Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine.

1  2019-02-08 by CommonWrongdoer


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Saying anything not bad about Hitler is always bad optics but she's actually right here.

Nationalism without imperialism isn't bad. But imperialism naturally follows nationalism.

Jew gassing

"Eha, it's my back yard."

I mean, it depends on the gas. If you're giving them 20% oxygen then go ahead.

We can't just assume that "i want to gas the jews" means they're going to use lethal gas. We'll have to wait and see.


Oy vey~ Israel needs to know of another gas attack and my throbbing erection

Also in hiphop vernacular to gas someone means to hype them up

I mean, did you see Hitler's gas bill? Sure glad I didn't have to pay that.

And was it really the most efficient method? If I were a German at the time, I'd be sure to write a strongly-worded letter about wasting my tax money like that.

She literally calls “wanting everyone to be German” one of the negatives.

The problem is that she only says that in the context of Hitler invading other countries and apparently not genociding his own people because she’s trying to push the narrative that “pure” nationalism can not be wrong.

She’s probably down with exiling the Jews which would be a viable option if you are just MGGAing

wat? Hitler literally had no clue what he was doing. He had his own fantasy vision of Germany that had nothing to do with reality and subsequently even prohibited and killed many German traditions to fit his narrative.

Remember Fraktur, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖌𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓 𝖘𝖙𝖞𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌? He prohibited it because he couldn't read it and thought it looked too "jewish"

I mean that is hard to read and does look like Hebrew. But anyway, she didn’t call him a good leader.

𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖑 🤘😈

Hitler wasn't just a nationalist, though, he was also a fascist.

Revolutionary fascism by necessity leads to the casting of a group as an enemy; it cannot exist without an outside icon to rally against.

Remenber, she isn't saying if Hitler wasn't a fascist just if he had better intentions.

Gassing the jews

Executing gays, disabled and political enemies

Building a dictatorship with worshiping of the fuehrer like god

Nationalism without imperialism isn't bad.

yes it is

Lmao @ these political takes by dramacels thinking they're so woke

Nationalism is for cucks.

I mean if you take out the holocaust, gross civil rights abuses, and entering Europe into the most horrific War ever...

Hitler was still a shit leader and Nazi Germany would've collapsed due to idiocy anyways.

Now is as good a time as any to point out that the man who oversaw the Luftwaffe's aircraft production, Erhard Milch, had a Jewish biological father, and only kept his job by getting his mom to sign an affidavit stating that he was actually the product of an incestuous tryst she'd had with her own uncle. Yes, the Nazis literally would sooner have entrusted their fucking air force to an inbred freak than to a member of an ethnic group known for its intelligence.

Anti-semitism seems like a weird thing to add to fascism. Like here's this group of people who contribute too much to society, in a time when technological innovation was clearly related to success in economic and military competition between nations, so what do we do? Give them special treatment according to corporatist principles? Nope, just treat them like gypsies and watch your allies get nuked by tech invented by people who you turned into refugees.

Fascism generally requires an enemy, real or imagiend, against which to rally people; historical European antisemitism meant that Jews seemed like an easy target at the time, although in the long run a bad idea

They already had an enemy in the form of communism, though. Hitler could have claimed that Russian communists were going to systematically rape their way through the country, thus permanently ruining Germany on a genetic level, and he not only wouldn't have been lying, he wouldn't have been wrong. The sensible thing to do would be to recruit Albert Einstein and have him help in the effort to nuke Moscow.

The nazis also got rich taking away Jewish property. Commies have always been dirt poor and always will

Stalin was pretty good at robbing banks.

The thing is that the Nazis funded themselves off of stealing other peoples shit to buy more guns for the government. It doesn’t take a genius to see who has more money out of Jews and Commies.

A lot of it was based on the idea that the Joos were the reason they lost WWI. The commies weren't a big deal in WWI Germany so they could only play second fiddle.

And communism was invented by a ...?


