Woman receives the gift of a micropenis after marrying her husband who refused to do sexy things before marriage.

1  2019-02-07 by RidingMyKeyboard


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Congrats to ed for tying the knot

Is that where he's been?

I have doubts- 1.25” seems rather excessive for Ed - 12.5 mm maybe.

Ed's new wife during sex like: 😴😴😴

His other wife likes it though, inshallah

implying that ed is a breeder

Fake news

thank god


It's quite a upgrade after years of getting the knot.

For all of you who keep asking, it's about an inch and a quarter.

Well played, dicklet. Well played. 👏

He is an inspiration for all of us.

Charisma 20

Penis 1.25

Some people get all the schlong... Lucky bastard





Like a jelly bean, apparently

This is the peak male body

thats like a thumbnail

That quite short.

Congrats for Gallowboob’s marriage! Mazeltov!

Now there's a burn any Reddit user can appreciate.

Keeping 1/4” relevant.

inch and a quarter

That's what? 3cm? Jesus Christ, how do you even have sex with a dick that small? You'd have to fuck a dwarf or something.

I dont even think that's physically possible to have a dick that small

Midgets have normal sized torsos.. so probably also normal sized bag.

how does one in his situation not end it all? serious question folks

Is she sure it's erect?

mod announcement

Why do they pretend like they're school teachers keeping people in check? Fuck off man, you're a janitor on the internet. You clean up digital diarrhea FOR FREE because it's the only grain of power you can get in your pathetic life.

Y’all can’t play nice so the thread is locked💅💅💅

This is why we can't have nice things 🙄😏

I don't understand what's so bad about a thread exploding into drama. Isn't that exactly the kinda shit reddit is for?

People looove being in charge and shutting other people down just because they can.

Shut up or I'll complain.

World of cops


Right? God forbid we come here to see what people have to say. I get personal attacks and illegal stuff and all that blatant disrespect. And I get topical stuff that maintains the sub's integrity. But if I want to get into it with someone who's willing, why does anyone else care? Anyone, including myself is free to exit the conversation when it's not fun anymore. And this sub proves people love to watch other people argue.

I will choose not to subscribe to a sub that could be really interesting if there are excessive rules about content. "No loaded questions" is the worst. Why not? Those are super fun.

Why do mods delete comments that are too offensive?

They wanna feel like heroes.

Y ' A L L   F O L K S

uh oh, looks like you guys can't play nicely. since you can't play nicely i'm locking the thread until you grow up

edit: user reports

Fuck you


Jesus fuck


Trust me I’ve seen goatse before, just wasn’t expecting it.

Sigh... unzip

Fuck you I was literally eating chips when I clicked that

Always check the address 😏

Ew fuck you

Ugh fucking hell!

Now THERE'S a blast from the past. Dare I say it, an ass-blast from the past.

Nice. A classic

"Where was anyone breaking the rules in the thread? There was nothing but civil discussion."

[you have been banned]

"What, why was I banned?"

[you have been muted]

They're powerless in real life. This is the only escape they get.



I would talk with you

modicide when


Except for gallowbussy

Got any more of them sponsors bruh??

But how else can they compensate without showing their e-peen

I imagine them all to be like this dude:




wow, that was terrible..

He was probably thinking that if he enforces his authority she will suck his dick.

Nah, I think he's aroused by humiliation or something. You can't be as socially clueless as this guy.

Remeber, he is a mod.



omg... why did she do that to that guy.


4 fuc's sake



It seems like he has a history of hitting on her, despite her being aloof. I don't think she's at fault here, but who knows, maybe she's a cunt for no reason.

for no reason

Dude look at his fucking face. That's all the reason you need.

being hot in cosplay != being fair game for any dweeb ass neckbeard.

guys who don't take the hint deserve the shame.

He's a mod, that's all the reason needed

I already knew what video this would be before clicking it. One of the most painful videos I've ever watched. 10/10 Will watch every time.

Every big-sub mod is like this, 100%.

i know what happens in this video and i still havent watched past 5 seconds in

Ouchie. I'm dead now.

Because the highest authority they know is teachers cause they never grew up.

