1  2019-02-09 by jko831


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post -,,

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GB is literally the most hated person on this website yet every person that sends him hate is automatically a user from our tiny little subreddit.


The fact that GB can't lock threads here must really piss him off, and the him acting like he has insider admin knowledge is super rich.

Again, okay

But seriously oh my god fuck gallowboob

I'm just honestly shocked he managed to mangle the immortal "shh bby is ok" quote. dumbass.

Damn I miss it already

r/gallowboobarchive is still going relatively strong

Not anymore!


use imgur, pleb

Imgur is for normies

Imgur is just as shitty as Reddit you fucking mong. Imagine referring to yourself as an imgurian.

Imagine referring to yourself as an imgurian.

I'd just die tbh.

I went through an imgur phase and you know what? With the amount of toxicity and insufferable people and communities I've been subjected to since changing platforms I kinda wish I never did and just kept looking at doggos and being a normie trash on imgur.

Imgur is just Reddit's picture bitch. How do you find Imgur without first finding Reddit? What does Imgur have to offer from the get-go that makes Reddit a less desirable browsing option?

So many questions. I question your humanity.

Imgur is just Reddit's picture bitch.

It's been much less so since reddit started hosting ""content"" themselves.

Reddit.v videos and gifs can't be shared like imgurs. It's a huge problem imo as I try to share cute cat videos on the daily and if it's a Reddit.v I have to actually copy the entire thread link and no one knows wtf reddit is. Stuff hosted on Imgur I can share easy peasy but Reddit for some reason won't let you right click and share their shit.

Take a URL and append DASH_1080 and you'll get a link that you can share without having to expose people to Reddit. Here's the top /r/aww vid right now.

Unfortunately the sound in these vids is split off into a second stream. The only way around it I've found is to use youtube-dl and then rehost the mp4 it spits out on a file host like

I was looking for an image hosting for something and found imgur. I think it was the first english speaking platform I "socialized" on? So I actually switched platforms from one in my native language to imgur.

I actually found out about Imgur before reddit. I just liked looking at memes. I still do, but I did too.

Like how the fuck do people get into imgur like that? Just looking up new images published and commenting on them? Like with no forum categorization or whatever?

You also just described Instagram

That would explain why I also don’t get Instagram

I assume it's people that just aren't familiar with message board formats that come upon imgur and simliar sites (flickr/shitlikethat) and assume that that's normal.

Imagine wearing a Reddit shirt, with a snoo on it, in public. Oh my god...

Someone in my apt complex has a Snoo sticker on their car, and I want to key that shit so bad, I swear.

Imagine using imgur for anything more than simple image hosting.

Implying one of his alts isn't a mod here.

Other way around, he's obviously /u/DarqWolff's alt

Even I can at least remove posts here. The man you're referring to is truly powerless on the galactic plane.

When DarqWolff shits on you, you know you've truly reached the bottom of the trashheap of life.

I don't think there are 500 active users on this sub honestly so for him to say 500 death threats came from drama is comedy.

fuck gallowboob

Blocked him months ago, it's been glorious.

The fact that GB can't lock threads here must really piss him off,

He's still not over the fact he was removed as a mod here

What am i looking at here i cant see with all that mayo

Robert Allam being a shit

As usual

I'm in r/CenturyClub and r/EternityClub but I've never interacted with either in any form. Didn't realize there was drama to be found there.

And yes, my dual-membership does make me consider my safety.

I only see it every once in a while on my front page and it's an even stinkier fart-sniffing club than SRD.

I refuse to believe such a thing is possible.

Imagine SRD, but limited to the power users who only have over 100k karma.

Reddit was a mistake.

CenturyClub is like when r/AgainstHateSubreddits users talk about normal things. Most bland ass sub possible. I am yet to see a single thread there which is interesting even slightly.

i remember making an account, reposting a bunch of shit, and getting into centuryclub. it was literally the lamest shit.

