Old Drama: Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams: DEWHITEWASHED

1  2019-02-09 by SenorNoobnerd



A response to the highly criticized "Wildest Dreams" music video that romanticizes white colonialism by depicting a dangerous historical revisionist fantasy version of Africa as one big reservation for wealthy white folk to enjoy the exotic, to them, animals they've culturally appropriated while almost entirely excluding actual African people from the proceedings.

Taylor Swift (no stranger to controversy from perpetuating black stereotypes in her Shake It Off video, trying to shame Nicki Minaj for speaking out against discrimination and posting on notoriously racist website 4chan (see image below), noticing a pattern yet?) has already shown you her outrageously problematic imperialist vision of an Africa where People of Color have been removed as to not disturb the view from her private plane.

It's time for you to see the REAL Africa, from the perspective of the strongest people on Earth: Africans, who bravely flourish there despite ongoing exploitation from rich westerners, in this remix video that puts back the Africans back into Africa. No matter how much the immensely privileged Ms. Swift and other first worlders wish to erase the struggle of these beautiful people this video ensures that their hatred will never triumph, not even in their Wildest Dreams.



Uhm, you forgot a period. perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Now I understand why this sub like Taylor so much.