What did he mean by this?

1  2019-02-09 by hyledog


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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Maybe I’m looking into this too much, but did he capitalize TRAIL as a reference to the trail of tears?

You're not, we're in for some juicy drama.

Oh it’s fucking lit

Its ambiguous enough for him to deny and say he was speaking of just the campaign trail. The only way Warren can beat him is to make an even more offensive yet ambiguous joke. Maybe something about james town settlers being cannibals...that's too obscure. She should just call him a faggot

What's Trump a descendant of? Plenty of material if he's Irish or Italian.

He is Trump MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod.

Except he didn’t troll her ancestors, she is a faux Native American. It’s her fraud that’s been trolled.

Yeah, but it can only be trolled by treating it like it's legit. He couldn't say the same thing to Hillary Clinton and get that effect.

Most people know she fraudulently claimed to be Native American, presumably to gain some minority advantage and points for being part of a disadvantaged group. Trump will make sure they don’t forget.

/r/PoliticalHumor poster


I was trolling those faggots.

Yikes posting

Please leave, faggot.

Actually you toxic fucks are the unwelcome ones.

Shut the fuck up you idiot.

Acting like I cant beat the absolute shit out of you at any time of the day. You're fucking lucky that I have the restraint to only insult your low IQ or else you'd be in a world of pain. Now, please leave, faggot.

Please leave faggot


Buy extra strength bleach

Holy fuck, moralposters OUT OUT OUT


2004 called and they said that aint it chief

Listen dude, I just come her to laugh with the bros and say slurs. If you can't accept that then I need you to leave.

Hey everyone, don’t listen to this guy, he browses the hate-sub known as r/MillionDollarExtreme . He is literally a Nazi-Russian-Troll

im an mdefugee


He is attacking her Native American ancestry.

She doesn’t have any Native American ancestry, BECAUSE SHE IS NOT NATIVE AMERICAN.

We're all native American on this blessed day

Doesn't matter, Dems can't bantz. Or they're afraid to.

They go high, we go low

They go low, we go even lower.

They already tried to make fun of his family's original name with drumpf

Well that is a pretty stupid name, as someone with a stupid name myself.

Yeah but making fun of a name that a person's family changed generations ago as some kind of insult is pretty retarded

Wasn’t the whole point that he called some journalist or actor by their changed surname?



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The whole thing was exceedingly weak.


German and Scottish

Not to mention he has literally already written out Trail of Tears in a previous insult tweet.

Without a doubt.

Channeling Andrew Jackson, my favorite president 😍

this, but unironically

He also seems to constantly butt heads with the Federal Reserve

Trump is a reincarnation of Andrew Jackson confirmed


Thanks for catching that for us non-burgercels

If he didn’t he’s a fucking moron anyway for not knowing what people would assume he means. American history isn’t taught disproportionately where I’m from and it’s still among the global historical atrocities taught to like 10 year old kids.

Jesus what an asshole. This is going to be great.

Yes, you're looking into this too much. Your DNC membership package will be in the mail next week.

He’s too stupid to reference something like that. He capitalized “TRAIL” because he’s a senile old grandpa who hasn’t had his internet privileges taken away like he should have a long time ago.

My sides have left me and entered the Spirit World

Oh my god 😭😭😭

There's just no fucking way our president referenced one of the worst atrocities our government committed as a burn on another presidential candidate. I'd think I wouldn't be surprised at this point, but holy shit, this dude is nuts.

There is some striking similarity between Jackson and Trump. Glad to see it’s finally being embraced.

He's got a picture of Jackson in the Oval Office, he knows.

There was like an Indian recognition photograph in the Oval Office, and they moved the Jackson painting so it was in the background. What a douchebag.

U mean ultrachad

That's a powermove, why are natives still cucked in the reserves anyway. As if the politicians in north america arent masturbating at the thought of keeping an entire population neutered.

Virgin daddy attack force strikes again

There is some striking similarity between Jackson and Trump

You'd have to be retarded to think Jacson was like Trump

Both of them have had attempted Assassinations and Jackson just fucking caned the dude.

Like the verb, to cane, Jesus stopped bullets twice from hitting him.