Apparently one of them went to the zoo. Do these people not have Snapchat or Instagram stories?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they made reddit stories at this point

That's very praxis of you fam

yeah i know fam.

anyone can do it: find low-effort subreddits where the moderators don't give a shit (e.g. /r/gaming) and repost old submissions. for each post you can pretty much tell how well it will do within the first twenty minutes. when i did this about two yrs ago (on multiple accounts) it took about a month to reach 100,000 karma. /r/centuryclub is legitimately really boring though; most people there just post dumb shit about their personal lives... like who gives a fuck?

What's even easier than that is reposting comments to top reposts because they're less likely to get clipped by a mod.

So what exactly are those places. I've never heard of them before today, and I guess you have to be invited or some shit.

they'll only let you into /r/centuryclub if you have either 100,000 link or 100,000 comment karma. it's basically a club for losers. idk about /r/eternityclub but based on the description they only let in people who's made a post that's gotten in the top 25 spots on /r/all. the latter is really easy to do, or at least it was when i was doing it a few years ago—i've made it to the top of /r/all several times by now.

or 100,000 comment karma

Oh damn, I thought it was link only. Brb, I want front row seats to this shitshow

i've made it to the top of /r/all several times by now.

Ya, but bro, your colon is like super photogenic.

idk what you're trying to say

In their pre-filled access request message:

I am a dirty karmawhore. Please invite me.

At least they're somewhat self aware?

Eternityclub is for people who get a post or posts on /r/all I’m pretty sure.

Eternity club is as exclusive as a Trump county club. Century club is actually hard to get into, but is pretty lame and boring.

CenturyClub is one of the most stuck up, self absorbed bunch of people on the site. There are some cool people in there, but the whole sub is a circle jerk of how elite they are on reddit.

None of the people I know think we’re “elite” because we’ve managed to accumulate large amounts of useless internet points.

It's not something that's ever explicitly said, Drewie, it's an attitude. You know it exists, you've been in there forever too.

It's not like anyone's talking about "dirty plebs" or anything.

The type of person who actively pursues membership for such things is the type of person to really enjoy a good pat on the back. A circlejerk sub fits them well.


You got the boot because you're a crazy bitch with a persecution complex


Yup. I know what I did.

Why did YOU get the boot?

Glad to see you've joined the dark side

I am the dark side. Ask the mods of CC. I'm literally hitler to at least 2 of them.


Well I am, so I can talk to you I guess. I don't even remember what you got tossed out for.

Oh lol nice

I demodded preggit from r/top and indirectly called the creepy fappening dude a degenerate loser (here's me doing it directly). I think that was just the straw that broke the camel's back

Oh yeah now I remember that.

He did you a favor.


Hi there,

I'd still like to know why I was banned from insanepeoplefacebook with no explanation other than insults from you who offered "get lost loser" and a torrent of misogyny from another mod.

Pardon me for resorting to leaving a comment here, however, this appears to be the only way to query what appears to be targetting harassment by you and others

Targeted harassment? I don't know who you are dude stop messaging me

Should I post screenshots of your response?

One of your colleagues has banned me from a series of subreddits and immediately muted my query about it. I messaged you extremely politely asking for clarification as to why I had been banned from one you moderate with them. Your response was "get lost loser", hence my further query.

I am not suggesting you personally are targeting me. That is your colleague. You, however, responded immediately with abuse leading me to ask you to explain why you feel this behaviour is acceptable.

I don't intend to message you again but, as I said in my original message to you, an actual answer about why I may have been banned from four subs, three of which I've not or seldom visited, would make me very grateful.

Considering you appear to take your position as a mod seriously, I imagine you might agree that "get lost loser" is not a constructive response to a polite question.

Dude bussy lmao

That's ok. I can wait. When you have some spare time, I'd still be very grateful to find out why your colleague called me a bigot then banned me from insanepeoplefacebook. They obviously don't want to explain it but if you could ask them or check I'd appreciate it.

Is it cos you're insane?

I suspect I might be the only one in this conversation who's not.

It's pretty confronting to see a pair of people who moderate hundreds of subs between them behaving this was in the face of polite questions, to be honest.