It’s over for modcels

Soon....after the Chinese mega corporation takes control, there will be Chinese children taking over mod positions.

New snappy quote

God you're just not a good person. I want to talk with you, but you're too busy talking about Bill Clinton. I will out logic you at every step. I really want to talk to you because I think you're a terrible person and I want you to change my mind.

If they're gonna act like my goddamn kindergarten teacher, they could at least provide me with apple juice, animal cracker, and at least 2 hours a week playing with the giant fucking parachute thing.

The mods at r/ufos are horrible and I always think this

do elaborate

There are always weekly/monthy pitbull threads that get locked by mods on r/aww. Pitbulls get posted so much there that I swear someones buying upvotes for pitbull propoganda. The last one was a pitbull next to a newborn. It's fucking weird.

I see you're a muslim and you want something posted to topminds. But you don't have enough time to talj with me?

i do, i just dont want to

Everyone and their mother knows you don't want to talk with me. But I want to talk with you and I have a pretty good reason


im here for you bby

This post is art.

Definitely seems dishonest to lie about such a little thing.

I see what you did there

Where, I can't seem to find it.

so much toxic masculinity smh

It’s not toxic masculinity to mock men and making them feel bad for failing to meet superficial standards. It’s only toxic masculinity if those men do things we don’t want them to do, like have the wrong opinions.

Found the tiny dick

You spend your time looking for tiny dicks? This is like a hobby for you?

Don't hobby shame me

This isnt hobby shaming but kinkshaming. You have fetish for small penises ?

Carry on, but always remember “small things amuse small minds”.

small minds like niels bohr?

If he practices long enough one day he might did his own

Anybody mad about this post has a tiny dick

I'm actually extremely happy about this post.

Lol superficial? The dude can’t fuck ffs that’s a bit more than “superficial”

He can fuck superficially- beauty is only skin deep after all.

Haha I’m sorry that you have a small dick sweetie

This is an actually good take, please delete it, the correct take is that these 'men' were mysogynists in a past life and were reborn as lower life forms for karmic retrobution.

dated for six months and got engaged for six months

U-haul lesbians are more patient than this.

U-haul lesbians

Wow, did not know this was a thing. I actually know a couple now that I think about it.

U-haul lesbians

help I'm retarded what does it mean

This is infinitely lamer than the already-super-lame lmgtfy. It's like when they "Bing it" in Hawaii 5-0. Disgusting.

I actually edited the link away from lmgtfy. I haven't used it in a long time, and now it seems the domain has been monetized (for me) and doesn't even through link to the search--it just demonstrates how. All in all, disappointed/10, 4.8 stars.

Lesbians who think every relationship is the one so they move in together immediately.

Gotta take advantage of wanting to bang before the dead bedroom sets in

Meet on Saturday, move in with a U haul on Tuesday

lesbians move fast like that. Their sneaky, you need to keep your eyes out, one could slip into your own house without you even realizing it.

😱I need to double check my locks

Better check your basement/attic/garage/etc, they might already be I the house! No need to check the closets though.

Just follow the sound of remodeling - or the trail of Home Depot receipts.

They’re all about that Bed Bath & Beyond

I kind of want to have a few lesbians move in, I've got all sorts of home improvement ideas that I haven't gotten around to yet.

You might be lucky enough to have Mormons knocking on your door. They are honour bound to help you until your project is done.b

Last time I checked my attic I found a bunch of Jews

Did you call terminex?

Yeah, at least they can finish the job, unlike some exterminators 🙄🙄🙄

Haha! Fuck you!


Get off the internet REEE

I'm male but I like the flair

No need to check the closets though.

No, that's where R. Kelly hangs out.

Don't bother with lock just make sure your doors aren't extra wide and you'll be fine.

How would op get in his house? 🤔🤔🤔

This is why I replaced all my weather stripping before winter.

Lesbians cheat on each other a lot too. They end things very quickly as well

And beat each other a lot.

Truly role playing as men

Stop I can only get so erect

Even foids can't trust foids.

I'm a man... am I safe?

Nope. Lesbians go after twinks. Stay safe.


I read this to my lesbian friend and she agrees with your entire statement.

