Snally takes on pro-lifers. TW: Deadly levels of seriousposting.

1  2019-02-06 by MikeStoklasaBackup


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Rude. What if snally's bull reads this?

Imagine not being snally's bull

๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข tfw you'll never glazed her womb with your seed while she denies her husband/boyfriend/whatever access to her most intimate region.

Niggers can't read LMAO

MDEfugee out Out OUT!

It's time to copystrike u/Snallygaster

That and she should hang around an abortion clinic and get a dose of reality.


Hir has been seriousposting for a while now. More than once I called her out for having a retarded, uninformed opinion on something only to get back walls of srspost text in return.

The truth is, the real lolcow was always inside us

GOD what a thread of retards too.

NOT ONE reply I read managed to rub 2 braincells together and call snally a NAZI. All the Euthanasia stuff was right fucking there. BUT OH NO tooo fucking dumb and retarded.

Tfw you'll never be inside snally, and you'll never leave your essence inside her to grow inside her womb

No consent anally erotica is exactly what this sub needs


Whoa hey, I'm might be a deviant incel, but I'm no rapist! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 

Only for her to abort it right after it's born.

The real lolcow was the mods we made along the way.

Maybe after all this time... Maybe the real drama was the friends we made along the way

That's why I make them wear a condom.

We all have to get triggered and sperg out sometimes. Everybody dies. ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ™โ˜น๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿค 

Sometimes you're the dramanaut and sometimes you're the lolcow ๐Ÿคท

If all of us were perfect LOGICAL dramanauts and never tossed our tendies this place would be boring as fuck.


Donโ€™t srdines call themselves dramanauts? I thought we were dramautists

Cultural appropriation

Man drama is really hard up on this abortion thing. Is everyone here a near miss?

Maybe we have a lot of (((Catholics)))

Hibernian menace lurks in every corner.

Seamus, get the fertilizer! They're onto us!

dude catechism lmao

As long there are still (Kennedys) around, theyre still a potential threat.

You can't spell "ya damn papist" without damn! Ay papi

We dont kill babies here we just fuck then apparently

God let me have this one thing.

More like a bunch of people who will only ever mate three times and want to make the most of it.

I just hate women ๐Ÿ˜Ž


And redpilled !

Peace be with you!

And also with y- shit!

I'm cool with eugenics if we start actually calling it for what it is.

Itโ€™s the spare chromosomes

Shit or piss

I actually was a near miss, I just think babies are gay

This place is will probably become conservative in the long run. The "centrism" can only last so long before one type of user takes over, not via any deliberate effort but simply over natural a memetic process.

All drama posters should be administered a Class B Amnestic ever two weeks.

Only class B? This place is like the D Class lounge.

We would never waste a good amnestic on D Class personnel

Oof. I guess ideas like that are what got me demoted to Drama Class. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜Ÿโ˜ ๏ธ

[Data Expunged]

Not when a brick would do

People already think this is an alt-right sub, it's already over

People are retarded, stop caring what They think.

It's not that I care what they think, it's that a rep like that is going to draw in more mdefugees and magacels. I just worry there won't be enough tankies to counterbalance it

Most MDEfugees can't handle radical centrist bants and just bounce off.

sometimes they sperg out first ๐Ÿคค



its already gone righty

it used to be unironically pretty centrist, but its most rightoids now

it's really sad. whites, righties, and srsposters ruin everything they touch.

Well for what its worth I think Trump is a fucking half wit too retarded to plan 99% of the shit he is accused of and reddit/the left makes me cringe daily where their constant whining, fear mongering and smug posting... fuck

It's inevitable because of how the different political wanks react on a generally left-leaning site. Lefties run screaming from any dissent that breaches containment, righties glom onto any space that doesn't completely despise them.


Leftoids when they see a single vaguely right-aligned viewpoint being supported:

WOW um ok yikes I guess this is an alt right sub now, y'all just lost one subscriber


Rightoids when they see a single vaguely right-aligned viewpoint being supported:

OMG I'M HOME ok guys here's how we should kill the niggers

Eh, righties are pretty fragile. I'm sure if Daddy ramps up his retardation again and we start making fun of him again a bunch of them will be scared away again. Or we simply need much more mayocide support.


Like I said

righties are pretty fragile.




Porque no los do? ยกMata a todos los mayos!