Haha what the fuck us this conversation 😂🤣😂🤣 dude this is r/drama 🍒🍆 why you doing this when the government is spraying stuff in the water that makes frogs transgender? Fuckin chemtrails ☣☣☢✈✈🦄 wtf amirite

I'm explicitly informed the real problem is feminism being revealed as a front for transphobia.

Yes. She's insane.

Followed me via my userhistory to a new subreddit that had only one post, mine.

Commented in my post: OMG stop harassing me!

That's like driving across town to stand in a random garden shouting at the people eating dinner inside the house to stop stalking her.

Sorry? I followed you?

You threw a tantrum because I said women had every right to debate the fairness of transitioning transwomen entering women's leagues without being called transphobic and banned.

You screamed bigotry at me. Banned me and bu the time I'd woken up in the morning I had an inbox full of ban notifications from various subs you mod, most of which I've never visited.

But sure. I'm crazy.

You're a liar and you're insane.

You're a bigot or a bigoted TERF

You didn't send that to be before your mute and ban rampage?

Post bussy.

I have no idea what you're actually ranting about but considering you mod over 200 subs I think your attitude is ridiculously childish. You're exactly the sort of problem mod /u/spez and his team should be dealing with.

You are literally a left wing clone of the abusive trolls on /r/the_donald and everything about your behaviour seems to be intentionally toxic.

Yes. She's insane.

Followed me via my userhistory to a new subreddit that had only one post, mine.

Commented in my post: OMG stop harassing me!

That's like driving across town to stand in a random garden shouting at the people eating dinner inside the house to stop stalking her.

And now she summoned me here via ping. So that's nice.

As expected of a t_d poster

Which is a t_d MAGAt? /u/angrypotato1 or /u/merari01 ?

Should I post screenshots of your response?

Please do!

What do those do again? I think I got access to them on my previous account, but I never had any idea why.

No idea. Facebook? It’s just selfies.

Eternity club is a pretty wholesome place

Now get /r/tenebrific for the trifecta :p

it warms my heart knowing it thinks we are to blame for the shit fest

r/drama is behind everything. We are the Jews to the 9/11 that is Gallowboob.

Then that makes /u/drfahrenheit Osama



I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Overruled. Sorry, Chairman.

What kind of comments does the Automod remove? 👀

We're now compliant with the great firewall

That's not very specific. 😞 益ლ

Just post correctly

Feel Team 6


Is GB armenian?

If so, I must issue a personal apology to all of reddit.

No, but you should apologize anyways

Did you know that swallowboob was in the fire stairs of tower two taking photos to post to r/pics .

Nah he stole those from someone else too.

The hate he gets can't possibly be due to him being a PoS it has to be the fault of an internet boogey man.

Ya know, cuz he's such a presh angel baby.

It's amazing how a few posts not sucking his dick have managed to cement /r/drama as this shadowy organization responsible for everything bad in his life.

Of course /r/Drama is the reason people know what his wang looks like. Not him sending those pics out.

But don’t you love it?

Lol yeah thr gucker got me banned from a sub that was on my FrontPage for merely saying Netflix and the mods said that was "harassment"

It brings me joy to know he must be scrolling through these threads, absolutely seething.

This is an unironic reminder that /r/drama follows Reddit policies and expects the same from it's visitors.

In light of the perilously thin ice we are on, remember to follow all of reddit's rules. This especially includes the rule against harassment.

Harassment on Reddit is defined as systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that Reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or fear for their safety or the safety of those around them.

Being annoying, vote brigading, or participating in a heated argument is not harassment, but following an individual or group of users, online or off, to the point where they no longer feel that it's safe to post online or are in fear of their real life safety is.

Don't give the delusional the satisfaction of reality.



tell it to the admins, lol

Actually if it’s planned harassment then it is systematic. I’m off my grammar game.

participating in a heated argument

I love heated reddit moments

The cat ear headphones indicate trouble is nearby

Where are these from, Ed. You've got an arsenal of them.

