1 2019-02-07 by HarryD52
1 SnapshillBot 2019-02-07
You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 El_Guero_Alto 2019-02-07
1 HarryD52 2019-02-07
I took inspiration from my hero Ben "Put a .22 in every Jew" Garrison for this masterpiece. I hope you all like it 🤗🤗🤗
1 Wolves_for_life 2019-02-07
Well I must say, you did a fine job young man!
Thank you fellow dramafriend 💖💖💖
👉🤠👉no problem pardner
1 Thatlookedlikeithurt 2019-02-07
It's pretty good bro, but I'm not sure it stands up to Ben "Yeet the Juden" Garrison, it doesn't have that frantic fentanyl flavor.
1 MacAndShits 2019-02-07
Labeled like a real Garrison
1 mygoodpostingalt 2019-02-07
sorry what's that non labeled blue thing in the back 🌊🌊🌊
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-02-07
Havent you heard? Ben "bad news for jigaboos" Garrison has consumed such a critical mass pf fentanyl that he no longer relies on labels and allows the reader to make the interpretation like a true modern art masterpiece.
1 notcyberpope 2019-02-07
Why would you want to end intolerance
Because the real Chads (True) are those who are tolerant of everything except intolerance and racism.
The closest you've come to a real Chad was when your dad watched him fuck your mom you apeman
How rude. Please be more tolerant of peoples feelings next time you comment friend 😊
How about you tolerate the smell of my balls while you tongue my anus
I have nothing more to say to a rudeposter (False)
1 CaesarCzechReborn 2019-02-07
So thats how calm triggering looks like. so more dignified than Reees.
1 cptnhaddock 2019-02-07
What about bronies?
they're intolerant of basic humanity so it's fine
1 grep_var_log 2019-02-07
There's two types of people I hate in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
1 watermark03alt 2019-02-07
1 coconut-daddy 2019-02-07
Thad’s understand that with no intolerance or racism the world would be a bleak and boring place
1 jubbergun 2019-02-07
That's a good question. Intolerance is the one thing that binds all /r/Drama posters together.
1 cmakk1012 2019-02-07
Take up /r/drama ‘s burden —
Send forth the best ye breed —
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild —
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2019-02-07
when it says "grass" does that mean weed? sorry I'm a boomer i'll take my answer off the air thanks
1 capthazelwoodsflask 2019-02-07
Needs more brapping but otherwise a good job.
1 Power_Incarnate 2019-02-07
You lost me at intolerance and racism. Grass can go fuck itself though, itchy little shits.
1 urilupinmygrill 2019-02-07
Are there still mde subs? Asking for a friend...
1 Voltairium 2019-02-07
Tag yourselves, I'm the mayonigger with the axe
1 MikeStoklasaBackup 2019-02-07
tolerant drama
No u
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2019-02-07
Needs more labels.
1 windupcrow 2019-02-07
I am the sky in the OP.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2019-02-07
1 uwugirl 2019-02-07
getting mad at chapo just means you don't understand anything about drama
Chapotards are bigoted and bluepilled, and therefore not welcome here.
Are you sure you're on the right subreddit
1 nukeforafrica 2019-02-07
this is what fentanyl addiction actually does to Zyklon Ben fans
1 SnapshillBot 2019-02-07
You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 El_Guero_Alto 2019-02-07
1 HarryD52 2019-02-07
I took inspiration from my hero Ben "Put a .22 in every Jew" Garrison for this masterpiece. I hope you all like it 🤗🤗🤗
1 Wolves_for_life 2019-02-07
Well I must say, you did a fine job young man!
1 HarryD52 2019-02-07
Thank you fellow dramafriend 💖💖💖
1 Wolves_for_life 2019-02-07
👉🤠👉no problem pardner
1 Thatlookedlikeithurt 2019-02-07
It's pretty good bro, but I'm not sure it stands up to Ben "Yeet the Juden" Garrison, it doesn't have that frantic fentanyl flavor.
1 MacAndShits 2019-02-07
Labeled like a real Garrison
1 mygoodpostingalt 2019-02-07
sorry what's that non labeled blue thing in the back 🌊🌊🌊
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-02-07
Havent you heard? Ben "bad news for jigaboos" Garrison has consumed such a critical mass pf fentanyl that he no longer relies on labels and allows the reader to make the interpretation like a true modern art masterpiece.
1 notcyberpope 2019-02-07
Why would you want to end intolerance
1 HarryD52 2019-02-07
Because the real Chads (True) are those who are tolerant of everything except intolerance and racism.
1 notcyberpope 2019-02-07
The closest you've come to a real Chad was when your dad watched him fuck your mom you apeman
1 HarryD52 2019-02-07
How rude. Please be more tolerant of peoples feelings next time you comment friend 😊
1 notcyberpope 2019-02-07
How about you tolerate the smell of my balls while you tongue my anus
1 HarryD52 2019-02-07
I have nothing more to say to a rudeposter (False)
1 CaesarCzechReborn 2019-02-07
So thats how calm triggering looks like. so more dignified than Reees.
1 cptnhaddock 2019-02-07
What about bronies?
1 mygoodpostingalt 2019-02-07
they're intolerant of basic humanity so it's fine
1 grep_var_log 2019-02-07
There's two types of people I hate in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
1 HarryD52 2019-02-07
1 watermark03alt 2019-02-07
1 coconut-daddy 2019-02-07
Thad’s understand that with no intolerance or racism the world would be a bleak and boring place
1 jubbergun 2019-02-07
That's a good question. Intolerance is the one thing that binds all /r/Drama posters together.
1 cmakk1012 2019-02-07
Take up /r/drama ‘s burden —
Send forth the best ye breed —
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild —
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2019-02-07
when it says "grass" does that mean weed? sorry I'm a boomer i'll take my answer off the air thanks
1 capthazelwoodsflask 2019-02-07
Needs more brapping but otherwise a good job.
1 Power_Incarnate 2019-02-07
You lost me at intolerance and racism. Grass can go fuck itself though, itchy little shits.
1 urilupinmygrill 2019-02-07
Are there still mde subs? Asking for a friend...
1 Voltairium 2019-02-07
Tag yourselves, I'm the mayonigger with the axe
1 MikeStoklasaBackup 2019-02-07
1 HarryD52 2019-02-07
1 MikeStoklasaBackup 2019-02-07
No u
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2019-02-07
Needs more labels.
1 windupcrow 2019-02-07
I am the sky in the OP.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2019-02-07
1 uwugirl 2019-02-07
getting mad at chapo just means you don't understand anything about drama
1 HarryD52 2019-02-07
Chapotards are bigoted and bluepilled, and therefore not welcome here.
1 uwugirl 2019-02-07
Are you sure you're on the right subreddit
1 nukeforafrica 2019-02-07