Drama in the Rust subreddit over whether one of the developers is right for the project

1  2019-02-06 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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every rust patch has the same armchair software programmers, the only thing worse than real programmers, raging at hulk.

>playing rust

In addition sweaty, his name is Helk not hulk

hulk is his fursona

I'm surprised that the game is even relevant in $CURRENT_YEAR

they've added helicopters and red stone. which is pretty neat i guess.

red stone

What's that?

Like literal red stones?

minecraft term

they've electricity, lasers, pressure pads and logic gates

Ah. So they put an autism simulator into the game. Got it.

really tickles my fancy tbh

I can't shit on it.

I'm the kind of autist who plays simulation games (though I rarely have the time to).

It's been that way for 2+ years lmao

let me tell u as a person whos never designed a game before how to fix the pet issues i have with this game,

I've been thinking of buying it now that it's on sale for 17.50 . a buddy of mine has a huge server he doesn't use and is thinking of using it as a game server for this.

Tell me why this is a good/bad idea

why are you seeking advice for a $17.50 purchase?

More like is it worth the time, not is it worth the money.

its not worth playing if you wont be in a server with a decent amount of people. its also barely worth playing if you dont have a large group to play with.

Do people still play Rust? I uninstalled it awhile ago.

yeah, its fine i guess.

My friends and I were really into it for awhile but then servers would just fill up with shit people and other servers would be completely empty. Cool new updates though, maybe its time to check it out again. I've been super into Rimworld lately :)

yeah the updates are pretty cool. its impressive rust still gets the updates it does 600 years later. rimworld is neat but too autistic for my tastes, im very picky with UIs.

Yah devs usually just give up on games so thats nice to see they're still attempting to maintain it.

Haha RW is pretty autistic but there are so many mods! When I finished Witcher 3 I was so sad and its been the only game to really hold my attention since then. I am stoked for Cyberpunk and OuterWorlds to come out.

same on cyberpunk, it looks pretty cool. speaking of mods, i was involved in some mod drama on some indie game last yr that almost caused the media manager of the company to be fired. i should figure out if i can post it.

That sounds dope and I 100% support you in this endeavor.

r/Drama Rust server when?