It's from "Marsey the Cat" sticker pack. Here you go:


OwO what's this?

The cutest kitty in the world! 😻😼

Wait a sec, are you actually russian?




GBs pressence makes me not feel safe on Reddit. Ban him plz.

fuck your rules, cunt

best mod

like being the smartest guy in special ed

this tbh

I'm gonna drop my fursona for a sec and say, pls don't let the sub fall through the ice




He is I, and I am him, slim with the tilted brim.

Never accept your government name!

Okay. If you look at my profile it says HodorTheDoorHolder on it.

Why couldn't you simply have not committed suicide?

It was all in the plan

So autism.


A true dramanaut, even to the grave.

It's literally over for the TayCels in /r/drama.

/u/ed_butteredtoast literally on suicide watch.

in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that Reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation

It's not a safe place for regulars to express their ideas because GB's karmawhore shitposts muck up every major sub

because GB's karmawhore shitposts muck up every major sub

In reality, this guy has no effect on your life.

In reality, a lot of things don't affect my life. That doesn't mean they're not stupid.

I just don't get the huge chimp out this guy causes.

People hate spam? And taking reddit seriously is a detestable offense

The goyim have officially been put on notice. Based mod.


Gallowboob is a pedo and it will never be forgotten for as long as I can make reddit accounts.

Then why is r/chapotraphouse allowed to continue?

idk, I'm not an admin

because they never pissed off hangingtits so it's okay

Harassment on Reddit is defined as systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that Reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or fear for their safety or the safety of those around them.

So what Gallowdick does?

If only Reddit enforced this. I’ve been cyberstalked for months and they’ve done fuck all

Reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation

Is that their actual definition? if so, that's incredibly ironic.

I've been on 4chan since the month it was opened. I've seen things that would make other people vomit.

Post a pic of your hentai tattoo as proof.

here's mine

mama mia!

I've been on 4chan since the month it opened. I've ~seen~ jerked off to things that would make others understandably vomit.

I've jerked off to 4chan porn since way before I could communicate in english. I've found all my fetishes there.

I've discovered all my fetishes there.

Can't leave us hanging like that. Please do tell.

I unironically have a fetish for procreation and a dislike for anal and blowjobs. I am more degenerate than any of you.

Ah, the good ol' breeding/impregnation fetish. Just a guess, but you also like mother/son incest right?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Not judging btw

Eh, anal is a pain in the ass

Mostly gay shit. Don't tell anyone tho

Holy shit, that's so hardcore I just came blood, please don't hurt me mr. internet master

Well well bitch I was part of allthegore before it was on the interwebs.

So are you a weeb or a goon?

I was on 4chan the month it opened.

Written unironically and without shame.

Chicanery like this is why is banned from /r/familyman

It's a good sub!

I like Petter Family and Lewis Family and Christ Family. I HATE Mag Family

Second best show is trailer park men!

Richard and Jillian and SUDS always getting into situations! Hilarious!

It's a good show!

God dammit. I really hope someone doesn’t make repost man call Spez daddy and nuke this sub. I’m not going back to my old account and jacking off reposts and RESIST threads. The whole non-meta site is just so fake pretentious and fucking boring.

As ecastatic as I am about pissing GB off this much I really do not want to see this sub get shutdown. I unironically love you guys and would be devastated tbh 😭

Yes, I am aware this makes me a faggot.

Don't worry. It will literally never happen.

It will happen. GB just has to suck off spez a few more times this week for his wish to come true.

Don't forget that he has to use his alt army tomean ping himself here to make it look like we're being meanies

Holds y’all tighter

If it happens we can start a commune and live on my land, I make a great soup

Bless you 🤗

I look forward to this and it certainly won't devolve into a cult

Cant wait to impale a pig head on a stake

cult of platys, Tay and bussy

"Cult" usually implies a bad thing

I can chop wood, do basic bushcraft, cook potato boats in coals of a fire etc.

