Tabletop nerds unite against bigotry and share their stories of playing with gay people, outjerking the original thread

1  2019-02-06 by Alimentas


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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To no one's surprise the dnd sub is the quickest to jump on the DAE GAY train, but the original /r/lgbt thread is a sea of red.

Sort both by controversial.

God, the amount of users that start their posts with "I'm gay" "I'm trans" ad nauseum.

Dndnext might as well be DnDLGBT.

Thanks to their lead dev and critical role for poisoning the hobby forever.

It’s just weird to me how divisive sexuality is in a fucking game. I’ll drop my own “I’m bi, but tend to like dicks waaaay more”.


I play DND to play in a fantasy world. Sexuality is one of the last things on my mind when I play. Sometimes my characters are gay as fuck, sometimes my characters are the chisel jawed lady pulling types. Because it’s a game. And sexuality doesn’t matter in a Fucking game.

This is a game that has fucking dragon people in it. Ive played campaigns where people have fucked said dragon characters. Because it’s a GAME.


This really bothers me for some reason, cause from the text it doesn’t look like the DM in the original post was calling people faggots. Just seemed like he was assuming characters were straight, and tbh that’s not a crime at all. I appreciate people are accepting of gay/bi/whatever players, it does make me feel more welcome on the DND community. (I know, I’m a nerd)


But I don’t think that people like me being accepted should come at the cost of innocent people who have made a “mistake” in the eyes of the community should be ostracized for a slight they didn’t even mean


Sorry for serious posting boys, you can pound my bussy

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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you can pound my bussy

Am I blind or you haven't actually posted it?

I mean check the post history for if you want my guy, but I can’t give out all the goods right away

You did, my bad friendo.

That was even less than I expected. I feel tricked.

The real reason grognards don't like faggots is because tabletop gaming has always been a "keep quiet, play games" kind of hobby, and to nobody's surprise the "LOOK AT MEEEEEE" crowd don't stop their antics just because they're playing make-believe.

Fake and gay

Idpol geeks are the absolute lowest, just verminous wretches for whom each interest is just an opportunity to posture and shit test and every single relationship is disposable to them.

Thank god you'd never meet these people irl outside of US college campuses.

The guy seemed pretty civil, he didn't insult the other players and was up front about not DMing for their game any more. It sounds like OP didn't get the angry game nerd reaction he wanted so I posted the convo to the subreddit for vindication.

"We don't actually want to play d&d"

No fucking wonder the guy dropped the group.