Deutschland Uber Alles!

No, it was invented by a Jew.

A German atheist.

>he fell for the meme that Jews are a religion, not a race

he fell for the meme that Jews are a religion, not a race

Sorry, but unlike you I fall for facts not memes. It's a fact that Judaism is a religion, not a race. Karlx Marx gave up his Judaism when he turn to atheism.

And that why people say they're 1/4 Catholic just like how people say they're 1/4 Jewish

Go away, CAnimal

What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.

So what? There's been loads of self-hating Jews throughout history. Doesn't change their fundamental nature.

Wait, but this means that self-hating jews who reject their connection to their people and embrace antisemitism are evil and bring only death and destruction to the world while jews who don't behave like self-hating cucks create theory of relativity 🤔

Right wing destroyed with facts and logic 😎

(((Theory of Relativity)))

>implying Einstein wasn't a worthless hack who stole the work of Poincare and Lorenz and leveraged his (((ethnic connections))) in the media to peddle it as his own

Face it, goy, ashkenazi genes are superior.

That explains why Hasidim are so interested in "keeping it in the family".

>Implying I care about any religious fundamentalists

I thought Jews were a religion, not a race? Surely, then, Hasidim must be the Jewiest Jews who ever Jewed.

It's both, separately.

Sephardi girls are way hotter than ashkenazi ones

Tfw when you're a mayo-American CAfugee cucking for an ideology dead since the 1940's.

nah, doesnt work. "communism" is an ideology, not a people. fascism needs its Other to be as intrinsically Other as aryans or whatever are Self

> Get into an unwinnable war because your foreign policy is being made by men who think of politics as a giant Wagnerian LARP.

> Waste your dwindling resources in the last months of the war on technologically impressive but militarily useless shit like inaccurate rockets and jet bombers that you don't have enough fuel to fly.

> Try to use your inaccurate rockets to destroy a precision target like a total sperg

> Send your fancy-ass jet bombers to take out all-important bridge, get most of them shot down.

> Bridge finally collapses on its own because it literally couldn't support the weight of the thousands of enemy soldiers who crossed it

> Lose the war

> Watch as your conquerors steal your rocket tech and repurpose it to go to the fucking Moon.

What a bunch of cucks.

Also got mega cucked by Franco, let's not forget that

Because the head of your foreign intelligence service, who was also cucking you on behalf of MI-6, personally persuaded Franco to not help you.

Jesus Hitler was pathetic at pretty much every level.

Makes you wonder what kind of people would think he was a pretty cool guy. 🤔🤔🤔

G*rmans are subhuman, it is known

The Eternal Kraut, fucking it up for everyone since at least the time of the Romans

Old guard goyhaters who used hitlerski as a mouth piece because he was an intellectual retard.

Mostly the hugo boss uniforms, brits and muricans were wearing fucking garbage bags.

Happy cuck day!

fuck the nazis but the popularity of the Romans kinda have to do with their empire literally spanning 2 millennia.

They didn't "have cool shit". Your perception of "cool shit" was created by them.

There were plenty of other empires, the caliphate, mongols, the romans were just really big of being fancy peacocks about everything.

Jesus Hitler

Adolf Christ

Because the head of your foreign intelligence service, who was also cucking you on behalf of MI-6, personally persuaded Franco to not help you.

You have more backstory on this?

Falangism gang what what

Hitler obviously sucks, but the war was started for more realist reasons then ideological ones. Germany had France on one side and Russia on the other. They needed to take both out or risk being crushed. Oc they ended up getting crushed anyway, but Germany used the same logic 25 years earlier in ww1, before the Nazis were even a thing so I don’t know why we assume this is ideological.

Yeah, but attacking Russia in the summer of '41 was idiotic. Even that might not have been fatal if Japan hadn't pulled America into the war, but it can't have been hard to see that war between the USA and Japan was imminent, with the only question being who would strike first.

