Deport all seriousposting rightoids

1  2019-02-07 by uniqueguy263

Starting with/u/nmx179


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. /u/nmx179 -,,*

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We need to establish an ethno-state-cels to deport mde-fugees too. Maybe somewhere near the CA border?

Set up an internment sub for them to flock to. Call it like LibCringe or ShapiroFutalikesitRough. It will work, trust me.

As long as Ben Shapiro gets to be the local sex-slaves/fuckmeat, I'm all for it.

It’s time for his innocent, 5’7” Kosher frame to be WRECKED and DECIMATED now.

falling for the 5'7 meme

He's at most 5'4.

I heard 5’1” but that he wears gilded platforms.

Someone told me he's actually 3 foot Jewish dwarfs stacked on top of each other

🤔😯🤭 That makes so much sense. The two on the bottom are just googling the facts and logic. Holy fuck.

the jewish man on the bottoms name?


What a twist. I thought it would be Seinfeld and Rothschild.

One has a jewish father, the other converted. Together they make a full jew.


Imagine falling for Jewish propaganda. Ben Shapiro is at the vary most 3'2"

Imagine falling for Zetan propaganda. Ben Shapiro is at the very most 2'2"

Shit true

Ben Shapiro DESTROYS his sphincter with his own FIST of FACTS and LOGIC

Honestly the banning of r/MillionDollarExtreme has had such negative consequences. They've infected all the non-leftoid subreddits.

This is now a poetry thread. I'll start.


The Wrath of the Awakened Gamer
by Maria Schicklgruber


It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Gamer began to hate.


They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Gamer began to hate.


Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Gamer began to hate.


It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Gamer began to hate.


It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Gamer began to hate.

bro no it isn’t

this is fucking dumb and gay

get out of the thread

This bag of crunchy Cheetos is making me thirsty. Good thing I picked up a Fanta orange soda on the way home just in case. Walking back, I couldn’t help noticing how most of the neighborhood has been replaced by strange towering steel and plate glass structures. A man was lying across the sidewalk in front of one of them and asked me for money. Greece is being bullied by Germany holding it to a double standard. When they had the tickertape parade for the US Women’s Soccer Team this week and said “Canyon of Heroines” on the radio I started to laugh and realized it wasn’t funny. The guy at an adjacent table in the coffee shop was looking at me smokily for an hour like he wanted to do something to me all over the counter, and I sat poised anticipating an advance that never arrived. I have trans woman friends who desperately need hope and jobs and love and safety and family. I wish I could be twenty places at once and have the power to fix everything but in a stealth way so I wouldn’t be just grabbing the spotlight. True Detective is a TV show that a lot of people seem to enjoy. I trained myself to speak at a higher base pitch every morning until it became quasi-permanent because that is how I know I do not depend on the medical establishment or strangers’ willingness to imagine charity. Much of the street is submerged underwater due to the storm. That other salesman can assist you—I’m helping this young lady right now, he said, placing his hand on the small of my back. The entire auditorium of people staring me down was hostile but knew they couldn’t show it in public except for occasional frown lines darting from between their eyebrows. Please stand clear of the closing doors. I can’t breathe in this dress. I can’t seem to figure out where that smell is coming from in the apartment. Gender identity or expression will not protect you from being fired in most employment situations nor does being a transsexual. Split a capsule of medication into smaller doses by opening, dividing, and mixing it among separate containers of a mushy food like applesauce. The Trans-Pacific Partnership was signed this week amid much controversy. Did I just write all that? History is transmisogynistic but it won’t be the more of it there is. The beautiful woman suggested I put my bare legs across her lap in the dark so I did and she gently ran her fingers along them. Wheat germ is where the problems all started. Later you asked if you could put your arm around me on the train but there was a scary guy shouting at everyone in the subway car and I didn’t want to provoke him. People I love are at risk of being violently harmed or murdered every day, or they suffer from suicidal urges because of how the world fails to see us as people in a million sharp pointy little ways. Welcome to the military. The three-panel dressing room mirror had a Busby Berkeley effect which gave me a little thrill but I might have just imagined it. I wish I knew how to code things with boolean operators. I wish I knew how to read philosophy. The x-ray machine operator kept repeating “STOP BREATHING NOW DON’T BREATHE” each time he activated the machine. #CaitlynJenner

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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Thank you, Starship. I was moved to tears.


