PETA is mad (again) because sheep herding gussy, Bo Peep, just isn't doing it for them

1  2019-02-05 by BlessThisBussy

Here is an outline of some shitty clickbait article about this; PETA is ENRAGED at Bo Peep’s New Look!

Here is PETAs Twitter and all the replies telling them they're once again, being too sensitive


That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?


  1. PETA is ENRAGED at Bo Peep’s New Lo... - Outline

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  1. This Post -,,,

  2. PETA is ENRAGED at Bo Peep’s New Lo... -,,

  3. being too sensitive -,,

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The most offensive thing about this is that they're coming out with a Toy Story 4, why can't we just let things die.

Because we need to beat that dead horse until the cash stops flowing.

PETA feels like boomer wokeness

Don't domestic sheep actually need to be shorn?

They do yes, and I believe wild ones do not. I actually bought my mom a domesticated spring lamb for her birthday a few years ago and she has him as a pet. He gets shorn once a year.

Have you ever seen PETAs sheep propaganda? They act like farmers brutaly beat their sheep and that shearing, somehow, removes the sheep's skin. Like it's legit not that way at all. Here's their bullshit poster.

That's what the sheep gets for opting for the student barber at Supercuts.

Imagine thinking PETA are the retarded ones and then posting a funny 🤣 gif as a reply.

This but unironically