We could have an irl r/drama and treat the neighbors/businesses in town like other subreddits. Mods can sleep in the house, lawlz can sleep with the pigs and during the winter/rainy season all approved submitters can also sleep inside. I'm not against kidnapping Taylor Swift either

I can chop wood, do basic bushcraft, cook potato boats in coals of a fire etc.

r/Deuxrama is still alive so if anything happens there's always that shithole

Same tbh

Implying we couldn't just make another subreddit

As long as the admins don't pull an MDE on us and shut every related sub down along with this one.

Obviously that's plausible, it wouldn't be the same though!

So is this the thread that will make the sub go private again?

TBH I just hope it doesn't shutdown just because GB is throwing a tantrum. There are way better ways to get this sub closed and having it closed because "haha GB xD" is such a shitty hill to die on.

deja vu, this comment was already said 4 months or so ago

4 days ago.

there couldn't possibly be a better hill to die on then endlessly mocking a loser who takes the internet too seriously

Gallowboob is already bitching like a toddler in CenturyClub about it and his other fart-sniffing buddies are supporting him.

Just dox him on twatter and say oh I thought he was conservative to avoid the ban.

Does anyone have a link to the thread where they called him a cow?

Cow Boob?? 🤤🤤😵

My alt is in r/CenturyClub and it's the most boring sub on reddit. 90% of posts are people whining about their jobs, Nintendo switches etc. Imagine the most mayo sub possible and there you have it. I am yet to see a single non-mayo person in their selfie threads.

Also, the sub is full of 40+ years old single mothers and 50+ trannies for some reason.

The selfie threads 🤢

You're in there too? Lol. Why is everyone there posting there a weirdo? Half of the users seem like those caricature soy-cucks that Cringeanarchy talks about and the rest half are divorced moms/Grandmas. I am yet to see a single user there who is less than 25 years old.

It really is surprising that the users who spend the most time talking to each other on the premise that they are really good at reposting and making content that appeals to the broadest possible demographic to get a lot of karma have the most sanitized, humorless, basic personalities and ways of expressing themselves online.

Wait, that's actually the opposite of surprising.

I can bet 90% of them live in suburbs. They talk about the most bland ass shit as possible.

Last time one had a friend over it just kept snorting through its nose and saying "look at this post on /r/funny"

Don't worry BaD, I think you're cool B-)

Hey, aren't you a r/Drama mod?

We dun take kindly to yer toxic kind round here

Now skeeter he ain't hurting no one

If there's a skeeter on your peter whack it off

Why is everyone there posting there a weirdo?


Why is everyone there posting there a weirdo?

Because that's the only sort of person that actually cares enough about having 100,000 karma on reddit to post on a super secret 100k+ karma club.

lmao hes the mod talking to GB...

Lets start r/centuryclubGW

Lol, you don't want that, believe me. Users there should wear a burqa, not post on GW subs.


/r/centuryclubnsfw is the active one



What? It's not like you'll let anyone in from /r/drama.

I'm sure if anyone truly wanted to they could get in using alts I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nothing is truly private online anyway, as shown by this thread.

It never was, the idea that private subreddits, especially ones based around karma count, are "secure" is silly.


I unironically don’t want to see nudes of anyone that posts to r/centuryclub.

huh, sorry /u/thediggitydank

He didn’t say anything about masturbation gifs

Shit. You’re right

Damn. And I thought I looked pretty good all tied up.

sub exclusive to people who shitpost on Reddit constantly

Surprised that it's absolute dogshit


Any of the mommies hot?

I have an alt in CC as well and all the moms look like BelleAriel and the dudes are dumpy ginger mayos with male pattern baldness, scruffy ginger beards, and they all wear that stupid hat that makes them look like a newspaper delivery boy from the Great Depression.

Welp looks like I'll delete my account if it ever reaches 100k

So they're all cocksmoking faggots, got it.

No. They do have 5 cats each. So there's that.

There's at least 3 black guys in CC, from my recollection.

Yeah and a few Asians and Indians at least.

Haven't seen any of them in selfie threads.

Nintendo switches

jesus christ. the memes write themselves

Also, the sub is full of 40+ years old single mothers and 50+ trannies for some reason.

