Watch cognitive dissonance in action

1  2019-02-07 by long_time_lurker_01


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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What's the statute of limitations on the Court of Public Opinion again? This Kavanagh shit is old news.

It's not Kavanaugh, you reading-impaired retard

Some professor foid is accusing the Virginia's lt. Gov. of male feminism

So basically within a week every important member of Virginia's government has been revealed to either be a rapist or a racist

Fentanyl Americans are pieces of shit

Color me surprised

He's Basketball American though.

And we have to believe her. the Lt gov should resign immediately.


One comment exchange says it all

Ya'll can NOT pretend this woman isn't as valid as Dr. Christine Blasey ford.

... wellll...

No one is pretending she isn’t valid. I see everyone calling simply for a proper investigation.

Listening to these people blather about Ford's "credibility" is like listening to "people" go on about Clinton's "electability".

Both are built on nothing but marketing.

What I don't quite understand is that there's a huge power imbalance between the person with their literal teeth on someone's penis and the owner of that penis. Also, with an unfettered access to testicles. If you have changed your mind and are upset with the turn of events, gently nibble on their member while squeezing the nads and any misunderstanding will be instantly resolved.

Women are weird.

I mean, regardless of the situation, if somebody bit into my dick or balls my first reaction would be a swift knee to the jaw.

a swift knee to the jaw.

Really inadvisable, if you think about the mechanics of the situation.

Human jaws are already strong enough to bite off fingers. I think you can figure out what slamming their jaw shut with your knee would do to your dick.

They claim it looks fishy.

While the blackface thing may look fishy indeed, the sexual assault story is old news.

It didn't "magically rise in the same week", it rose because of the other two stories.

Imagine twelve people dying from eating at your local Chipotle and someone bringing up that just last month twenty people died at the same chipotle.

We're not talking about both stories because of the friggin illuminati. We're talking about them because they're connected.

When they do it, we get to be morally outraged and demand their immediate exile from polite society.

When we do it, then we get to laugh and say that it doesn't matter because they aren't onboard with immediate exile anyways so we're just obliging their standards.

It's because my side is never wrong and never does anything wrong.

Wouldn't it be easier if we just didn't believe any women?

Sounds fair to me.

Ya'll can NOT pretend this woman isn't as valid as Dr. Christine Blasey ford.

she wasn't though. That woman was lying through her teeth and it would not at all surprise if me if this one was doing exactly the same. politically motivated accusations in the metoo era isn't limited to one side.

/r/drama is run by Russian agents

Exactly. She never wanted “innocent until proven guilty” She never reported this to law enforcement. This is possibly* a hit job from the right.


Author of Twists of Fate: Multiracial Coalitions and Minority Representation; Assoc. Professor of Politics; Research on Race, Gender, Society, Social Justice

Looks pretty right wing to me.

I get the feeling the concern trolls are all over this one.

concern trolls

Using retarded internet's peak like this in your seriousposting