I'd give you gold if I had 500 coins

The kind of people who bring a uhaul to a second date because you're already moving in together.

Stereotypically more common among lesbians.

Bing is your friend.

From personal experience though, it's basically when a straight girl becomes a lesbian and falls madly in love with the first dyke they date. The U-haul referring to them moving in together almost instantly.

I know a girl from high school that did this. Got married at 18 right after coming out as lesbian. Has something to do with them being insecure and wanting to get into a committed relationship so they feel loved as a lesbian.

did they stay together tho

Its predicated on the cliche that men want sex and women want long term relationships. This leads to the stereotype that gay men are more promiscuous than everyone else and, conversely, lesbians rush into long term relationships faster than everyone else. Hetero relationships supposedly balance the two impulses, in theory.

the stereotype that gay men are more promiscuous than everyone else

lmao "stereotype"

Me too. It sounds like a porn genre.

I feel bad pinning that on lesbiens because I definitely know some staight men and women who do the same thing.

What's a u-haul lesbian?

What's a Google?

Nigga I wasn't even willing to read up 2 comments to relieve my ignorance, you think I'm going to search Google?


Honesty, I like that.

Apparently, it's lesbians who move in together really fast (like 2nd date fast).

Holy shit, I had no idea this was a thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U-Haul_lesbian

dated for six months and engaged for six months

That's the big tell. A lot of kids from Middle Eastern fob families do this just so they can get laid. Their marriages often don't last.

This isn't just sui-fuel for dicklets. It was sui-fuel they accidentally consumed because they thought it was life fuel. Tragic.

user reports:
1: He's speaking from experience folks


There's a couple things people don't realize about incel comments. One is that the observations incels make are usually 90-100% correct. The other, counterpoint to that is incels are still worthless and deserve all the hate they get and then some. Ironically, women and incels deserve each other. Cruel world, innit?

Incels and femcels should be forced to breed tbh.

This is how you get a mega incel. Imagine how ugly and mentally fucked the child of an incel and a femcel would be.

They'd be slaves. No one needs to look at them.

Epsilons a just incels, I get it now

Then breed them with hapas. The result could be placed in the anatomical museum as the most miserable being in the world.

Wtf is up with hapas anyways. They hate white people but they're white

Maybe not though. Think about it. Ultra feminine male + ultra masculine female = 50/50 at a degenerate or chad/Stacy child. Those are good odds

Women deserve Rogers.

You have to take away his gun though. No quick deaths or easy way out for either of them. Just many decades of misery together.

If you are going to disarm Rogers you need to disarm women and take away Twitter from them too.

Without social media women would be 70% less wretched. They both must suffer.

You have to take away Tinder too though.

This is too much. I take it all back.

Either you haven't read enough stuff incels say or you've read far far too much

Name one thing incels are not mostly right about.

That the jawline to nasolabial fold angle needs to be less than 75° in order to score a Stacy.

And also that to women their repulsive looks aren't infinitely outweighed by the constant air of hopelessness and negativity which they project around themselves

That the jawline to nasolabial fold angle needs to be less than 75° in order to score a Stacy.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to cope with that crypto hare lip is not my concern.

And also that to women their repulsive looks aren't infinitely outweighed by the constant air of hopelessness and negativity which they constantly project around themselves

That falls under the 10% they get wrong and incels deserving all the hate they get and more part.

Well I'm a convert give me my loli prayer mat and I'll face toward Elliot Rodger's grave three times a day


am I the asshole for shaming my husbands dicksize on the Internet because I was retarded enough to agree to no sex before marriage?


or is he the asshole for not telling me his dicksize?

Did you ask? Sure, he got you good with that one and probably isn’t the greatest dude but it’s not like he lied to you. Just make him wear a strap on

Just make him wear a strap on

Or she could wear one. Maybe that way some of them will actually enjoy the sex.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure micropenis is god telling your to go trans at the very least.

Or find a girl with vaginismus. It would be a match made in heaven.

I've seen people on reddit who have micropenises say they have done just that and it works out perfectly.

Doesn't sound like drama, but I still want more.

