Former New York Times journalist caught writing fake news in her new book.

1  2019-02-07 by missmurrr


That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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>During the run-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Abramson argued in a column for Guardian US that Hillary Clinton, whom she had covered as a reporter and editor since the Whitewater controversy, was "fundamentally honest and trustworthy."[22]


And yet the whole reason why Vox is pushing this absolutely 😡SEETHING 😡 piece is because so many coastal boomer/Gen-X leftists are convinced that the NYT won the election for Trump. Their reasoning is that the NYT didn't suppress the story about Hillary's emails and... somehow that made independent voters in swing states vote for Trump or something.

In a lengthy Twitter thread, journalist Arielle Duhaime-Ross cites a paragraph of Merchants of Truth pertaining to her work at Vice and says it contains six errors, including about her gender identity

I wonder how many times xir gender identity changed between the interview and advance copy of the book. Also lengthy Twitter thread lol.

yeah. i hate vox, but that was the easiest to link since it explained everything.


>hyphenated name



>gender identity

Wew lad.

What’s wrong with hyphenated names

Sign of a degenerating stable family structure.

Millennials are a mistake....

Seems they weren't the ones making the mistakes here.

“I met Jill Abramson in June ’17 in the VICE office,” Duhaime-Ross wrote.

When are people going to learn not to work with Vice?

Old mayo lady criticizes a bunch of soy addled bloggers who work for starbucks coupons, predictably they do not like this. Film at 11.

Duhaime-Ross’s critique was echoed by many of her current and former colleagues at Vice, who focused on a portion of Abramson’s book that characterizes the site as a salacious and irresponsible news outlet more focused on curating a certain image than on reporting the truth.

Where's the fake news OP?

Yeah this is 100% true. Where is the lie?

Linking to VOX

Um, no sweaty.

Duhaime-Ross’s critique was echoed by many of her current and former colleagues at Vice, who focused on a portion of Abramson’s book that characterizes the site as a salacious and irresponsible news outlet more focused on curating a certain image than on reporting the truth.

Wait, where's the error?