1  2019-02-06 by Prysorra2


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Jesus fuck he looks like a born again who's also recovering from being an alcoholic.

Jamie pull up the picture of Alex losing his kids. Uou think they've ever done DMT?

Yeah you see. Your body produces DMT so you are always holding

WOAH, is that true? No way

You ever seen a chimp with no fur? It's fucking INSANE. Jamie pull up that picture. Jesus, that thing would rip you in half.

Imagine if you gave a chimp LSD.

Lemme tell you something Joe Rogan

hoarks up massive coke booger

Back when I was doin blow with Diane Keaton and Brian Dennehy, a heroin crazed Al Pacino kicked in the door and punched me in the solar plexus so hard, I nearly shat out my eleventh meatball sub I ate that day.

I can hear the spit coming out. Perfect 😍😍

Quit your blubbering Buck Rodgers it’s just a divers watch!

The fact that Alex has custody of his kids shows how batshit crazy his ex wife must be...

Oh my fuck, I love this! Is this satire on purpose??


Please don't make me watch 37 minutes of Alex Jones for context.

Basically Alex has learned a lesson from his recent interactions with the judicial system and has now changed his scheme. His previous arguments of 'performance art' which didn't hold up in court can now hold water.

Seems basically joe had Alex on his podcast and when asked about the Sandy Hook denial/hoax claim, alex said he doubted it or was skeptical but did believe it. Joe got angry because Jones sorta lied to him, he has said many times it's fake in very strong terms, which likely lead to parents of deceased children being harassed; Jones has recanted in the face of lawsuits but then sometimes still says it's fake. Jones has lately been saying that Joe Rogan is involved with the CIA somehow, and is not entertaining some conspiracy theories because the govt is threatening him. Joe is pissed because Jones is now just straight up lying about him (or is he???!) maliciously, and won't apologize about the Sandy Hook stuff. This has since the Jack Dorsey interview caused his YouTube and other social media to be flooded with infowars nutbags disliking and spamming shit.

Wew that felt retarded

Ya I stumbled upon a recent clip of the pint size comedian where he was talking about why people believe in false conspiracy theories and the whole comment section were just people going off about how 9/11 was fake citing "research"

Jesus I wanted to shoot myself just reading the recap of this slapfight

The first three minutes or so pretty much covers the declaration of WARRRRrrrr

I want war!

Well it seems like there's a pretty obvious way to get the upper hand here for Joe...

At least we're on the timeline where Joe Rogan and Alex Jones will fight in the octagon and Eddie Bravo will commentate it

Wow Alex looks like he's aged 20 years in the last 2

He sounds just like a televangelist.