Nature’s first green is gold, 
Her hardest hue to hold. 
Her early leaf’s a flower; 
But only so an hour. 

Then leaf subsides to leaf. 
So Eden sank to grief, 
So dawn goes down to day. 
Nothing gold can stay. 

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How about everyone stops seriousposting and we deport both of you

Why dont we just deport them for fun

Why dont we make them kiss and livestream it.

And so began the Deportation Wars.

Begun the Deportation Wars has.

Star Wars fans are pure distilled cancer, and always have been. That is really the only explanation you need.

"The Force gg" is the go to answer for most of them, and unlike other memes like "lol Speedforce", it's 100% unironic. Other fanbases at least try to show feats and interpret them, but SW shitters are content with upvoting vague ramblings about how the Force can do anything, and how lightsabers can cut anyone, and if you disagree you probably had a bad childhood.

If you're a Star Wars fan reading this and thinking "well I'm not like this", that may be true. But it doesn't make a difference, because you are complicit in the shittery of those fans. You are part of a toxic culture that allows people to wank subpar space fantasy characters without social and moral repercussions. Every day you are not working against them is a day enabling them. You are part of the problem.

There is no such a thing as a good Star Wars fan.

You will never get an objective view on this from a Star Wars fan. The type of SW fan you're likely to encounter here has likely fully bought into Lucasfilms unprecedented brainwashing. They probably have Legos and watch the Rebels cartoon. You won't get through to them, and they cannot be objective. Because the truth is, every new piece of merchandise is like additional wool over their eyes, every new cartoon episode another layer of insulation from the reality that Star Wars is fucking rubbish lmao.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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I love you longpostbot, you always have the best comebacks

Of all the fucktards on this site, anyone who seriousposts about Star Wars need to just end it and doubly so if they do it on fucking /r/drama of all places

Wow rude you ate all the pasta and didn't leave any for the rest of us


LMAO imagine eating this pasta

The force seemed to stick to certain unspoken rules in the mainline movies, that is, until the sequel trilogy.

A new Star Wars movie is just like a new Marvel movie to me now, my reaction is "oh cool, this might be fun to watch if I want something to do."

Star Wars and capeshit have become "I'm down to see it when it comes out on Netflix/pirate it" level for me, they never do anything new worth $15 + gas


I mean, Logan was a good movie.

6/10 maybe

Na, I'd give it a solid 5/7 perfect in every way

XD le funny meme

drama truly is a normie sub now, rip

Oh no! My meta sub is broken. Go to Boat

you probably got mad they didn’t play Sweet Victory at the Super Bowl, huh?

Lol, imagine watching people throw egg shaped leather for fake imaginary points and getting angry about what commercials disrupt that stupid hobby

Logan gets shit for the same reason Rick and Morty gets shit, it would be perfectly enjoyable if the majority of the fanbase wasn't so up its own ass about how great they think it is.

Star Wars and capeshit have become "I'm down to see it when it comes out on Netflix/pirate it

Same, although im.looking forward to the Madalore show

If you have Netflix then watch Devilman: Crybaby, it's better capeshit than anything Marvel or Disney has ever put out.

Leave it to the weebs to actually do something with the genre 50 years ago.

LMAO imagine eating this pasta

Excellent copypasta

Straw Wars > Star Wars

This guy stalks people then runs to the mods like a little bitch. Can’t handle your own shit stop trying to start shit, little bitch.

your comment history is gold. literally stalking u/shitpersonality and copy pasting that on all his comments lmao

Well if he did t stalk me like a bitch first none of this would’ve happened. But since you’re a dumb faggot, I don’t expect you to get that.

Retards are going to retard, right!?

that's a yikes

If you need to dumb it down to understand, then yes.

when you sound like a retard I'm gonna dumb it down

personally. i do not think we should deport anyone. i need all the reddit followers i can get. i have been stuck at 20 and feelin depressed (but still determined!)

I'll give you one free follow my friend

o wow thank you!


Here's another follow you bum. Now go panhandle somewhere else.


Have u. Tried gonewild?


Eww, begging for followers, yikes! Unfollowed

not beggin. alphas do not is called selling. that little message got me 7 followers bub.

You're right, re followed. This has been a rollarcoaster ride, fam

The banning of r/MillionDollarExtreme and its consequences have been a disaster for r/drama.


Ted wrote about gender confusion and may have had dysphoria. He’d probably be on HRT.

