DAE think it's time to allow seriousposting in Drama and upvote inbred Fentanyl-humans to spread the glorious message of a white ethnostate?????

1  2019-02-05 by songthatendstheworld


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Seriousposting has never been banned in this subreddit, you’re just supposed to disguise it.

Bakeries are racist, they all use WHITE FLOUR

So many MDEtard-bait posts end up on the front page with a gorillion upvotes, and then you get comments like, "Actually the mayocide is, like, really bad. Maybe we should shut down all non-white immigration and establish a monarchy," with hundreds of upvotes.

It's sad that r/drama is slowly but surely drifting from ironic retardation to unironic autism.


I am surprised that there would be 100s of people would spot this really obvious clue that the entire post that you think is serious is actually a reasonable humor post.

There are a lot of people on the internet who unironically support a return to monarchism. Look up Mencius Moldbug, the neo-reactionary movement, and the Dark Enlightenment, if you’re curious.

I commend you for not falling to fascist propaganda, but try not to use terms like 'retardation' or 'autism' as insults. If we're going to make this subreddit better, that starts at the individual. We all have a duty to try to be cordial.

you sound like a faggot lmao

There are people in this world who've accomplished amazing things—philanthropists, great unifiers, activists, etc.—and, here you are, insulting random people on the internet for no reason. I would usually call you a fascist or try to engage in some trite debate with you... but in the end I'm just sincerely saddened by the path that you've chosen to take. Try to be better. I'm here to help.

There are people in this world who've accomplished amazing things—philanthropists, great unifiers, activists, etc.—and, here you are, insulting random people on the internet for no reason. I would usually call you a fascist or try to engage in some trite debate with you... but in the end I'm just sincerely saddened by the path that you've chosen to take. Try to be better. I'm here to help.

Thanks, comrade! From now on I’ll only use those words when talking about actual retards and autists

You should never use the word r-t-rd, as it is a slur, but 'autistic' is perfectly fine so long as you are respectful and are not using it an insult. And don't call these individuals 'autists', call them 'autistic people'—at the end of the day, after all, we can't forget that they are people.

So many MDEtard-bait posts end up on the front page with a gorillion upvotes, and then you get comments like, "Actually the mayocide is, like, really bad. Maybe we should shut down all non-white immigration and establish a monarchy," with hundreds of upvotes.

Literally not true at all. Do you actually believe your own bullshit?

Also new account complaining about the state of drama fuck off lmao

Exactly this retarded insistence that the MDEfugee crisis is still going is made up bullshit by specific agendaposters. They freak out whenever there are too many posts here making fun of specific subs and people and then claim there's a right wing invasion. The same kind of articles/subreddits have been posted here since before Sam Hyde and his fans collectively lost their minds.

And I'm saying this as a person who loathes MDEtardation.

You realize you're serious posting right now, right? God damn this whole sub is sweaty lately

You realize you're serious posting right now, right? God damn this whole sub is sweaty lately

You realize you're serious posting right now, right? God damn this whole sub is sweaty lately

These whineposts are more serious than any of the posts they complain about

Ok, but shower first.

c o p e

Serious posters are organic lolcows don't scare them away