can't explain what Dijkstra is good for, or what Haversine is.

It's over for ifstatementcels

We speak English here.

Dijkstra is the best for finding an optimal path to your bussy.

A* gets me in the mood though. It even has a bussy in the name.

write for loops

Lol no declarative programming

Gophers on suicide watch


it's over for gotocels

Dijkstra is a dork who couldn't optimise his way out of a paper bag.

Npm just got more crowded

I bet they can't even implement bussy sort in haskell.

Cringe and soypilled 🤢

How long will we allow gamergoobers to get away with this?

I stopped reading the article at “opining on a weekly basis”.

The whole conflation between memes and "harassment campaigns" is insane and of course incredibly selective in its application.

Meanwhile of course journalists literally calling for violence upon the Covington kids is merely just society showing regressives the door.

Of course now I'm looking forward to being able to code being labeled as an alt-right dogwhistle.

Being a productive member of society is alt-right tho

I honestly can’t keep track of what’s alt-right anymore. /r/Drama is probably alt right at his point. I read a column this week by Paul Krugman calling out centrists as basically reactionaries.

I hope Paul Krugman gets in a tragic colostomy bag related accident.

Man Krugman really turned into a hack. He used to sometimes have interesting Econ stuff but it's basically a political column now.

But... isn't Krugman pretty much a centrist himself?

Twitter is Waterloo for journalists. They sign up, get their blue checkmark, and start offering their unfiltered thoughts, then they are surprised to find out that other people have unfiltered thoughts as well.

This is how journalism dies: by suicide.

Last Thursday, I received the news that the HuffPost Opinion section—where I’d been opining on a weekly basis for a few months—had been axed in its entirety.

the cruel, ongoing shrinkage of independent journalism in the United States.

further jobs were about to be disappeared at BuzzFeed. It was a grim day for the media, and I just wanted to channel my tiny part of the prevailing gloom.

Huffpost opinion...Buzzfeed...Independent journalism


Something no one on the right has answered me: How come "learn to code" is apparently horrifyingly insulting when you say it to a coal miner, but it's Just Good Advice™ when you say it to a journalist?

Fucking srsposting mongoloids out out #out

Because its mean spirited and not actual good advice?

It isn't, it's just petty eye-for-an-eye revenge. The thing is that Buzzfeed can't complain about it without being hypocritical, because they have done the exact same thing in the past. Of course that doesn't stop them from complaining about it anyway.

It's not outrage, it's good humouredly giving them a taste of their own medicine. The only outrage is from the """victims""" of this jest.

It's hilarious imo.

talia lavin

This is some primo, grade-a schadenfreude.

Learn to code is like the NPC meme. You know it’s on the mark because of how buttblasted they got about it.

if (this.Job == null)

What a shitty piece of code

Sorry, I'm just a poor coal miner, I can't code good.




The journalist cries out in pain as he strikes you

4chan’s /pol/ board—a gathering-place for people who want to say the n-word freely

Well that's one way of putting it.

(Also, I know that I cut off the rest of the sentence)

A whole community of people whose only marketable skill is being obnoxious online for attention.

Then there's 4chan, too.

I'll unironically pay her for an intro course from Coursera if she can present the completion cert and the final project.

Joke's on you when they sign up for "Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace"




lmao man I almost feel tempted to ask my boss if he'd reimburse me for that course.

I will never understand the people...whose entire life and career is dependent on being online...and can't seem to handld the internet at all.

Like no one forces you to get onto Twitter. On top of one forces you to read random tweets from weirdos online.

This is akin to a social worker complaining that the homeless people they are around are smelly and scarey at times... Like no shit really?!?

Please, stop telling journalists to learn to code. It's pain in the butt to fix something that a dumbass breaks. Tell them instead to go into bariatric medicine or somewhere to deal with stinking fatasses