Or, as happened beforehand with Spain and Italy, France wouldn't risk alienating their own fascists by starting beef with other county's facists, and if Hitler wouldn't have been so retarded as to attack Poland, nothing would have happened. He knew of the agreement to split up Poland, he should have just waited a year or something until moving in to "save the Polish against the red menace" and be a hero, instead of moving in one week before the Soviets and being the asshole.

side with the Japanese who you never had plans to support

side with useless Italians and lose equipment in supporting their failed African campaigns

invade Russia

try to fight industrialized US with superior but more expensive equipment even though you have limited resources

ah yes all those jets built by that industrious Jewish Air Force commander. He's serving his country like a loyal German!

Antisemitism was so rampant you could've added to any movement. Even Karl Marx was a rampant antisemite. And he was an ethnic Jew.

Nazism is an ideology of the untermensch.

nazi ideology started due to hitler reading the ravings of a half mad and assblasted russian general who blamed communism on da joos, so to nazi ideology, communism and Judaism are one and the same. Ignore the fact that commies are pretty damn antisemitic in their own ritghts

Thats the hottest take i have ever seen i would give you gold but im a thrifty jew.

oh yes, Communism, the Frankfurt School, Modern Art, transgenderism, societal subversion, exploitation of the working class, all these wonderful contributions to society thanks to Jews

Stick with shooting fentanyl Cletus, your opinions are laughable

hurr ur facts dumb u drug addicted redneck hurr

so powerful and original

/u/captainpriapism on suicide watch 🤣🤣🤣

It makes perfect sense if you think they're disloyal. If they're going to work against the country, intelligence is only gonna make them more dangerous.

Plus, Jews were not know for their intelligence at the time. On the contrary, they were seen as untermensch.

Nazis supporting inbreeding.

Some things never change.

If some ethnic groups can be know for their intelligence, can others be known for their lack thereof?

member of an ethnic group known for its intelligence

and inbreeding so really what's the difference

Kind of a weird hypothesis, since he build his entire economy to go to war. "If Ted Bundy didn't feel the need to torture and kill all those women, would he have been a good guy"?

Or like saying "Alright we can all admit Idi Amin was a pretty bad guy, but a hell of a bbq master."

Well... What you're bringing up is why we generally look down on these people

it was actually britians fault theholocaust happened. hitler wanted to send the jews to israel but britain said no you cant. no one brings that up though. oh ya and the people in britain who said hitler could not were jews. talk about egg on your face.

Oh you lovable scamp... I'm not taking that bait

literally nothin i said was factually wrong though..if stating facts is bait then maybe i am in the wrong was called haavara agreement. look it up..

damn i really like ur new gimmick. its pretty entertaining, keep it up :)

not a gimmick. just tired of fake news and lies. people need to wakeup....and randy is just the alarm clock to do that..

Not getting many nibbles on this one bud. Probably a little too on the 👃

are you really a woman

Yah 💁



why are you keking ed? did this son of abitch just lie to me?

No. It's the truth, Pastor Randy.

challenge me in the realm of debate, you coward! Stop laughing at me!

i like it but it has to appear more autistic like how the_marx does it

then maybe i am in the wrong place

No maybe about it friend. You'd best be moving along now.

The holocaust happened but it missed a retard.

"damn this foreign nation didnt take in my immgrants, better throw them in the oven instead"

Yeah this was all Britain's fault.

jews wanted to go to israel..look it up. thousands went before britain stopped more comin in..

Stopping immigrants =/= Allowing a genocide you had no knowledge off.

That's like feeling guilty about your friend being robbed because you gave him a gift that the thief wanted.

no it is more like locking two people in a room and you know 1 really really hates the other and has a violent streak. the victim is pleading not to lock the door. for no good reason did you decide to lock the door. the person who locked the door deserves a lot of blame. simple anaology.

lol the harder you try to make this bait work the more retarded it becomes. do better

i am literally saying facts. you can wikipedi a all this

Wellllll.... The Brits knew petty much what was going on at the camps, especially at the end of the war. And they did nothing because the krauts kept putting resources to them instead of the war effort... Tbqh a tough call.

