Anarco-Capitalism Visionary Killed in Mexican Murder-Capital But It's Totally a Safe Libertarian Paradise Guys

1  2019-02-08 by Lachryma_ud



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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


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John Galton 

Ancaps really are the paste eaters of the political spectrum

I'm not reading the whole thing. Is that really his fuckin name?

Their exchanges are like in the Metro Saga world don't you know?

They use bullets as currency, they were just trading, not attacking each other.

Fucking ignorant statist, smh

You're totally right, if you have the money to buy guns then using them is just another form of capitalism.

They’d recently moved into a big house on a mountainside and were eyeing an ambitious push into the artisanal bong business.


Being a disgusting mayo wh*toid violates the nap