Some racist gets published saying that the Chosen People people probably got ahead by having good genes. Literal shaking ensues at the idea that (((they))) aren’t just cliquish, goy-hating imbeciles.

1  2019-02-08 by Ruthless-Benedict


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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This place has truly become /r/SSCbutwithinsultsandbussy

still better than subredditdrama.

It's a low bar to clear, but I'll take it.

On one hand it’s annoying as fuck, on the other hand the left has unfortunately had a retarded overload this week so it’s hard to counteract. We need Daddy to send out some baffling, idiotic tweets if the sub is to be saved.

Never forget the pushbacks of 1848

😭😭😭 only true centrists will understand 😭😭😭😭

It’ll swing back next week as is tradition

I'm not even sure of what "back" means, some foid criticizing EK is such a specific kind of drama.


Slate Star Codex, a place for (somewhat) self aware autism.

radical centrists but worth sparing when jesus come back to kill everyone and their dog

Saved by the bussy

"No one should be allowed to do unethical science because of good analytical practices. "


Been getting a lot of content lately for my dystopian novel.

It's true to a degree, we aren't about to experiment on babies, unless they're mayo.

And that's what Chinese science is for.

thats gun be a big yikes from me

These people need to get blogs

Emil is a pedo

Some racist gets published saying that the Chosen People people probably got ahead by having good genes.

I thought it was pretty well established that they got ahead because having fangs allowed them to drain others of their life force. 🤷

PsychLX/Syntax/CogSci @ Newcastle Uni ~ 💜🌶💚 ~ occasional artist ~ opinions=mine ~ RT≠endorse ~ [she/her|they/them] ~ totes profesh🤘 ~ ✨🚨singular they🚨✨

God I fucking hate Twitter.

Lmao she says eugenics. All this says is jews are smart. Thats not even eugenics.

Hahahahahahahahahhahhahaha suck it "race realists". White supremacists are just jealous.

honestly if there is some racial hiearchy like nazis say there is then jews have got to be at the top of it