"Mansplaining wouldn't be a thing if there were some womanunderstanding"

1  2019-02-06 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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That could really be taken both ways.

Does it mean the men should understand the women better or that the women should understand the men better?

"womanunderstanding". tastes a little like carbs

It was a decent attempt at bait but his wording was clumsy and retarded.

If you use "mansplaining" unurinically, odd are that you're broadcasting

another foid destroyed



Pizzashill would be proud.

Womanunderstanding instead of Womunderstanding. Shaking my head

more like wunderstanding

This! Very much this! My thoughts exactly. Came here for this, was going to post exactly this, until I saw this. Take this gold and upboat fellow redditor.

EDIT: Thanks kind stranger

belief in humanity: RESTORED

I have ordered my red MAGA PUSSY HAT


woman understanding anything at all


They get cuntfused so easily.




Several women in this group have blocked me on Facebook for contacting them privately. You know...heh....the irony is that whenever I contact my fellow men from this group I am generally met with an enthusiastic response. I wonder why that is....

I could use my status within this group to humiliate all of you. But I'm a gentleman and the torment it would put you through does not comply with my ethics. You skanks know who you are, and if you're even capable of reading this, here were my true intentions. Hopefully you'll come around to changing your mind about me (if you're not a complete idiot that is).

First off, yes I'll admit I find some of you pretty attractive. I am a normal, healthy, biological male. Of course I'm attracted to women, and that should be seen as a compliment. That does not automatically mean my intentions were to sleep with you. I don't understand how the words 'Hi, how are you?' gets translated into 'Hi, do you have a boyfriend?' When we started having a conversation in one of the threads did I precede my comment with 'Hi, sorry I'm already attracted to someone else?'Sure, maybe some day after getting to know each other a bit more, an infatuation might develop and we could start dating. But women these days seem to think that hetero men are incapable of having a platonic relationship with the other sex.

To the girl who showed her dad my message and made him call the cops: Do you have any idea just how ironic that is? I was trying to explain to you how Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale' has been severely misinterpreted by third wave feminists. And then you convinced a man to apply authoritarian powers on me, merely for the fact that I am a male. It turns out that men can also be oppressed in society, as was Atwood's intended message of her novel.

To the girl who called me an 'incel' for trying to discuss Nabokov's magnum opus 'Lolita': Your lame feminist buzzwords have no bearing on my mental health. Do you really think I like it based solely around the hebophilia? I would encourage you to read it , as the prose is magnificent. But judging by your less than impressive vocabulary, I doubt you would be able to understand it.

To the girl who called me a loser and said I was trying to show off because I said you should read Tolstoy's epic 'War and Peace': I wasn't aware that reading something was suddenly a huge achievement. The fact that I wanted you to read it meant that I believed you were the rare type of woman who could endure such a lengthy piece of literature. The irony is that later in another thread I saw you talking about how you read all the Harry Potter books before you turned 12. It's plainly obvious to see that you view the arts in the most superficial way possible. There's no way I would ever date someone like that.

To all the other girls who haven't responded or have been a bit timid in their replies, please don't take this post the wrong way. As you can see I didn't tag any of the women who wronged me on this post, and I will always respect your decision no matter how misguided it may be. As you can tell, my interests are mainly in the high arts, and I can guarantee you that at the very least you will end up having a very compatible and knowledgable friend.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Well have you?



That's +20 women respect points. Another 15.000 for your Lootbox with wins up to sexy time!





โ€œSave some pussy for the rest of us, fair knightโ€

This dude is fucking gold

He is 100% roasting anyone who comes at him in that post.

And I love him for it. Dude has a great shit-stirring ability, heโ€™s a natural

MOD /u/PMMEDIRTYUNDIES now, fair mod.

Please be black, please be black, please be black

Disgusting that /u/PMMEDIRTYUNDIES hasn't been contacted by the SJW mod team yet. This legend needs to promculate in this sub, FFS. Reported for derliction of duties

never mod a CAtard

Eww proof?

Check out his account, dude is hilarious

Heโ€™s a pro. Just looking at his past posts, Iโ€™m shocked the dude hasnโ€™t managed to get onto drama sooner

" Mouth, pussy, and ass. Gotta have her three ways before you're done with her, it was JFK's motto and I admire him."

Iโ€™m sad I donโ€™t have anymore yearbooks to put a quote down in now

How is this dude not already on aredrama? Unless, of course, he only likes high quality subs

Mod him

By Allah this fellow understands! If your wife or betrothed does not comprehend you, you must only beat her until she does! The Quran clearly supports this!

Allah Akbar!

A buddy even told me I wasn't allowed to correct his girlfriend anymore because she told him I made her look dumb. I was only explaining why she was wrong.

Found the "Um Actually"

This guy really made this post for the sole purpose of roasting foods who reply and they're all taking the bait

I "took" the bait, lets see how this goes.

But really, womanunderstanding, my inner keyboard warrior had to respond.


Implying women understand anything

OP is my new best friend.

Why do women have a problem with the word mankind and not the word manslaughter?

I know this is already past the point of being new/rising.

But have you considered what the concept actually represents both past and present. I know we have come along way but usually a woman had to "understand" her place in society to be as an obedient house-wife and mother while not being allowed to vote, work or have higher education. Which can still be true in certain parts of the world today. And women today in the western world are also not presented fully equally in all walks of live by any means.

So this doesn't really come across as empathetic.

Jesus fucking christ I really hope this wasn't any of you fucking pusies.

Mansplaining = speaking common sense while women are hysterical.

sip ain't that the truth