So basically /r/menslib then.

In my experience it's a lot of older users. Lots of beards. Witty, wiseassy, beardmen who love their karma.

What is a mayo sub?

Imagine a bunch of wypipos talking to each other about the most wypipo shut possible.

I literally only got into it because i remember a user posted an ass pic that i wanted to see.

I was underwhelmed when i found out that user is a gw regular.


yeah i think so.

I am yet to see a single non-mayo person in their selfie threads.

Now now. There are non-mayos there.

I'm not anymore, because I argued with liberals too much... but there are non mayos there.

I know who it is lmao. Dude is a psycho piece of work who belongs in a mental institute let alone on reddit.


What did he mean by this? 🤔

reddit is the perfect place for phychos. just look at how well /U/Gallowboob does here. ill ping him fuck you

What a weird account. Two years old only activity on Reddit.

Almost as if your false flagging it for him to have an excuse to shutter this sub...

you're giving me far too much credit

Next time don't be so obvious.

Gallowboob altposting on drama. The lust for karma overcame his crippling insecurity.

GB is trying to finger drama! I need a shower. 🤢🤮

Well if it keeps him from fingering children then our sacrifice isn't in vain.

Who in ever living fuck is gallowbob and why is every single thread on drama about him?. Clearly we speak of some time magazine cover levels of relevancy and influence here.

Dude is a power mod who reposts to reddit for a living and gets really upset when criticized. This has led to him doing things that should have gotten him banned.

He's Reddit's most annoying power user. Prolific content stealer, reposter, power mod, super thin skinned expired-mayo-minded sjw.

He's the things that make Reddit the cringy snore fest that it's become.

He's been after this sub for months now trying to close it down cus he's maked out of one ply toilet paper and was made fun of.

In before I get nuked for the original screenshot

God he's such a faggot. Imagine being a janitor for an internet forum and doing it for free

He's not doing it for free, he's a Netflix shill at the very least

Imagine working 140 hours a week for next to free

Even worse, he's a Bong


Oooh I cant wait for this place to go private again because we were fucking with gallowboob too much

this is a fun cycle

Your sub is soon gone. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Case #14562253793 of reddit powerusers taking the internet way too seriously. PEAK toothless threat.

peakest C O P E

It's like an internet tough guy found a way to be an even bigger pussy and is internet tough guying internet fights. What a double faggot.


Maybe if this shit hole gets banned we can remake it and have pinging again

/r/FreeDrama is an SRD spin off sub unconnected with drama that has pinging.

Start pinging gallowcuck then see how low you have the privilege left.

This right here

I could've sworn he was saying that exact same thing last year. Did he forget?

Your sub is soon gone. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Case #14562253793 of reddit powerusers taking the internet way too seriously. PEAK toothless threat.

Nice snappy quote.

Your sub is soon gone. Enjoy it while it lasts.

people have been saying this about r/drama since like 2014

PEAK toothless threat.

reddit powerusers taking the internet way too seriously.


"Some fuckface who is downvoting other CCers. So just some total piece of shit"

Their definition of a "piece of shit" is someone who downvoted Gallowboob 7 times. This is how much these retards care about their good boy points.

"death threats"

Nobody sends death threats, that's so 1980s.

Bussy demand is the new black

Hog pic blackmail. You know they're out there.

Dude gallowboob lmao

Imagine working 140 hours a week for next to free

Mayocide can't come soon enough.

User: It's targeted harassment at me



I wish whoever took these screenshots would have used their galaxy brain and opened up all the downvoted comments 😤

LOL GB is so dumb.

He's on here using alts to ping himself. He's desperate af...

How has he not figured out that reacting is the worst possible move in this situation? You know a person has no life offline when they can't just stop using a website for a few weeks until people get bored and move on to something else.

I can't take anybody who unironically says "toxic people" serious anymore. Literally 90% of this dude's comments contains the word toxic at least once, is it really so hard to realize that when so many people are "toxic" to you it might be time for some self reflecting?

