Another one bites the dust

1  2019-02-07 by brd4eva


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Just a reminder that this is inceltears fault for bullying this poor guy into suicide

Seriouspost: If you're honestly that depressed just leave Reddit for a while. Find a healthier cope. Just do something harmless to take your mind off life. I'm not a fan of IT, but it's just a sub. Places like braincels will honestly just rot your mind. End Seriouspost.


Reddit is the only place these people can really go. They’re shunned everywhere else. On top of that, you have another subreddit constantly bullying them. It’s the equivalent of getting bullied in school but you can’t stand up for yourself.

Yeah it's like the government and your parents are forcing you to go to reddit everyday and get bullied. Simply no way to avoid it, tragic

Most human beings require some sort of social interaction and support network, it's kind of what it means to be a "social animal". This is just another example of how the average person considering themselves "good" is bullshit, they'll think of themselves that way and bully these type of way into killing themselves, some people are okay to bully, and some people you are supposed to (pretend) to care about. And for the record, I don't care either, I just don't pretend to care about some strangers, and not others. But I realize you can't make an effort to understand the mindset of someone who does not share your worldview, without actually being that worldview yourself personally, so inb4 ur an incel.

I have harassed the shit out of someone with PTSD after being rude to me on here and tried to get them to kill themselves. They were REEing about how I was following them and harassing them with sockpuppets 3 months later, I totally forgot they existed and did no such thing, they were just so paranoid off of 1 hour of me sending nasty messages that they were fucked up mentally for the next 3 MONTHS Maybe more people should try it. Feels good, man.

Most human beings require some sort of social interaction and support network,

Maybe, but the internet is absolutely NOT the right place for that, and way too many people have started to think it should be.

People with little or only 1 option take what they can get.

No nigga, they just think they are better than all the other ugly weird kids so the isolate themselves rather than just hanging where they fit.

The internet just feeds into their delusions of being better and creates a false sense of community that appears as an only option. Text on a webpage is not social interaction, especially when it's people you don't know irl.

Oof there's a lot to unpack here

Yikes, problematic to say the least.

I'm not advocating against suggesting strengthened security to people, but gloating when they go ahead with it seems in poor taste.


Its over

Also, go eat a bunch of White Castle before you make any decisions of the permanent variety.

I get a crave sack before making all my important life decisions as well.

get well soon

Barely a month into the new year and women have already murdered two incels on this sub alone.

Wow, thought it was harder than that killing someone, as a woman.


Nice, another notch on my belt.