Maybe if Trump reveals by saying "have mexico pay for it" he meant putting mexicans into the Wall or some horrible atrocity

Maybe if Trump reveals by saying "have mexico pay for it" he meant putting mexicans into the Wall or some horrible atrocity

Nope. That would be the Chinese

jackson famously murdered 30 dryads to make his witch beating cane of hickory

hickory is famous for it's magical properties dating back thousands of years, he's the most famous wizard in America

And that's why his biggest fan is known as Grand Wizard.

Jackson was a veteran of Negro Fort he has a right to murder everyone ever who didn't support him.

It was the Remember the Maine of the time, even Quincy Adams supported that fight.

Negro Fort

That...can't be a real thing, can it?

One of the most hilarious battles in history. They shot an explosive reserve within the fort and 270 of the enemy immediately perished. The fort was also on Spanish land (which Florida was at the time) so they baited fire with boats close to it. When the fort fired at them they already had a plan to destroy it. The 9th shot fired at the fort was heated to the point of smoldering, and it hit gunpowder. The inhabitants of the fort were a bunch of indians and fugitive slaves armed by some British dick.

Both of them have had attempted Assassinations and Jackson just fucking caned the dude.

What? Who tried to kill Trump?

Some Millennial went to one of his rallies, grabbed a gun off a security guard, and tried to shoot Trump (but got taken-down first). It was a pretty JV performance, but it still counts I guess.

When you're against guns, but you need one to assassinate the POTUS

iirc it was an autistic britfag who thought he would be a hero but didn’t know that holsters are designed to not let random people grab out of them.

That had to have been pretty embarrassing. He thought he was going to be the savior of the world but within a few hours every news outlet was publishing that we has a card-carrying sperg.

britbings don’t give a shit about guns

More worried about butter knives and bike wheels

An Illegal Immigrant

A Britbong

I hear Jackson wore blackface in college and never apologized for it.

Trump likes Jackson so much because his face is on our money which is something that Trump badly wants for himself. He wants to create a 420 dollar bill and he wants his face on it.

someone get that man a wheel of cheese

fuck off andrew jackson is unironically the greatest president in american history

wrong, the greatest president was Samuel Huntington

Cyrus Griffin and George Washington are tied for worst

Yeah, let's let a bunch of retarded hicks run our banking system with no regulation. I wonder who would suggest that? 🤔 🤔 🤔

Except Jackson wanted to abolish the Electoral College 🤔🤔🤔

Hey just noticed.. It's your 6th Cakeday chameleon_stain! hug

“finally”? he’s openly called him his idol since before he took office lol

he gave a bunch of speeches in front of a Jackson portrait, including that one for the natives

i mean i still think that tweet was worth it, but goddamn dude he’s just inviting the genocide comparisons now

Its the shitty hair right?

He's truly based and redpilled

It's actually genius because if it becomes a thing it will ultimately just be more focus on the Warren native american thing, with the left and the press just falling into his trap once again.

Not sure how to be offended by it

It's actually genius

Imagine falling for the 'Daddy is le master media manipulator' meme after 2+ years of spegalicious twitter posts lmao

Imagine falling for the 'Daddy is owned by le Russians' meme after 2+ years of no findings lmao

all things considered, this goalpost moving is probably the most exercise you had in years

Lmao how can it be goalpost moving when I'm literally talking about the other side of the coin using your own words?

And if you want to see how active I am you should look through my post history, I'm sure you'll find something that indicates how much exercise I get. Then again, owning the evil republicans probably gives you a massive dopamine rush and you wouldn't want to risk that.

Republican politicians are unironically evil though

Dear Sub-Human Filth,

I'm appealing to all of you stupid idiots to vote Democrat in 2020. That is if you have the basic education enough to read a ballot, anyway. I understand the majority of you racist rednecks can't even read this post, though. But those who can, please pass my message on to the rest of your inbred family.

We Democrats are morally, culturally and intellectually superior to you in every way. I will qualify myself by noting that I have a Liberal Arts degree from a college, which you obviously have never been to, if you even know what one is. I also have a black friend. I have been told by several professors that everything you hold dear is terrible. Therefore you, personally, are also terrible.

I don't know you, but I know that you're racist. I also know that you hate gay people and still get scared during lightning storms.