This comment was sponsored by hulu

"The hive mind is toxic."

(When someone politically liberal is having their time under the heat lamp.)

The hive mind is great and correct and wonderful when they are going after "wrongthinkers" online.

these comments are hilariously faggy

I take offense that they screenshot all my shit but didn't even upvote to prove that I was winning the argument.

Everyone knows whoever has the most upvotes is right.

The jerk.

Now is the chance to redeem yourself! Show us those screenshots!

Nah, I'd rather you not have joy.

You did alright in there.

Shocker, it's almost like I'm a reasonable human being that has been here for longer than a decade and has had actual unwarranted hate/drama thrown my way.

I actually can't remember you being hated tbh. You have always seemed to get along with people pretty well.

I've been posted to drama and SRD and SRS at least 50 times...

At one point people talked about me ruining reddit the same way they talk about GB.

Yeah I remember, but I honestly think the vitriol is way worse with GB and you didn't actively seek out as much attention as possible.

You getting picked on just seemed like people bandwagoning on a thing versus having legit complaints.

I upvoted a lot of your comments in there the last couple of days. You seem to be one of the few power users left that have reasonable opinions (even if I don't agree with a lot of what you have to say). Reddit was a lot better when it was an actual platform for free speech but a couple of the top users have way too much power now and use it very negatively. I don't mod any big subs or deal with that shit any more so I'm a bit out of the loop but it's really frustrating to see. Reddit was way more fun 5 years ago.

sending nudes to people who argue with him

If you ask a man to post hog, you had best be prepared for the consequences

Holy shit andrewsmith1986 in there, that has to have been one of the first toxic power users on this site.

This is why 4chan is superior, all the faggots who try to garner attention can be insulted and shat on until they get the fucking point.

stern. stern but fair.

i think the lesson from 4chan is more that there will always be some people who never, ever get the point tbh

but there’s way more samefagging

You can do that here with alts.

IRC was the same way back in the day. You talked shit, you got DDoS'd to death, or the bnc you were on, and continuously. Maybe reddit needs to start exposing IPs ;)

When the sub goes private I'm gonna need an invite

This, but unironically.

me 4

As well me


Same for me.

Does it really matter? Do you really need /r/Drama to find the hottest chapo said a thing thread? Or a /r/politics said a thing thread?

I think getting an invite for when the sub goes private is probably a bad thing.

But same.

Do you really need /r/Drama to find the hottest chapo said a thing thread? Or a /r/politics said a thing thread?

Yes, you do. Don't lie.

There is no bottom of a barrel that we will not scrape


yeah same

Yes hello hi I wanna be in the private orgy too, will send bussy pics



Seconding but mostly so I can keep up with all the hottest Tay Tay Worldwide news

Me too

Imagine being unironically mad about someone leaking screenshots of posts in your treehouse.

Imagine being addicted to online echo-chambers, lmao. Gb has the big faggotness

I am writing this letter to you to demand that you end your harassment campaign against me.

With the exception of a single response to show that you have read and received this message, do not attempt to contact me in any way. Do not spread rumors or any information about me. Do not attempt to interfere with the /r/memes community in any way.

Do not talk about me or my activities on,, and all other social media and electronic communications platforms. Do not collect or spread information about me or my actions. Do not spread disinformation about me or the actions that have been taken in the /r/memes community.

Do not attempt to persuade or coerce any moderators or any other third party to take actions in the /r/memes community. Do not coordinate with any third party in an attempt to disrupt or interfere with the /r/memes community.

Do not use scripts, bots or any other denial of service tool or website in order to interfere with the /r/memes community, do not request that any other third party do so.

I am the founder of the /r/memes community and have run it for 10 years, I am greatly emotionally invested in the /r/memes community and the site Your actions to coordinate harassment against me have left me emotionally disturbed and distressed, and I have suffered anxiety because of this. You have shown reckless disregard for my safety in your actions to spread disinformation about me and coordinate with third parties in order to persuade them to harass me and interfere with my business in the /r/memes community and on

The continued actions you have taken against me serve no legitimate purpose, and are willfully and knowingly done in order to torment and harass.

