[Developing] Discord may be getting a knock from the Feds some time soon

1  2019-02-05 by EasySchmitty


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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based feds taking out the furries

If Trump can't make anime real, I'll be happy with furries being made extinct

He really did make America great again



Can you imagine being a discord investor?

"Why did we lose all of our money? Why are the feds investigating us? We had a breakaway popular chat platform with millions of users and a TOS that allows us to collect and sell data like crazy!"

"Well we decided that we should put people in charge who want to fuck cartoon dogs and real dogs and baby cartoon dogs and real baby dogs and tbh i thought FBI stood for Furry Bulge Inspector so I kept ignoring e-mails."

I love that furries are so retarded that even if they have smart ideas, their social ineptitude will make them suffer

I hope they will grow out of this zoophilia phase

Feels weird. It's like watching the p!zzagate army slowly hunt down their deepstaters.

If someone told me pizzagate was about hunting furries I wouldve become the fucking leader of it

I dream of a future where reds and brownshirts take to the streets, join hands, and put aside their differences to exterminate the furry menace.


Be the change you want to see

Furry degens being degens, news at 11.

"U.S. cops are also warning about a handful of cases in which the chat app has been adopted by groomers to target children susceptible to online coercion."

The only solution is to make the internet, in general, a whole lot more difficult to access like it was in the early days, and to require qualifications and a sort of "need to know" basis for all access.

Children have no business being on the greater internet anyway, and it's a sign of horrible neglectful parenting that parents use the internet as a substitute babysitter for their children.

Groomers shouldn't be allowed to access the internet, and anyone dumb enough to want to fuck a child (anyone less than about 25) would be easy enough to keep out with just a few protocols.

Children shouldn't be allowed to access the whole internet, either, and if they had decent parents the internet wouldn't be the fucked up mess it is now.

Parents being parents as usual, blame everything on some boogeyman except themselves

We need to enforce emulated loud ass dialup modem sounds so kids can’t sneak onto the web after bedtime.

The feds never took down periscope and several other ped lairs. It doesn't help that big websites are the most likely to not be honeypots.


"regular pedophiles attempt to get furry pedophiles investigated by the FBI because of pedo envy"

Another victim of the War on Lolis™️

Bout time. Discord degenerates need to go

This; dramacord losers ruined /r/drama

It'll most likely end up being a Tumblr situation. Which means they'll pretend to solve the problem, but it actually gets worse/ignored.

Fucking christ, fuck Twitter's layout.

Nick Monroe is weaponized autism personified. He’s dug deep on so many bits of juicy internet drama.

He also one stalked some streamer girl.

Why are there chat platforms like this that replicate IRC when irc does the same Goddamn thing

Because discord is made by gamers, for gamers. 🤢🤢🤢

I knew discord was bad news ever since i saw shitty memes in the load screen.