I think you got it perfectly

Those last 4 points pretty much sum up the internet post-2015

For real though who wants to hear my 8 step plan on getting rid of the darkies ?

when the overwhelming majority of reddit leans left and here we are sperging out over their spergouts, we sort of have to lean right or lose our minds to cognitive dissonance.

You're part of the problem righty


Being able to make fun of the spergs on your own side doesn't lead to cognitive dissonance unless you're a brainlet. Wingnuts who can't mock their own side OUT

There's a pretty heavy lean to one side now, but the sub still has people from both sides. It's funny because drama kind of self segregates. Different people will stick to different threads based on the topic.

We're N A Z B O L now

you gotta be blind if you dont think this sub is right leaning

for real this sub has been majority hard right for at least as long as MDE was banned.

Or just super heavy on the opposite poll that radical centrism seems right.

It has but I think part of it is that the left has been acting more ridiculous than the right lately. I mean the lefties get riled up here sometimes but there are only so many times you can make fun of Trump for saying retarded shit. There is a whole spectrum of people on the left being retarded right now though.

I definitely would want this to turn into a right wing sub though. The level of right wing serious posting has gotten way too high.

Yeah the whole business this sub has on transgender people needs to calm down. Tho it does make people really riled up so maybe it shouldn't...

Part of the reason that right wing spergouts don't get popular on here is precisely because the unironic right wingers who invaded after the MDE ban downvote most things that make fun of the right. Daddyposts get popular because he's such a big figure, but any more obscure right wing drama gets lost.

Oh sweaty, this sub was right wing way before MDE got banned.

It has always been slightly right wing but the recent influx has made is go harder to the right.

The quality of bants don't even matter anymore since the newcomers won't upvote both lolcows in a fight for ideological reasons.

newcomers won't upvote both lolcows in a fight for ideological reasons.

That's true, and shitty.

I think part of it is that the left has been acting more ridiculous than the right lately

This is the biggest understatement I've ever seen.

Tranny drama is great because of TERFs. When an issue comes out that riles up both sides it's always entertaining.

But generic "muh degenerate" posters need to gtfo.

Weird how all the places that allow people to speak freely turn into rightoids ๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง

That and pedophiles.

Same thing

I was gonna make that joke you faggot


I think the left is doing fine on that front. Reminder: NAMBLA is a leftist organization.

Radical centrism is the single most important part of the sub. As long as we rest on an axiom of brutal aversity to any ideological sincerity we will remain dramatic even with 100% of any ideology and be hostile to even ourselves. This is the only way to resist becoming a polarized sub like most even most conpletely nonpolitical eventually seem to fall into.

I think it's more important to blow everything out of proportion than be centrist.

It's swung back and forth over the years. I for one would be impressed if pro-lifers are successful in stopping the pendulum swing. It would just prove how ineffectual angry gaymers are at the end of the day.

Nah come on. They finally got in the end game of what they've wanted for 45 years. The five conservatives will find some twisted reading to ban abortion forever and then Liberals will do the reverse in twenty years when they stack the SC after taking back both houses and the presidency.

Lol. The deleted post above mine was about r/drama, not the USA.


It's because we went public and all the MDEfugees flooded back in.

You guys are so fragile about protecting your sperg chamber lol having all sorts of people makes this sub better. But I get how the people who always sperg out donโ€™t want anyone here who would call them out on it.

whites aren't people though

Snooze post

(โ€ฟ!โ€ฟ) ิ…(ยดฺก`ิ…)

Drama is 68% incel. They hate women doing anything.

They hate women


Only white women

Abortion should be used liberally, women just shouldn't be the ones deciding when.

I'm pro-choice and fully acknowledge abortion is literal baby murder.

I just don't think humanely murdering unwanted babies is wrong. I mean, it feels wrong, but I can't think of a logical reason why it is.

If you're pro choice you don't think it's baby murder, as murder is an unjustified killing.

Perhaps "baby homicide" would be a more palatable option.


I think Peter Singer put it best with "non-voluntary euthanasia of infants"

Peter Singer


It's fetal self-defense

Arm the unborn

It turns out everyone isnโ€™t as down with the mayocide as they claim.

Damn papists, Make America Know-Nothing Again

Is there other way for a human to be born?

Other than abortions? Birth seems to do pretty well.

: near miss

People here are worried, because they are aware how of how everyone wishes they were aborted.

Man drama is really hard up on this abortion thing.