Ah yes, I'm sure the Brits knew about the camps in 1933, and how they were going to be used against the Jews in the Holocaust in 1941.

There was a lot of naive international hope that Germany would just treat Jews as shitty second class citizens (as awful as that was as a "best case scenario") and not wholesale intern and slaughter.

There were other attempts of expulsion but it was a shit show with no hindsight how the Nazi elite would decide to proceed.

I fail to see how any of that makes The Holocaust Britain's fault and not Germany's.

Oh shit no. It was Germany's fault left right and centre. But it is erroneous to say that Britain's Intelligence Services had no idea about what was going on and let it continue in order to help their war effort.

One isn't quite innocent, one is holding the bloody knife in a storage container full of dead hookers. That sort of thing.

But the "moving Jews to Jerusalem" thing happened in 1933 according to Wikipedia, and the Holocaust started in 1941, 2 years after the war started. What was Britain meant to do besides win faster?

Exactly! Shipping them to the Mandate would've heightened already shitty tensions at the start of the war few thought Hitler would be so dumb to start, and as the war went on the dumb Nazis kept putting war usable resources to the camps. Besides there wasn't much for the RAF to do, and the MI-6/5 didn't want to give up actionable intelligence even if it'd turn public opinion (well more than the London Bombing did already).

I dunno if you're British but I think I'm calling it as I see it here...

I'm not the retard saying it was Britain's fault.

Oh I didn't realise that until now, I thought your grammar and argument sounded a bit better lol.

Oh I didn't realise that until now, I thought your grammar and argument sounded a bit better lol.

Tbh we are posting in /r/drama so it's a fair assessment I was a retard, but I assure you I'm just drunk enough to want to get into WWII debates

Well I don't wanna disappoint you too much but you're arguments make too much sense, so no debate here unfortunately.

damn, they don’t want all these poor refugees after we stole all their shit

we better fucking just kill them all again.

Bomber Harris do it again to this fag

germany paid em money to go to israel and jews wanted to go. i wish someone who actually know shistory would reply instead of simpletons like oyu.

Hey /u/annoysthegoys might need to pull the leash on your pet here

When he's acting up like this, he's just for looking attention. Ignoring it is really the best way to reinforce desired behavior.

I know this shits funny tho

make sure to follow my Reddit profile!


Sir, have you been drinking tonight

i Have never been drunk (srs)

I'm 11 too. Does your coach do penis inspections also?

that joke of penis inspection day is literally older than 11

It's only 11 years old to me tho.

Based Pastor Randy

What, you're saying that deficit spending to the tune of a deficit several times bigger than your GDP is a bad idea somehow? Please, we'll just fix it with government bonds that rely on a secondary informal currency!

Who knew?

Dan Carlin has a podcast where he talks about how the Nazi's retardation screwed them over again and again in making military decisions. It's pretty incredible they were able to cause so much damage considering how fucking retarded they were.

It's like the belligerent guy at the pub. No real exit strategy but that pane window is getting smashed

It was their ideology that ruined them.

This speech is pretty good -

Blatant revisionist history.

Any historian that thinks Germany could've come out on top is high.

Just look at the numbers there was no way.

Which numbers, the ones AFTER hitler decided to make a bunch of hair brained decisions or at the numbers during the polish and french campaigns?

America was isolationist at first and they had a non-aggression pact with their largest immediate threat.

Tbh the only war Germany could've won and kept was the corridor war if they stopped there. Every thing else would have required too much resources to keep authoritarian client states in order.

That's exactly what all the generals wanted him to do though and he let the Nazi superiority complex dictate the next moves.

I'm going to agree with the doc here.

This is what most, to me at any rate, people don't understand about the inherent nihilism of Nazism as an ideology. It's need to constantly have an enemy would have ultimately eaten itself alive.

