Why y'all niggas getting upset over drawings? There's several threads a day crying crocodile tears for the plight of "underage" fictional characters.

1  2019-02-09 by TheSmugAnimeGirl

Besides, everyone knows that shota bussy is the best bussy, bar none. For a sub that's supposedly full of bussy-lovers, apparently you can't handle the golden grail.


dOnT wOrRy I jUsT lIKe DrAWiNgS oF kIdS tO gEt OfF On - /u/TheSmugAnimeGirl


oh wow look at this cute anime girl

oh hey here's one with no clothes on, kinda gives me tinglies

oh check out this sexy cosplay of that anime girl!

hmm, this one's a bit young but I'll still fap

here's a young one with a cute little vagina, hot!

oh this picture of a little girl modeling a swimsuit reminds me of that loli

fap fap

I can't believe I fingered my niece and got away with it!

last night, Tyrone was NOT gentle

The untold story of Lena Dunham.


Gross and disturbing-pilled

Also the true story of Gamergate.

You should go back to KiA


Please don't touch any children 😕

Literally die in a hole you retarded cancerous virgin piece of shit. This is exactly why you will spend the rest of your days shitposting from your basement until your parents die or stop supporting you. You will end up homeless spending all of the spare change, given to you by happy successful people, in internet cafes to shitpost more and jerk your tiny dick to pathetic anime children. You're neither funny in real life nor in this chatroom, you are a pathetic excuse of a human being and deserve to spend the rest of your days in a literal shithole. Yes, a shithole, a hole filled with shit, just like you. No one likes you or will ever like you because you are the most repulsive pathetic excuse of a human being I have ever interacted with. I hope that you have a painful death where no one will notice you fucking degenerate piece of shit.
You will die alone.

K pedo




You have to go back

Loli, or Lolita Art as I like to call it, is the highest and most noble of human achievements and one day the disgusting intolerance faced by myself and my fellow connoisseurs will finally end.

We shall overcome.