Solution to address MDE refugees

1  2019-02-06 by GodOfWineWisdomWar54

So instead of this place becoming too Chapo friendly, why doesn't this sub focus on mocking lolbertarians, neoliberals while still mocking tankies, anarchists? I could see this sub as being somewhat social democratic.



What no, we're fascist

Anarcho fascists

Promoted for 20 years and counting

Fascists should get the helicopter treatment. Tankies deserve the gulag. Anarchists should be deported to Somalia along with the ancaps.

Are there anarchists aside from ancaps who aren't just closet tankies?

There's too many flavours of autism, specifically for anarchists. There's mutualists who accept markers, but hate the state. Anarkidde commies (they really exist), mostly want a communal shithole where no one owns anything, everything is shared. It doesn't take much to provoke them. Police parades, praising cops triggers them. Defending the state, law enforcement and prisons really sets them off.

Leftists really are that Monty Python sketch personified. They are like religious cults that keep splitting.

If Daddy really wanted to bait them, he'd drone strike Venezuela, Cuba, have Kim assassinated, then drone strike Rojava and the zapatistas.

We have been mocking the lolbertarians. Our current sticky is about them being upset the lolicon shit is being removed.

Lolicon is getting old. I'm thinking this sub could attack their economic views, if you want to drive out MDE refugees.

Lolicon doesn't get old. If it did the libertarians would stop wanting to fuck it.

That's like saying hearing about pedophiles in the Catholic Church doesn't get old. It does. I don't know why there are so many pedophiles. It must be an incel thing.

Social democratic


It's the only successful left wing ideology that doesn't result in massive deaths. It'd be nice to see this sub move a bit left without going Chapo.

>social democrats

oh no, its retarded

As opposed to what?

not caring

I could see this sub as being somewhat social democratic.

I could see you on a nice train ride to the gulag archipelago.

Imagine seething over socdems

I can't imagine you as anything other than an incel.