A Stonetoss compilation triggers a hundred people in r/bonehurtingjuice

1  2019-02-08 by Corporal-Hicks


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


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How did your grandfather die then? ... He fell off the guard tower.


"hey these are kindof funny"


The thing with offensive humor, is that if it really isn't that funny, you're just an asshole.

except stonetoss is hilarious.



It implies that jews are vampires, turning babies into jews by circumcising them, like a vampire's bite.

these are the responses you get to his comics, i cant understand how that isnt funny.

You have to not be able to laugh at Nazis while simultaneously not be triggered to find them funny.

Its mean to laugh at the mentally retarded

Racists irl usually aren't funny cuz the anger shines through too much tbh.

Tbh this is true I've been told I'm one of the few with a decent sense of humor


They’re not funny at all. Which is why they are.

[I refuse to believe that you really find any of these “funny.”] https://i.imgur.com/tHjy5Fq.jpg

doubting DDF's retardation

when will they ever learn

It’s literally r/politicalhumor in comic form but for retarded rightoids

most are shite but there are a few good ones in there. the France one got me.

Yea, some of his comics are funny if you don't take them seriously, but only a retard would think he's just trolling.

It's unfunny, but fucking christ this art style is awful.

imo the art style is pretty appropriate for the medium. Simple, stylised, recognisable, and consistent. Compare with this, for example.

Finally a comic for intelligent gamers, such as myself.

There is nothing funnies than shitting on the ultimate taboo

That one's funny. I'm not saying he's a comedic god but he has good material sometimes.

Other than being meta funny in the sense that you can laugh at the sheer retardation of any person that laughs at this “joke” this is literally the worst holocaust joke I’ve ever heard. If you’re going to serious post in your comedy you have to make it at least a little subtle. This is the comedic equivalent of using a backhoe to plant a daisy.

It's a stupid joke but it's just funny to imagine a redpilled hippie.

I guess I got caught up in how stupid the paragraph long joke was to even notice the red pilled hippie tbh

The trannie one and a handful of the Muslim ones were funny.

He's hit and miss, I like this one though

That one is great

Even a broken clock is right twice a day…

He's got like 3 that are funny on their own and like 30 that are funny because they make people mad and then all the rest is boring

Quick, somebody tell Carlin.

"hey these are kindof funny"

They're funny like Ben Garrison is subtle political commentary.

They're funny for the same reason we laugh at ben, we're not laughing with hin

OP of this thread is laughing with him. Look how many comments that DDF retard has made.

Yes, I'm quite enjoying laughing at him.

If you don't find ol' Ben either ironically funny or unironically funny then you're just humorless. Same thing with Horsey, never gave a shit about his political leanings

But they aren't funny


He's anti-radical centrism smh

Now call him a monster

I'd rather be a monster than someone aligned with Juden Peterstein

LMAO gottem

Nah he's explicitly pro fascist and has implicitly denied the Holocaust. And that's a good thing.

He only broke with radical centrism because the Pride flag reminded him of Rainbow Dash

These are amazing.

The dog breeding one was amazing. Hell, most of those are.

IIRC the guy is pretty honest that hes just using edgy stuff to get his point across and the over reaction to it is part of the hilarity.

using edgy stuff to get his point across

Is his point that black people are inferior?

Or Jewish people control the world?

Sounds like a nazi trying to hide his power level

Is his point that black people are inferior?

Did he actually say that? or is it just a joke ridiculing how people dont want to discuss IQ distribution?

Or Jewish people control the world?

Did you not get the joke?

You are the reason his comics will continue to be distributed because of how much ass blasted you feel every time its posted.

No, he definitely said those things. Even if it's just implied, he said it. It's a documented propaganda tactic to say everything under a guise of a "irony" so apologists can defend the bigotry that lies underneath. And I'll always call out fascism when I see it, because exposing that bull shit in the beginning stops it in its tracks.



Remember when I said Nazis have to say everything under a guise of irony? Thanks for making my point.

did he actually say that black people are inferior? or is it just a joke ridiculing (repeatedly debunked dogwhistle to say that black people are inferior)

If it quacks, it's a fucking duck

Is it that hard to just admit you like the comics because they are racist? Smh hiding your powerlevel is pathetic.

At least your comments make it obvious that you have a room temperature IQ, fam.

Sounds like a nazi trying to hide his power level

oh no!

That doesnt make any sense

He’s telling you to fuck off you retard.

But it's really fun to trigger the fashies

When do you plan on starting to do that?

haha ! damn bro!

Fascism is the only form of government with 100% success rate. FACT!

This is Italian erasure

If you are implying that Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy where successful, what does that make the USSR?

Commie scum.

Still ROFLstomped the Nazis tho..


trigger the fashies

Please don't talk like that. You really shouldn't talk like that. In fact, once you go back, you need to tell your friends that its time to stop talking like that.

Nothing wrong with triggering the fashies if you trigger the commies also.

who needs pinging when they come here on their own?

Are you talking about him or just retarded?

I'm talking about him but I'm also retarded

He’s pretty boring tbh

but at least he's *here.! without them explaining themselves all the time this place just isnt the same.

His comics are essentially just in-jokes among the alt-right crowd.

Most alt-right stuff isn't funny unless it loops around into absurdity like pic related.


The first fun is funny actually

Yeah, that's what I meant by absurdity. Also because the Phantom Menace actually was racialized and had space Jews, space Chinese and space Jamaicans.

post history

competent rebuttal

Glad you agree

why are you in drama if you get triggered by other people's post history? did some AHS thread link you here? you need to go back

Breaking: ddf baby gets triggered after being called a faggot, lashes out

no u


You’re so upset lol

Maybe you can get Stonetoss to draw a comic of your witty post

His point is retarded though. It's boom tier metaphors are real idiocy.