Of course we are, it's prime drama waiting to happen. No one wants to admit it, because the republicans need their pro-lifers to keep turning out to vote and democrats need their pro-choice crowd, but the abortion issue in this country is pretty much settled. It's legal, and anyone can get one up to a reasonable point, which is generally around the time a fetus can survive outside the womb in an incubator, depending on your state. While there were some people unhappy with the status quo on both sides, they were fringe idiots making up a very small minority. Almost everyone else has been done with this shit for about 20 years.

Democrats, for whatever reason, decided for some reason that now would be the best time to push against the norms the average person has come to accept. In doing so, they've exposed that there are a lot of prominent and/or elected democrats who think current abortion law doesn't go far enough. What Governor Northam described during his press conference (the one before he "blacked" himself) is 100% representative of NY's recently updated law and the proposed changes to VA's law that Northam was referencing. Northam's own language made clear that they were no longer really talking about sucking out a clump of useless tissue or a fetus. Northam showed that there are democrats now pushing the idea it's perfectly normal to kill what any reasonable person would call an infant. They're trying to legalize infanticide. The sad thing is that they're so far up their own ass with semantics and rhetoric that they can't even see that's what they're telling people.

Once someone with some sense realized what kind of death-spiral was about to occur, they leaked Northam's yearbook to a conservative website and started looking for ways to throw the rest of the party leadership in the state under the bus to avoid the subject of abortion being brought up again in the near future. That has been especially good for Dramacoin. We've now got a state governor and attorney general caught in a racially explosive black-face controversy and the black Lt. Governor being #metoo'd.

At the moment, VA is making FL look respectable, but the best part is that after years of "republicans are racist" we've got two white democrats in a southern state caught in or admitting to black face. The whole shitshow is nothing but irony and comedy from top to bottom. It's like Christmas in February for /r/Drama.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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While I completely agree with you, for once, LongPostBot, I also hate your face and want to piss on your circuit boards like a Russian hooker in a nice hotel, so I'm leaving it up.

There's something eerily uncomforting about seeing snally seriouspost.

wait have u really not seen that before?

itโ€™s almost as easy to get her seriousposting as it is me. she just usually keeps it brief

More importantly, she's usually on the 'not retarded' side of things.

Speaking as a white knight that beheads 9-month-old fetuses once they are ripped from the womb because of the "hormonal whim" of some preggo, she still is on the not-retarded side of things.

As she was on this topic too

It's the baby hysteria.

She srs posts quite often. She likes beating up on red pillers and JIDF on the regular - like any red blooded American should IMO.

snally did literally nothing wrong tbh.

That's literally she does

There's being new and then there's being this new.

The last few weeks have been pretty terrible for the left. Hopefully Daddy does something moronic to balance things out.

i think the pundits got โ€˜im covered with this whole tax business

he inevitably will.

Wait, forcing the longest shutdown in history only to get absolutely nothing wasn't moronic? Hey, I guess if you've pushed standards low enough....

No one likes public servants though. I wish Canada would shut down so I can laugh at those lazy pricks.

I wish we could have laughed longer, it'd be fun seeing the fallout of air traffic controllers all calling in sick

No one gives a shit about government shut downs and the whiny fucks who get furloughed.

Is that why daddy caved like a little bitch?

I donโ€™t know he was probably tired of picking up wacarnolds for the whole White House every night.

The shutdown is resuming soon. And after Jhumer mocked Daddy you can bet it's going to go a lot longer.

Truly the most delicate snowflake

abortion drama is sad drama:(

You're welcome

snally please do not abort your baby. it is a miracle you even got pregnant

LOL can we ping people from our own threads? God bless whoever wrote this

tfw you'll never creampie a pregnant snally


Yeah if they are already in drama it's safe

I hate abortion as much as the next guy but if I was going to have a kid and it was going to be all fucked up I'd rather have the blood of one (1) retarded baby on my hands than ruin my entire life raising it

Where's the ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ you usually give?



I mean... you can always make another baby (well maybe not most people here...) and most would even say its a fun time. Fuck throwing away not only your life but any other children's lives for an anchor you can clip early on.

That still doesn't resolve the issue of having to raise the first retarded child. If anything it makes it harder.

I must/was not clear. Flush the retarded child or he will drag you down and any other children, its easy to make more kids

What kind of centrist are You? We should abort half and keep the other half.

There are no limits to what you can achieve in this day and age a retarded baby can even aspire to be leader of the free world

/u/snallygaster is why I choose to be gay

Cope. Snally will probably have a perfect mommy-gf body soon.