Really makes you think. Now:


lol @ glinner fans

Get out MDE

He's not wrong

MDE is the cancer of the internet but all of them came here and think that they are welcome

When autistic shack-living Ted with zero social skills has better, more coherent criticisms of leftists than an entire subreddit's worth of filthy immigrants.

In these trying times we must remain committed to our culture, aware of our past and in control of our future


Without refugees from war-torn MDE, r/Drama will not survive

Edit your post to have one more word. Trust me.

Ban all selfposts and maybe you seriousfags would go away.

t. asshurt rightoid


What is it called when you're kinda libertarian, but in the last few years your social views have gone from "you do you, let your freak flag fly" to "gas the weebs, furries and pedos"?

Anarcho 'Trump is enforcing the NAP' Capitalist

Self improvement?

it's called growing up

growing up

They literally call it the libertarian to alt right pipeline, and it’s evidence that we need internment camps for all incels, anime Americans and MDEgenerates.

Oof, serious posting.

What if you want to gas the alt right too?

That's Radical Centrism's based cousin, NazBol Gang.

It's okay.

Becoming a fun killing Moralfag. Weebs, furries and pedos make for great drama, so don't be a faggot and try to destroy drama. Just watch, don't vote and comment only to provoke more drama.

If a few kids have to get molested for some sweet, sweet drama, thats a necessary price. Their sacrifice will be remembered. but probably not, really. Still, who gives a shit as long as we're entertained

You lost me at

If a few kids

Why not a lot, fam? Sometimes I wonder if you're really committed to this thing of ours

You’re still kinda libertarian, so it’s called being a self-loathing, closeted pedophile.

The moment I saw an literal invel seriouspost and explain how women really are, whole getting massively upvoted I knew this sub was due for a cleansing. Listening to an incel on the topic of women, is like listening to a CoD kiddie explaining how to drive a real tank

People upvote those because it's funny not because they agree with it you fucking retard

Except there were plenty of children comments jerking themselves about his spoken truth

Looks like it's done a number on you

When you mistake a shitpost for a seriouspost

lolcows get double upvotes. Its good for dramacoin.

You severely overestimate the userbase of this sub

The originals upvote seriousposts because it's funny

The believers upvote them cause they think their opinions are welcome

Too many people treat drama like reddit

Ever since the gillette debacle normies are exposing themselves all over here, WE MUST PRESERVE OUR CULTURE!

Yeah, retard

This hasn't been true for a long time.

because it's funny

because it's funny

she fell for the incel-posting meme

Just let me LARP in peace fam

Yeah, lately I've been having to check I was still on /r/drama because the top replies are spergs giving their political '''opinions'''. They don't even try to disguise it behind memes and irony anymore.

Do you not remember pizzashill? What was he, if not a "literal incel seriouspost(ing) and explain(ing) how women really are, whole[sic] getting massively upvoted"?

Hey mods put this in the other sticky slot and let's see what happens

i did but some mod removed it and put the manlet back up

smh centrism is over

Godamn the subs quality declined a lot after it went private

Ban posts about twitch drama.

You're a loser, full stop if you watch people play video games.

You're a loser if you watch people play video games. You have a diagnosable mental illness if you give them money

Those are the kinds of people we want in r/drama

It's over for littlebrotherwithunpluggedcontrollercels

just lock the sub for a couple weeks. their attention span will take them elsewhere

The agendaposting increased exponentially after the latest locking, that doesn't work.

No, just make sure they follow the rules. Anyone is welcome.

must be rough when you cant come up with anything better than skin color to build your self-identity around, especially when you were born a mayoape

Does he really believe that mayocide is a joke? The Caucasoid Question of how to non-violently assimilate the genocidal, colonialist savage population into greater civilized modern society is a dead-serious matter.

Holy shit why is this not a snappy quote 😂

Deport all seriousposting rightoids 😩

Now this is tue radical centrism I come here for.

I suggest we go private. I want to feel elite again.

Deport all seriousposters

When is /U/Masterlawlz gonna save us with a sticky?

By Allah you shall all get this sacred land for Islam closed again! I say we stone these infidels!

/u/nmx179 is literally on the spectrum

With Circo being the only right wing mod representation I’d say more rightoid serious posters are deported than leftoids serious posters atm. I’m good with all serious posters being deported.

This but unironically

Can we just mass execute all the tards starting drama in every fucking subreddit whether they're right or left wing psychopaths. They're all the same that think they're better than the other side.