I'm not sure why basketball americans don't jump on the conservative bandwagon. The mayos can't help but fall over themselves when they find a baste basketball american

Something about having enough dignity to not hop on board with the states that wanted to keep your ethnic group as legally-enforced second-guess citizens.

Thinking that isn't going on now

Thinking the Republicans aren't worse about it.

Even presuming that was true, that wasn't what he implied at all, the implication is that welfare cucked black people into becoming second class citizens

No shit he was talking about welfare. It's a common conservative talking point.

Are you saying black people are incapable of weighing short term benefits against long term stability

No, I'm saying Republicans should drop the pretense that they're looking out for black communities and just stick with the fact that ballooning welfare costs will eventually bankrupt the country. Cutting welfare benefits would negatively impact black communities in the short to medium term and there's no indication that they would be able to overcome historical and institutional circumstances to reach general socioeconomic parity with white people. However, there's no long term if the country goes broke. Maybe if Republicans stopped lying through their teeth that they care and just stick with pragmatism, they could get some more turnout. Instead, black people see some white conservative combover implying that welfare is the reason they're still disadvantaged and they rightfully respond with "fuck you".

Look at that, your retardation caused me to seriouspost.

That's a awfully long paragraph to just say welfare good

If that was true then black families should have smaller income growth gap now than 40 years ago

That's a awfully long paragraph to just say welfare good

Good on you for making it through the whole thing! I'm proud of you.

If that was true then black families should have smaller income growth gap now than 40 years ago

Only assuming everything else is constant. Also assuming that household income growth is constant across all incomes. Actually, there are quite a lot of assumptions you would need to make before this metric could ever be of use in discerning the net socioeconomic benefits of welfare.

That was an awfully long paragraph to just say you're an idiot.

Now, ignoring you being salty, it's also amusing to see the attempt to rationalize the growing wealth grow gap without giving alternatives, perhaps it was all the racists governing Chicago?

it's also amusing to see the attempt to rationalize the growing wealth grow gap without giving alternatives

Alternative what? Explanation? I already offered a fairly simple one in my last post. Let's see if you can get it.

Yeah, you presumed rich people are just going ahead, you anti semite

Unfortunately the gap has grown when measuring using median household income rather than simply average, you're arguing from a position of ignorance

Yeah, you presumed rich people are just shooting ahead, you anti semite

I didn't presume it, I flat out stated its possibility.

Unfortunately the gap has grown when measuring using median household income rather than simply average

If average growth rates between white and black household incomes remained the same while median growth rates increased for white households compares to black households, then that would mean that white households experienced greater degrees of income inequality in said growth. I don't know where you found coverage of average growth because I only saw median.

Regardless, median vs average does not impact the second derivative growth, at least as far as I'm aware.

If you suggest it as a "possibility" It's a presumption, if you stated it as a certainty it would not be

Also average growth gap isn't being used because the average would be too influenced by the numbers on top and the ones on the bottom, with median you get a picture of where the household in the middle sits, for black people this statistic is depressing because the gap between the median white household and the median black household has grown, while every other race has been closing it

If you suggest it as a "possibility" It's a presumption, if you stated it as a certainty it would not be

...I can't believe I'm responding with this, but presumption pertains to argumentation. The presumption would be something taken to be true, with this truth forming the basis of the proceeding claim(s).

Also average growth gap isn't being used because the average would be too influenced by the numbers on top and the ones on the bottom, with median you get a picture of where the household in the middle sits

I was talking about skewness in my previous comment.

while every other race has been closing it

Black and non-white Hispanic median incomes seem pretty similar to me. I'm more curious about what the hell is going on with Asian median incomes.