I have heard that trans people need a decent sized penis in order to mutilate it into something useful for their fake vagina.

Dude, we can't chop your dick off because you have nothing to chop


all the people

dude go read the latest i am jazz threads on /tv/ its lovecraftian Lynchian horror

You can fix a little peen; you can't fix stupid lol

Ugh why warp our minds to avoid the only logical solution to this conundrum? BBC CUCKOLDING

a micropenis is so far down the bell curve that it verges on disability.

Women claiming men are disabled for having a below average penis, lmao.

Pizzashill tried to warn us all

We didn’t listen

Pizza also tried to bait us with his cute little twink face. So


How can you even have sex with a dick 3 centimeters long?

Of course it's a disability and she should divorce.

Lesbians manage it, so could this guy.

Yeah, but if she wanted a lesbian, she'd marry a lesbian, not a dude?

She is stupid for falling for the "waiting before marriage", but yeah, she should still divorce. 3 cm can barely make a penetration.

It's tough for him but he has to mention it at some point. Yeah not after the first sip of coffee but definitely before marriage

it does sound like a slightly meatier clit tbqh.

I bet she married a trans person unknowingly.

I have seen bigger clits. On second thoughts, hmmmmmm.

I think grinding is a possibility. Penetrative sex is probably impossible though

I think this is a recipe for disaster.

I think most people won't cheat on their partner just for not having sex (looking at you r/deadbedroom), but it will definitely take a toll. That toll, the deception and lie by omission, plus the fact that she had no reason to suspect that penetrative sex with the guy she loves wouldn't ever be in her future might push her to cheat. I dont mean to assume anything negative about the Op's character (aside from her being dumb), but this type of situation could eventually push someone to do things out of character.

Buy a dildo and get it attached to your hand.

I guess I can, but what if he doesn't like me fucking him with a dildo

Try a vibrator next

So fuck his wife. She'll be nice and tight since she isn't all stretched out from regular-sized dicks.

I know this is r/drama and all, but in what world do you live in where below average penis of that size isn't bad?

Asian country propably.

Well there it is not beliw average

For all of you who keep asking, it's about an inch and a quarter.

Man that shit would make kim jong un's look like a tree trunk lmao

Being bad as sex isn't a disability

Being unable to ever have penetrative sex because your dick is too small is a disability. Before modern tech it probably made it very difficult if not impossible to have kids.

Sounds like a blessing when you put it that way.

have u ever seen a cummy? da cummy shoot out many inch. put da thing in da hoo hoo an shoot da cummy, theyre preg. ur logic aint work due to cummy distance

Try to shoot something at the 500 meters with the rifle that is sawn off to the point where it's ammo is sticking out.

Well, if it’s generic it just be plausible? Amirite?

Are turkey basters modern tech?

I learned the hard way cum doesn't have to make it inside to get a woman pregnant. All it needs is the clit or the lips.

90 upvotes good lord people here are retarded

Sex is widely regarded as a human need. You're basically unable to fulfill that need.

Mom's basement. Size doesn't matter when you're jerking off.

Mad tweezer skills, bro!

If i had a 1 inch penis I would definitely feel disabled. Is penetration even possible with those numbers?

It would be enough to sort of feel like what sex is like but not enough to actually feel satisfied. A living hell, id rope myself.

Is there surgery? Penis enlargement? A penis donor??? Anything??? If transgender men can have a penis, surely there is hope for those with a micropenis, no?

Yeah probably could overdose on test to maybe get an inch. And I think if you were to remove the head and reattach it to a normal sized dick you'd lose all sensitivy. I'm sorry to report that it is over for microcels.

Nope, I read the wiki article on micropeens so take this with a grain of salt:

penile growth is pretty much finished after puberty, no matter what.

Also it affects .6% of males!! So you KNOW somebody with a micropenis!

> implying I know like 200 people

*400. Half of them are women.

Well 200 of them will have micropenises then.

I've heard of surgery where they loosen a ligament so more of the penis is outside of the body. I don't know how much that adds.

And trans men have either a big clit or a neophallus which doesn't work like a penis so I don't know if they guy and his wife would want that.