He's an unironic nazi, not just an edgy memer.

Why do you let may mays upset you?

no ure upset.


What really is amazing is that the person who made the album just labeled that comic "racism" and decided that that's enough, point refuted and propaganda neutralized.

If not for some other comments I'd say it's some neonazi triple false flag.

Why is the first one labeled as antisemitism?

neonazis claim jews control the banks/business/the world.

progressives claim white people control the banks/business/the world.

sooooo is it white privilege or jewish privilege? Is saying "jewish privilege" considered anti-semitism?

>not accepting your high IQ Asisn overlords

Mayos and unleavened mayos OUT

dat nigga obsessed lmao

The OP of that imgur album has an imgur account and I can't find any other way to describe other than a "left wing boomer" account

I like the rabbi one lmao. Other than the it just seems like your average nazi flag anon

EDIT: Nazis brigading below, disabled inbox replies :)

o no, people disagree... better disable replies!

Holocaust isnt an opinion

Media narratives having zero historicity is an opinion

the antifa rewrites are possibly the most cringe fucking thing i have ever seen

It even ends with cool story bro lmao

lmao bottom text

I personally think art (comics) should be appreciated without being marred by political/personal disagreement. Both original comics and antifa edits can be pretty good.

The art style is good but the content is trash on both sides

The content is trash on both sides

both sides


the art style is good


It's lazy drawings slightly above stick figures

Idk it just looks good to me. Like a sorta retro timeless thing

It's amazing how little humor or self awareness the rewrite has compared to the original

Having the nazis be weebs should be a joke anyone can laugh at

the problem is they are

it's both funny and epicc

The last few years have been a riot


Me on the right

Tankkkies are the best

lmao bottom text

How do they consistently make them worse?

What a way to start a 'conversation' by shouting in all caps. And its coming from an completeanarchy poster who actually considered joining the US army to build up a leftist network within...

this is almost too reddit for me

Hahaha that's me, it was good plan though. But I tried writing it as a hashtag but reddit auto formatted it to boldcaps

You have to put a forward slash in front of the hash tag to make it work

Oh right the black slash disables reddits auto format. Thank you I'll remember that next time

Is my dead grandfather just an opinion to you? The Holocaust is not an opinion, and denying it is not an opinion either.


Imagine unironically posting stonetoss

They are basically Boomer Facebook memes in comic format. It's also the ugliest comic art I've ever seen and believe you me I've seen my share of shittily drawn comics

Nah it's 4/pol/ memes not boomercon shit. Boomercons love Jews too much to like Stonetoss.

Stonetoss is aight but he's nothing compared to our Lord and savior, Zyklon Ben Garrison.

Ben Garrison is a better artist but less based. /pol/ edits can do justice to him though.

Main draw of this thread is OP frantically COPEing that his fave webcomic's author is a retard.

sticky posting

out out out

lowercase out out out.

Unironically smh right now.

using smh unironically


It's an ironic kind of unironic.

He needs to go back...


oof yikes, this thread is gross and makes my tummy wummy hurt.

Is he a nazi tho? Joking about holocaust doesn't make you a nazi.

Yes but in a good way

How refreshingly not racist :’)

That's how he gets you

I'm not really a fan of spreading around his comics

Lol, is that really all it takes to lure someone to a political movement, even if it's as stupid as the alt-right? How come no one else has thought of this clever trick?

Only a retard would fall for the alt right meme ideology so yeah they can be attracted with memes and comics

basic biology is retarded

divergent populations isolated from breeding happens in all species except humans because that's equality

insinuating a movement that thinks mayos are superior is rooted in biology


alt-right understands biology

doesn’t see that Mayos are biologically inferior.

Sure pal.

Mayos are biologically inferior

And you call the AR racist lmao. I don't think of any race as inherently inferior or superior, we're all adapted to different environments. But at the same time we all have different abilities that may or may not work well in modern society.

Whites have good aesthetics, raw strength, and social cohesion. But their raw intelligence is beaten out by Ashkenazis, East Asians, and others. And their social cohesion is really beaten out and subverted from within by Jews.

Whites would be way better off if they didn't adopt (((Christianity))) though.

Imagine taking an /r/drama comment that seriously

No actual biologist agrees with the alt-right on biological topics

Really makes you think 🤔🤔🤔

They hint at it but they're scared of repercussions. Look at what happened to James Watson.

There are no repercussions for controversial results. Exactly the opposite, actually, they are highly sought for because they rack up citations.
Some senile structural chemist going "black people suck you all know it" and people getting mad at him is an entirely different issue.

The university can and will pull funding if it doesn't like a study.

Sure, I bet you know from all the boomers on t_d who didn't go to college either.

I like how some of them didn't know that rabbis sucking newborn penis during the bris was an actual thing.

The "multicultural = shit" one is amazing because if he understood how shit is created, he'd know that the nutrients (good things) would have been absorbed and the shit is the waste, so his character is having his life sustained by consuming all those foods.

And of course he loves crypto, because he's a tard.

Not to mention that he would still shit if he just ate American food

Honestly when I read it I kind of thought the point was that "in the end we're all the same". If Stonetoss was trying to shit on multiculturalism he did a piss poor job.

Lol I can't believe the replies getting upvotes. Reddit still has hope.

Why does that imgur album have a shoutout to /u/nigmanoname

TIL this sub isn't a cuckfest

oppression is good tho

Why is Chapo allowed to ping and spew their shit all over threads posted there but if we even vote on threads that are linked, /r/drama gets in trouble?

checked out the comments and learned what a evil nazi this artist is


have iq differences between races really been debunked? asians are the top, what's so racist about that?


says the anarchist, constantly making antifa edits of his comics and talking about him a lot

Why is the far right so much better at social manipulation than the far left? Both are full of just as many retards