Could you possibly be any more a stereotypical redditor? Are you really going to die on the hill that you didn't presume shit when you started talking about rich people? You obviously believe it to be true, so as per definition "an idea that is taken to be true on the basis of probability." It fits right in, and of course your subconsciousness is lucid enough to fathom that what you're writing is complete tripe and you want to kill yourself

Also your statistics is based on income, which is flawed, especially as we're discussing how welfare ruined black households, you can have a large income and still be a debt slave because of reckless spending

Accumulated household wealth is a much better statistic, it's a telling clue to the relation people have towards money within the different racial groups

and of course your subconsciousness is lucid enough to fathom that what you're writing is complete tripe and you want to kill yourself

This is some serious autism on your part.

Also your statistics is based on income

You're the one that started on about income in the first place.

Accumulated household wealth is a much better statistic

Household income includes investment gains. Once families reach a certain threshold of income they can start investing it. This effect is cumulative. Congratulations on finally grasping my point about income growth nonlinearity. It only took you half a day.

Taking my joke seriously is some serious autism on your part.

Says the person who mistakes banter for being serious, holy shit dude, you must have been greedy hogging all those chromosomes

Also all your stated tripe is meaningless when every other race that began on the bottom has seen better progress than the black community, that has comparatively regressed, so even with about the same income as blacks, hispanics are growing wealth quicker than blacks, and the asians are even quicker

But I'm sure if people keep voting for more welfare it will sort itself out within the next decade or so

Says the person who mistakes banter for being serious

no u

when every other race that began on the bottom has seen better progress than the black community

You keep saying this even though all of the previously linked material demonstrates nearly identical trends of household income growth and wealth accumulation for non-white Hispanic and black populations.

You should have just stuck with me taking this seriously while you write your small essays

Also fucking lol at pretending hispanics and blacks are comparable, as I showed earlier median wealth for households used to be higher for blacks than hispanics, now they've changed places, and hispanics are doing better in areas such as home ownerships and households with both parents present, which are both good indications of future increase in wealth, and what is often linked with decrease in home ownership and single parent households, that's right, welfare

You should have just stuck with accusing me taking this seriously

That's what the "no u" was for.

earlier median wealth for households used to be higher for blacks than hispanics

A ~$2k difference in wealth between Hispanic and black households on both "ends" of that graph is trivial, particularly in relation to white household wealth levels.

hispanics are doing better compared to blacks in areas such as home ownerships

According to Pew Research, home ownership among Hispanic and black populations are almost the same. Meanwhile, the black population has higher rates of high school completion as well as college completion (whose trend is almost identical to that of the white population).

what is often linked with decrease in home ownership and single parent households? That's right, welfare

Lol, what?

I was suggesting that accusing projection was a even more pathetic attempt than just presuming I was taking you seriously, but for your parents sake let's just hope you're being purposefully obtuse

I would also like to see you suggest to a poor person that having $2k is nothing, also interesting rounding where $20920-$17409=$2000

Also you're misinterpreting the Pew Reserach college statistics, % of hispanics and blacks 25 or older with college degrees would include lots of hispanics born outside of the US, while few blacks not raised in the US, meanwhile for the younger generation hispanics enroll at college at higher rates

You've continuously argued from a basis of ignorance, and refuse to even entertain the notion that welfare can have a negative impact on the groups that receive it

I was suggesting that accusing projection was a even more pathetic attempt than just presuming I was taking you seriously, but for your parents sake let's just hope you're being purposefully obtuse

To be honest, I didn't read too much into the fluff.

I would also like to see you suggest to a poor person that having $2k is nothing,

I'm suggesting that the change itself is trivial to your argument because of the relative size, particularly when talking about wealth instead of income. Having $4k more of your mortgage principal paid off is going to be less impactful than a $4k increase in annual income.

also interesting rounding where $20920-$17409=$2000

~$2k difference in both ends, meaning if both ends have ~$2k difference in opposite directions, then the net difference would be ~$4k.

would include lots of hispanics born outside of the US

What percentage of the survey were born outside of the U.S.? The number of Hispanic people that immigrate in one year is a drop in the bucket compared to the existing U.S. Hispanic population.