If transgender men can have a penis

if you mean a useless flap of skin, then sure

Still more girth than OP's husband.

And just as useless

Yeah but it's arm skin so I doubt has any sensitivity

Jelqing is always an option

I seem to recall some "artist" who injected silicone or something into his dick and made it ridiculously fucking huge. As in, too huge for sex. Like, it was girthier than his own thighs.

Maybe something similar but done in moderation could fix a micropenis. But the patient would likely become a shower and not a grower. Also don't take it too far because the guy with the thigh-sized dick got depressed and killed himself because nobody understood his "art".

Those silicone injections are super bad for you and no doc will do them. If the silicone gets into your bloodstream you're fucked. Some dude who injected his balls until they were huge died from it.

He kind of screwed himself by not telling her, but damn they could always use strap ons

it's a fucking inch and a half, that's retarded small

girl discriminated against me for having a micropenis. What are my legal options?

Micropenis is literally a medical diagnosis, it's not just a fun name for adorably small willies


Do you think dudes with micro penises should be able to use disabled parking places? What do you plan on doing to mitigate their disability?

Not all disabilities give you the ability for disabled parking places. Since when did people with mental disabilities get reserved parking?

That was more of an underhanded comment. I'm not just sure why having a sub 6" Penis makes some of disabled is all I'm saying.

I agree but we’re not talking about just under six inches. We are talking about three centimeters. There is a big difference. Micro is considered under three inches.

Dammit man, do some converting for me.

One and a quarter inches.

This isn't about below average dick sizes. Micropenis is about an inch and a half. Thats not normal and there's no way you can pleasure someone that way. I'd definitely kill myself if I had that. Too embarrassing

When we have obese people handicapped parking permits

they should get one of the scooters while shoppin at walmart

If manlets and brainlets are borderline disabled, then dicklets should be as well. To claim otherwise is just dicklet coping.

“It’s about an inch and a quarter”

Let’s say avg was 5, stdev of around 1 or 1.5. He should be in the ~0.01 or so percentile

Dumb bitch married him after only 6 months? She deserves all 1.25 inches of him.

A year but still that's pretty retarded. Who goes a year without seeing their partner naked and then marries them anyway except for the super religious?

Even the super religious do over the pants rubbing.....right?

She rubbed his clitty

we call that clitty clitty bang bang aroindnthese here parts

Someone who wants money from an older man?

My brother-in-law who is a minister and was certainly not a virgin, nor was his 39-year-old bride to be.

business men aren't stupid

Learn to read dork, she said they got married after 12 months.

Who the fuck does that and at 27?!???

Win for dicklets

Definitely seems dishonest to lie about such a little thing.

I wonder how that sub would feel about a trans woman tricking a man into sex.

Reminds me of the old joke:


My girlfriend says that a small penis shouldn't be a problem in a relationship...


I still wish she didn't have one.

Reminds me of the joke: Trans rights

bUt ThEy cAn Be KiLlEd

Really, if I loved a woman enough to get married then sucking her dick every now and then is a small price to pay. That's true love.

/r/AmITheAsshole the first line of defense for every trans man, woman and poledancing child on earth:


How much of a victim complex do you have to have to believe that they would support the trans?

About a year total of knowing him? Yikes

how dare the Man have advantage. Heh feminoids, They dont understand if the game is rigged people are going to cheat.

Roasties btfo when they find out that they cant orgasm from the promise of financial security alone.

Seriously, how retarded do you have to be to marry someone after 6 months of dating? She absolutely deserves to be mrs. Acorn head.

Last time I bought a car I looked under the hood, even though I don't know shit about cars. This chick had it even easier and still didn't do her due diligence. I was kind of surprised that some posters in that thread pointed out what an idiot she is though.

If youre not going to have sex before marriage, you dont deserve good sex. If they want kids, she can get a turkey baster involved.

Anyone saying he’s the asshole is just hoping that she’ll hop on their two incher instead.

The latest batch of emojis features new possibilities for shattering fragile masculinities and capitalism alike.

t. A for profit media company

How do people reach this level of woke? The air is so thin on that mountain, they have to survive on methane.

I kinda want her to get fired, so that people can tweet that emoji at her.

