Sam Harris' recent appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast is not taken well by r/samharris

1  2019-02-08 by challengelover101



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Some stupid neuroscientist or something.

Not even that, his PhD is a fraud. He has a (lol) Bs in Pholosophy though

Beat me to it by several seconds.

People that hate Harris get really bussy-blasted over the fact that he has a PhD and try to do everything they can to play it down.

The rest, however, is pretty spot on. PhD’s are hard, but that doesn’t mean that dumb loons like Harris don’t get them sometimes.

People that hate Harris get really bussy-blasted over the fact that he has a PhD and try to do everything they can to play it down.

It's more about pointing out that a PhD is not a qualification if a) you have not studied anything at a Bs and Ms level and b) your thesis is not relevant nor it proves that you're actually knowledgeable in this domain. Sam's PhD is worth less than a Bachelor Degree

Y u think he's a dumb loon?

We should mod him for all the tards he pisses off, and for being perfectly centrist.

Nice source

One of the "IDW" boy band who talk about pointless, ineffable shit with Peterson and the Weinstein bros and has managed to cultivate a sub of obsessed haters from CTH and fanboys trying to imitate all his colloquialisms.

and the Weinstein bros

I think you are going to confuse a lot of people with this and I like that.

Bunch of bussy. Don't get what it is but Harris just attracts low T cucks 🤔

Don't be fooled, r/samharris is inundated with errant chapos doing agitprop.

low t cucks

errant chapos

the Venn diagram is a circle

r/SamHarris got taken over by chapocels a long time ago. It is just a left wing circlejerk. They pretend like SJW's don't exist even though identity politics is the lifeblood of the Democratic party right now.

Lmao Sam Harris managed to be the only one who got cucked out of his subreddit