refuse to even entertain the notion that welfare can have a negative impact on the groups that receive it

I can definitely entertain the notion that a decently sized subset of welfare recipients could be using welfare as a crutch. What I find very hard to believe is the idea that cutting off the remaining majority of families of their financial assistance will be a net positive for these families in the long run, especially those families that work while on welfare. I regard it as immoral to cut welfare on the basis of the bad faith participants. Even more so when the "arguments" behind such a policy are so full of holes.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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See you know you're dealing with a redditor when they have to dissect a three sentence paragraph

$2000 out of $20000 is 10% of the household wealth, that is making it or breaking it at such income levels, have a little bit of reflection, and I commented on the strangeness of the rounding because the difference is about $3500, but instead of calling it at $3000 you attempt to lowball it to $2000, I don't know who you're trying to play but yourself

Also the percentage of foreign born hispanics in the US is 35%, 47% for those above the age of 18, nearly half of adult hispanics being born outside the US and therefore likely not educated in US colleges is not a small number, I would like to point out that again you're arguing from a position of ignorance

Lastly, it's not about punishing "bad faith participants", it's about not giving people the opportunity to become dependent on welfare, no matter the intentions of the recipient

See you know you're dealing with a redditor when they have to dissect a three sentence paragraph

t. Redditor

$2000 out of $20000 is 10% of the household wealth, that is making it or breaking it at such income levels, have a little bit of reflection

Once again, at that wealth level, you're looking at people just paying principal down. While important for financial security, it's not going to lead to higher wealth growth rates. Do you not understand how wealth acquisition works?

I commented on the strangeness of the rounding because the difference is about $3500, but instead of calling it at $3000 which one could call reasonable you attempt to lowball it to $2000, I don't know who you're trying to play but yourself

Lol, you are really fixated on that number.

Also the percentage of foreign born hispanics in the US is 35%, 47% for those above the age of 18, nearly half of adult hispanics being born outside the US and therefore likely not educated in US colleges is not a small number

I concede on the point that high school and college levels. I'm glad we'vw gotten that tangent out of the way.

Lastly, it's not about punishing "bad faith participants", it's about not giving people the opportunity to become dependent on welfare, no matter the intentions of the recipient

The entire basis of your argument that welfare is a net negative for the majority of it's recipients rests on a $4k net difference in wealth between Hispanic and black populations and the higher rates of single-parenthood among black households. That's incredibly weak grounds on which to justify depriving one-third of American families of likely necessary assistance.


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While important for financial security, it's not going to lead to higher wealth growth rates.

Financial security is the most important factor for wealth growth, when you have money that doesn't all go to essentials is when the household can begin accruing wealth

Lol, you are really fixated on that number.

"No u", should have just let it go then when I pointed it out, or if not admit it either wasn't a very bright move or that it's purposefully deceitful

That's incredibly weak grounds on which to justify depriving one-third of American families of likely necessary assistance.

Let's be honest though, both hispanics and blacks are very dependent on welfare, so it's no wonder the net difference is no more than 1/5. The numbers get far more illuminating when comparing them to asians. At the end of the day the correlation between rise in welfare usage and decrease in household stability is strong, causation is of course tougher to prove, but it's certainly thunkful that the ethnic groups that received the least welfare avoided thing such as nonmarital brith rate growths the most, regardless of prior wealth

Financial security is the most important factor for wealth growth, when you have money that doesn't all go to essentials is when the household can begin accruing wealth

You don't get returns on mortgage equity that you can then invest. $4k extra a year (or around that post-tax) in income, though, can go to paying down more principal on your mortgage. It's meaningful, but in the grand scheme, an extra $4k in wealth does not have the same impact. That was my point.