For real tho, she's a worthless journalist making articles about cultural significance of an emoji. She'd be scrubbing toilets if there was no demand for shitty clickbait articles by readers.

Regardless she'll probably be learning to code soon

So much for size doesnt matter

Had no idea what a micropenis was, did some googling. Holy shit, I how do people not kill themselves in that situation? You're basically doomed to be an incel.

Like.. how does it function?

It's not just a small dong, it's barely a dong at all. I'm no penis aficionado, but.. what would you even do with it?

It's basically a giant clit, do they rub it DJ style like girls do?

I have so many questions. /u/Ed_Butteredtoast, please chime in.

Actually you should blow your load whenever you have the chance to. That is what I have done and that is what true power really comes to.

There is magnificent power in the wealth of cum and of the act of cumming.

I have found that it is better to let it consume you, retaining it only hinders yourself and serves evil.

When I say evil I mean the moral busybodies who try to shame you for pleasure.

I engage in astral orgies practically every night where the possibilities are endless.

I've held orgies with many extraterrestrial and extradimensional entities alike.

השבח לאל

The Astral Orgies would be a pretty decent name for a psychedelic rock band imho

ET Orgasms sound fun.

Post the the really log copypasta about sex that has Jewish shit in it.

Mandatory euthanasia for micropenislets

Well you can still have a fun life without sex. It's just that you're gonna have to put up with the whole world shaming you for being a virgin.

Enlightened virgins are very few. Most people, shortly after they start having sex, realize it's not as big a deal as they made it out to be. But the longer someone goes without, the bigger deal it becomes in their heads. On the good side, you get people like Tesla who truly understand what they can be and do regardless of having sex or not, who are almost empowered by having one less thing to worry about. On the other side you get the Elliot Rodgers types and of course the average reddit mod.

It's mostly only western culture that shames virgins

Before killing yourself, at least give surgery a try. Although it's still a dice roll at this point.

There's a really funny New Girl episode about this

New Girl funny

Schmidt and Winston are funny on that show, fight me

all those lil dick jokes, i can't imagine why this guy felt he had to hide it

murder suicide is his only option left tbh

No, murder isn't the answer. Suicide isn't the answer.

Being upfront and vulnerable can be scary, but it's important to be honest with someone you're in a relationship with. Secrets will only fuck things up.

At least this dicklet isn’t one of the “its all fingers and tongue” fags and recognizes he’s inferior

Eh, fingering is way underrated.

so is having a 1 inch dick

I feel like having a 1 inch dick is appropriately rated.

Right she said she went to town on it and didn’t say anything. What did she mean by this?


sorry, let me just say it again


Ha ha that would be hilarious if it wasn’t absolutely fake, most of those crazy stories on confession subreddits are just too good to be true

A commenter is comparing checking if penetration hurts a girl to checking the size of a dick and it has a shit ton of upvotes lol did they not read the part where it said they were waiting for marriage to do anything, how are you supposed to check if your girl can’t take a dick 😂😂😂

While she's asleep, duh.

i'm surprised there hasn't been someone claiming rape by desception yet

dicklets aren't people not because of the size of their dick but because they are obsessed with it and it drives them insane

seriously what did he expect lol

Is everyone taking the bait unironically or ironically

It's too juicy not to take the opportunity to air baggage, also everything on reddit is fake/bait you're not clever for noticing it instance by instance.

not trying to be clever, but this bait is too obvious even for the einsteins here at r/drama

I can't enjoy it when its too fucking obvious.

Does this sub just pretend to believe it these days?

Mod should ban anyone that believes this shit.

Actually reading the linked threads will only lead to disappointment.

Just reply to someone who took the hit & actually read a paragraph, or post something funny

>dated for six months

>no sex


regardless if anyone here is a victim of assholery or not, methinks this is just a result of retardation

Every law should have an exception where if the person that was harmed was clearly being retarded, punishment should just be ignored.

tbh if you're dumb enough to be heterosexual in 2019 you deserve whatever's coming to you

Fuck you can't even masturbat with that cuck nugget. She definitely got fucked in her sleep

How are micropenises real lol

God wills this sub to have content 🙏🙏

Just get him into cuckoldry. Problem solved.