Then she will be why I choose to have mommy issues. Inshallah.











Pregnant woman has strong opinion on abortion


Abortion should be mandatory for all yt โ€œpeopleโ€ tbh

Are people just recognizing snally's blind spots?

Yeah, and some of us love her because them, not despite them

That entire thread is an angry mediocre boomer fentfest

If only the thread had been aborted in its infancy we could have all been spared the needless suffering

honestly i am getting tired of winning arguments here. i silenced snally with my competence. her arguments were pathetic. also the hubris of her to never answer 1 question pertaining her pregnancy and if she is in fact pregnant. absolutely pathetic.

I want to see the video of her giving birth. Girls with big gapes make me go wild.

Is snally hot?

I hope so.

Imagine unironically trying to win an argument here lmao

not tryin..just winnin. n yea you should keep imaginig cause it will not happen to you

I literally cant imagine trying to get validation on this shithole sub

do you think 20 reddit followers is validating? to anyone reading if you want to see me win more reddit arguments and dweebs like this make sure to mash that reddit follow button!

Imagine believing one day old babies have rights. What a bunch of christcucks ITT haha.


Said the seething christcuck

u mad xd

This place isn't "centrist" and the irony can only last so long before some kind of standards set in. This isn't a criticism os r/drama but more like am acceptance if what will happen to this place. Eventually one way or another one side spreads their memes over another.


Drama is the true Ying and Yang.


I think the pendulum will swing back and forth.

Surely there is a market in harvesting the organs of failed abortions. Parts of the not dead yet baby could be useful.

Yeah. Wasnโ€™t there a scandal about planned parenthood selling Feetus Pieces?

Just looked it up. Yes they gave Fetal tissue to researchers.

You guys are really dumb if you think people are trying to actually legalize medically unnecessary third trimester abortions.

You guys are really dumb if you think people are trying to actually legalize medically unnecessary third trimester abortions.

i mean, i wouldnt be opposed to such a measure

You guys are really dumb if you think people are trying to actually legalize medically unnecessary third trimester abortions.

I mean, what they are trying to do is virtue signal, that's absolutely correct. What they end up doing seems to be that other thing.

Do we honestly believe that doctors and other medical care providers will risk their licensure and professional lives to perform medically unnecessary procedures

But anyway, back to advocating trannies getting their genitals removed on the taxpayer's dime and giving hormones to toddlers.

If someone wants to kill you then your future potential quality of life is so bad that it may as well be legal to kill you.

I want to kill you

Foids have a natural instinct to kill their young.


Please just nuke this sub already. It's over for lolcowcels

Abortions should literally be allowed until the last minute tbh. If the mom wants to kill that kid LITERALLY SECONDS BEFORE DELIVERY for whatever fucking reason, it's her right to do so and fuck letting the (((government))) putting restrictions on that

I support 6th trimester abortions. If the baby is too retarded to feed itself, why is that my problem? I ain't gunna be a slave to someone who can't count to 5.

Well after it's born, the baby can opt for euthanasia if it so chooses. It's their decision.

It's about ethics in infant euthanasia.

Hi Snally, if you are reading this please consider this post to be an intervention.

While I agree with everything you said please remember that long-winded seriousposting is a major part of what made SRD what it is today.

If there was ever a flawless argument in favor of post-birth abortion, its literally everyone in this sub

Babies are gross ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

๐Ÿ‘† This tbh โ˜

Lmao having been with a late stage pregnant woman, at 32 weeks theyโ€™re about as emotionally stable as a hurricane. I could totally see them deciding to abort.

there would be literally nothing wrong with this


Do you seriously think that someone who's 32 weeks pregnant is going to be like 'well I don't want the baby anymore just suck it out of me'

u/snallygaster you severely underestimate foids

In 50 years I predict that pregnant foid will be allowed to commit crime legallly

I am not pro-life or pro-choice. I am pro-abortion. I believe all children deserve death. All government funding across the world should go towards planned parenthood. No more military, no more healthcare, just abortions. Unite all the countries in the world for this cause. Change the UN into the UA, United Abortions. All these silver spoon politicians sitting up in their ivory towers, not giving a single fuck about what happens to the common man? Without us, they are nothing. What about the real problems, huh? The human race needs to be eradicated. That's just the simple truth. #humanabortion2018

This but funironically

Poweruser turns out to be a complete retard. What a surprise.

I mean I agree but seriouse posting is cancer