T_D unironically upvotes a Ben “Ten-Ton Terror of Tel Aviv" Garrison comic.

1  2019-02-08 by Ghdust2


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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How the fuck

ghost in the machine.

boomers upvote boomer shit


It's impressive how ridiculous of a take they managed to show off in the first 4 comments.

A dark entity the deep state/globalists worship as a god of fortune and power through ritual sacrifice and rape of children.


I find it disturbing that his last few comics have actually made some kind of sense. They weren't funny or insightful but they actually qualified as political cartoons and not just fent-fueled sketches of all his perceived enemies.

Is Ben Garrison evolving?

Maybe all the fentanyl fried his brain so much it just pulled a factory reset

killing niggers

i sleep

killing babies


Wonder if their opinions on abortion change when they find out who's getting aborted

Their opinions also change after they knock some thot up.

mine certainly did

Since when did ed get the n word pass?

Slurpyniggers can't even stop street shitting. How do you expect them to use appropriate language?

That said, the rape thing probably has too much wiggle room since evil women might claim rape when there is none and there's a father that would could take care of the kid. All life is precious, no matter how young/old.

Meteor the earth now.

«In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I plead the Blood of Jesus over the unborn ! Protect these precious souls. AMEN!»

Hahah damn

That dude has to be trolling. Who posts about Moloch that much without showing up to the congregation?

Just use a > in front of the sentence to format for a quote.

How the hell has somebody not shot up an abortion clinic over this yet?

It’s been days now and I’m still struggling to believe this is real life. Mainly cause people aren’t publicly losing their shit over this.

Are normal people actually okay with this? WTF

this is why we hate boomers

shooting up an abortion clinic

normal people


In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I plead the Blood of Jesus over the unborn ! Protect these precious souls. AMEN!

Water is wet.

This severe lack of labels on Zyklon Ben late-work is really starting to disturb and worry me.

Is Ben progressing as an artist?