I request that you send me a single message to show that you have received and read this message. Beyond this single message response, I demand that you do not contact or interfere with me any more. I will be sending you this letter once every 24 hours until I receive a message from you stating that you have received this letter.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Don't talk to me or my paw ever again.

The way he's acting reminds me of non management employees who think the company will fall apart if they leave

Yeah, we get it, you mop the most floors but 3 redditors could fill your spot, either way it won't cost reddit shit.

Imagine being that bearded faggot kike gollowboob. Now imagine not killing yourself.

why does your reddit look dumb as fuck

Y’all hate the dude because he’s better than you, lol.

you're just jelly cause hes popular on reddit and you're not

The retard at the special Olympics can beat me in the 100 meter dash. I must be jealous.

Hey guys look, it's gallowboob's alt!

I didn’t check usernames I thought this was a shit post, yikes

I am a Type 1 diabetic, and I also suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder. Welcome to my Reddit account.



Oh dear, it’s braindead.

Y’all are so mad because he’s better than y’all lol

r/freedrama is always available if this place goes down

Imagine bragging about being an early adopter of 4chan

Imagine not being a member of r/centuryclub lmao

Downvoting someone is harassment guys, just remove the downvote button already admins smh so unprogressive

Admins should have clipped it when they did r/incels and r/coontown. But hey it's happening soon. They have been up to no good. RIP


nothing is wrong with drama

i cant wait to see how far this faggot skilless unoriginal assembly line thought-reposter survives if they change it up. something like: votes can determine popularity, but user pings should determine visibility

itll be easier to trace who promoted/pushed content to be viewed by others, instead of only showing a creator a user liked the content. hell even if you dont know another user, just ping someone who created similar content. real people will figure it out and years old accounts with only a pinging history can be easily found

What kind of fenty rant is this?

its bitching about a common annoyance that spreads across multiple sites except it offers a half ass solution so its not a waste of text

opens image

first phrase seen is “Some fuckface who is downvoting other CCers”

this is already too autistic even for me, I’m out

God Gallowboob is such a fucking faggot.

Just posting in this thread so GallowsTit will ban me from all his subreddits 💁🏼‍♀️👶🏽👨🏿‍🌾

Now he's using burner alts to ping himself in this thread. Dude's seriously beyond pathetic.

Please OP it’s too small and too much to read, plz, 1 sentence or less! Or by allah you will taste the sole of my shoe 😡

Gallowboob why are you the way you are? What went wrong? I'm seriously curious.

Biggest Vagina on Reddit goes home and tells mommy and daddy(admins) he's being picked on. Wah!!!

If drama gets closed because of GB, I will kill my self

Anyone who bullies /u/basicallyadoctor is an enemy of the people.

here is to hoping /r/drama goes private again soon

Just posting a comment here so I can pass the wall next time this sub go private.

It's over for drama-cels

This is how Trump will get reelected.

Hey guys, what's up?

Mmm, sexy Sunday morning Drama. Cheers lads

If this sub goes private again where will I get my weekly drama dose?

Imagine being the guy hes dating. What an actual mindfuck 🤕

lmao @ "piece of shit who belongs in a mental institution" coming from fucking Gallowboob...

Or anyone else in a sub that's dedicated to people who's major achievement in life has been interacting with people on reddit tbqh

Let me in when you go private. We all know it's coming, and I've been left out the last two times 😤😭

dude is a psycho piece of work that belongs in an institute

He says after recovering from an episode in which he sent nudes to minors in his meltdown

Admins should have clipped it when they did r/incel and r/coontown. But hey it's happening soon. They have been up to no good. RIP

لماذا هو الإنسان لوطي؟


Wow what an interesting post history 🤔🤔🤔

u/gallowboob i promise I'm not going to kill you. its ok bby

JoJo Siwa i promise I'm not going to kill you. its ok bby

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Y’all still jealous because he’s better than y’all, lol