Curious how they would react if someone hid the fact that they were trans until married.

I'd be pissed. I'm bi and I got pissed when I made it with someone who looked like a hot chick and then noticed an erection. Like, I might like penises in my pussy, but surprise penis is the worst penis. I ran like hell.

If he was a tranny everyone would tell the bitch she was an asshole

Gillette, the patron saint of drama has some words on the subject.


someone should make a guy version of this complaining about his wife looking ugly without the makeup

There was actually a story a while ago with this guy who got married to this chick who after getting married he found out looked super different (ugly af) without makeup to the point he was actually Sueing her 😂😂

I thibk that was a korean chick with mad eye surgery and the guy was suoer chessed when all the kids came out with slits for eyes lmao

Lol that’s hilarious! But no it was a black couple. She was mad different without makeup it was like from a 20 to a 2~ He legit felt like he’d been catfishes irl xD

Lol it’s similar but it’s not this cos the story I’m talking about had pictures of the woman.

Its fake, but when I read the story, it was about a chinese guy that was suing his wife because his kids came out ugly.

20$ they’re middle eastern

Couldn't the guy tell her about the small pp earlier?

God her disappointment must be so fucking strong right now aha

serves the breeders right lmao

Get owned by gamergate, bitch

Oh god. I feel bad for her. He obviously kept it till marriage cos he didn’t want her to leave and once they’re married she’s stuck with him

This is how you get divorced, even marriage can't save you from a micropenis

True story. 😂 As shallow as it seems. Having a decent pp is actually 80% build of relationships. You could be a terrible person but if you have a nice downstairs and know how to use it it can be almost hypnotising x

I love how they feel "lied to" because a man refused sex. No means no, right?

When I think my dick is small ,I remember that there's people with Micropenis and I'm glad I don't have that defect.

It was really easy to hide it from her

I feel better about my life now.

Who the fuck is still out here getting married before they fuck??? There’s like a 50% chance you find out that you don’t have any sexual chemistry. Shits wild

Lmao 50 percent, you're a bad lay 50% of the time lol! But seriously most girls i fuck its always a good time maybe one or 2 occward/starfish lays.

Nah that’s not what I mean. I’ve never had like a truly bad lay, but I’ve certainly had some where i found the other person boring or didn’t get any kind of connection and that’s not who I would wanna fuck for the rest of my life. Now that’s enough seriousposting for a few days

Haha i figured just sounded funny when i read it like half the people you fuck pack up mid way lmao

Lmao alright that scenario is way funnier yes that’s exactly right

What a dick, not he micro; but the man.

I screenshotted this post and sent it to my group chat and a girl said this was ripped straight from some female comedian's Netflix special.

well no wonder no one noticed it was stolen

Homie better have a five inch tongue then.

She knew him for 6 months....

Gurl, micropenis is the least of your worries

Who in the hell thinks "Oh yeah, let's post this on Reddit"


Heed her warning I see this in ur future tbh

Another obvious fake story.

This seems like it would be a really small problem.

dick size shaming

I sleep

roast beef flaps shaming


It's pretty fucking depressing seeing how absolutely ruthless a lot of these people are. If you have a micropenis or perform poorly in bed, it doesn't really seem like any of these women have the patience or sympathy for a moment of it.

As a guy with really low sexual interest it really hits home, if sex isn't important or a chore you can fulfill there are very few people willing to put up with that. The best thing he could do is just swear off the dating game honestly

Not surprising the fine denizens of this subreddit are horrified at a woman not being happy with a micropenis. I guess it hits a little too close to home for you lot.

I tried, but he always stopped after it went "too far".

What the fuck was "too far" if she never even touched his dick through his pants?

The post is bullshit. Hilarious bullshit, but bullshit nonetheless.

Imagine taking a man for his word and not having even the most basic surveillance ops on him, and then (LOL) fucking marrying him.

That bitch is the asshole just not in the way she thinks 🤣

Wow such a dick move

Dude should just go trans. At least you get parts that are right size.

if you married him because of his character, all while not being driven by sex, your love is true, stay with him