Paying down your mortgage is an investment though, land property is the oldest and most solid investment, that's why it's so concerning that home ownership is lower now than it was half a century ago

Yes, it's very important. However, most people at lower incomes will probably be using all of their "investment money" to pay down principal, not investing in financial vehicles. Granted, net worth can increase through home price increase given sufficient equity, but these are very illiquid gains and cannot be readily reinvested.

strange how income mobility is pretty high for poor whites then despite those gosh darn socioeconomic factors and cultural factors

socioeconomic factors and cultural factors

Pretty sure poor white and poor black populations differ quite a bit in these areas. Poor whites are also on welfare. Maybe there's something else at play. Regardless, you've really demonstrated how magnanimous conservatives are toward black communities. You've made a believer out of me.

nah poor whites and blacks of equal monetary status still have quite different outcomes. Cultural factors! I'll just talk to my local poor POC and ask them to be more culturally accepting that will do great won't it

Are you retarded? I'm saying that poor white and poor black people live under very different circumstances in general, particularly rural vs urban differences.

Are you retarded?

Yes. And an unabashed seriousposting one, to boot.

and if you control for all of these socioeconomic and other factors black Americans still grow in income much more slowly than similarly located white families. Even the adopted ones! One wonders how they got there in the first place, since the same holds true no matter social class...

if you control for all of these socioeconomic and other factors

Rofl, what study did you find that was able to control for all of that shit?!

attempt to control ofc. No control is perfect. That said the difference is stark. I'll link u when I'm back home but here's what I found on discord: (I haven't read this one, not at my computer lol)

Btw if you don't respond I'll happily do your argument for you I desperately Need drama

attempt to control ofc

From what I've read, there was almost no attempt to control at all.

Mixed-race (Black–White) adolescents reported an intermediate number of sexual partners compared to the two parental populations, even after controlling for socio-economic status (Rowe, 2002).

This is the only mention of any kind of control within the study, and that sentence was preceded by this:

Race predicted sexual behavior better than did socioeconomic status.

Also, it's weird that you have a Discord you can casually refer to to readily find studies on race...

yes it is a completely unrelated study like I said I can't get that study since I'm not at my computer

It was. Half a century ago.

You know what else happened half a century ago? When the Hart-Cellar act was introduced, Ted Kennedy(a progressive by 60s standards) assured Americans that it "would not change the ethnic makeup of our cities". If he said that today he would be crucified by Republicans and Democrats alike.

Guess what Sherlock. the political landscape of a country changes.

I'm not going to respond to someone touting the "welfare harms black people" shit with a serious response. Bait for bait.

I miss the times of Black Separatism. When they just spoke for themselves, instead of feeling the need to join the deranged PoC-worshiping whyte progressives or the fentanyl-induced racist mayo conservatives.

There's only room for a few based black conservatives. If too many jump on the bandwagon they won't be special anymore.

They've basically scored Candice Owens and that's basically it

It's hilarious anyone thinks Candace Owens has a genuine bone in her body. She's just whoring herself out for an attempt at a media career and taking the easiest road possible.


What was confusing about my post?

Would you be willing to help her out and put your bone in her body? 😏


This is doing a bunch to fight the (totally fake news) image that rightoids are all just a bunch of Hitler jacking degenerates. Did mention that Nazis are actually socialists despite how much righties jack off to the idea of strongman Adolf, minus the whole Jew thing.


Meh the actual quote isn't as bad as I thought.


The part about nationalism may be attention grabbing but the actual stupid part was where she said the problem with Hitler wasn't that he was a nationalist but that he was globalist, lol

Candice Owens is a turbo autist.

She is illiterate but get away with it because she is black. White guilt rules the world of drama. More of it, can't wait for a confrontation with Commie Babe

It's not white guilt it's right wing BASED BLACK CONSERVATIVE tell in' it like it is

Ever met someone that you're fairly certain should have had some sense beaten into them by their parents but never did? That's basically Candace Owens.

Did she really need to explain that Hitler was an Evil person? Does anyone honestly think that she was defending ANY of his actions? She was clearly talking about a single word being stained by history.