Look at this shit

1  2019-02-09 by Alicesnakebae


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

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This post is further proof that this sub peaked during 2015-16, we're currently only living in its ruins.

Black people commit over 50% of the homicides while making up less than 14% of the population.


In 2011, blacks made up:

  • 49.7% of all arrests for murder

  • 32.9% of all arrests for forcible rapes

  • 55.6% of all arrests for robbery

  • 43.6% of all arrests for prostitution and commercial vice

Source: FBI statistics, 2011

41.6% of blacks are on government assistance.

Source: US Census Bureau statistics

I checked the username twice