The religion which you hold closely, greatly believe in, and which brings you comfort--you are wrong because I'm smarter than you and I'm telling you so. It is one of the many reasons why you are stupid and I'm better than you.

You see, us Democrats want a system which helps everyone in the world. Our system is designed around love and kindness to everyone. If you don't agree, I hate you.

It's not too late to change. If you knew your history, which of course you don't, you'll remember a time in America when Indians were dragged away from their homes and forced to assimilate into white society. Well, we want to change that kind of behaviour (sorry for my spelling, as I'm not from your country) by making sure you go to college and have a small apartment in a big, busy coastal city, where you belong. That will help you rid yourselves of your backward, incorrect culture and way of thinking. We'll do everything we can to make sure you agree with us and say all the right things and not be brainwashed against thinking the same way we do.

All of you stupid, backward, redneck, racist, homophobic, uneducated yokels need to realize we're trying to build a classless society where we all get to live in harmony with each other, where we're all equal. If you only understood that you wouldn't be so much worse of a person than I am.

So please vote Democrat. Help me help you, you worthless motherfuckers.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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The goalpost has always been if Trump is le owned by Russia with peepee tapes, he'll get impeached any second now.

Yeah, believe it or not though, these things aren't instantaneous. His first campaign manager is now going to jail, as well as several important people him. You have to be being deliberately obtuse to think this is still a 'nothingburger'.

They're not instantaneous nor true

we'll see

We've seen

great you have nothing to worry about then

Yeah I'm not

Well, they better not take any more time, or else they'll start to impeach Trump when he's two years out if office.

Trump is under a criminal investigation right now. Its going takes time for the Deep State to remove him from office. Right now the Deep State is working on indicting Daddy Jr. But before they do that the Deep State has to find him on a map.

after 2+ years of no findings

lol, investigation ongoing, constantly hitting people from the campaign.

but hilldawg was hounded for ages and they found.....??? (LOCK HER UP!)

  1. Two years, no findings. Didn't Mueller say something similar?

  2. Didn't her investigation state that she wouldn't go to jail but were it up to them she would have been fired from her position of Secretary of State?

Pretty much, just a "she done goofed bad". Just the same way they're now goofing with no repercussions as well, so you can assume BAU lol

And I wouldn't really say "the investigation is ongoing, oh yeah here's another indictment" is "no findings".... especially against the total joke of a show they had against killary. If she was actually criminally guilty of something (that they don't endorse fully, like killing brownies or selling to SA) they would have had her hook line and sinker.

Yeah so don't you think they should've had Trump hook line and sinker?

If he did something criminal, and it wasn't just about bringing down as many people as he could that boned him? sure.

Do you know how difficult it is to remove a president without a bullet?

Nixon had an actual investigation and he resigned before he was removed, but I'm sure your assassination wet dream will come true one day. Maybe you should take matters into your own hands?

I'm kiwi and couldnt give a shit about Trump I am just here to point and laugh at faggots like you

>posts like he cares

>claims he doesn't

Go project somewhere else.

Struck a nerve, did I? Don't tell me you're upset. Take a bar and chill bro

You done sperging yet or are you going to continue? I must say I am impressed with your dedication to the rules of this sub.

"We need to impeach trump but we can't, assassination is the only way"

"lmao shut up retard"

"bro i odnt care WTF"

I was just pointing out that it's difficult to remove a president retard. Still I have to applaud you for attempting to make this dramatic.

"I don't care"

>proceeds to care immensely

I still dont care no matter how hard you try. All those burgers are clogging up your brain.

"I don't care"

>still cares

Keep trying maybe one day your dad will come home.

"I don't care"

>obviously still cares

You got boring fast.

I'm trying to imagine what it's like to care so much while also claiming not to

Maybe look inside yourself?

I don't recall claiming not to care

I dont recall caring.

Imagine falling for the 'But Her Emails' meme after 2+ years of no findings.

Hey, if you don't believe that she knew about the Benghazi attacks and failed to act then that's on you.

Imagine falling for the 'She knew about Benghazi' meme after Republicans grilled her for 11 straight hours.

lol ok dude

You should be laughing at yourself for believing that Hillary knew about the Benghazi attacks in advanced.

But he is, isn't he? The media coverage he received during the 2016 campaign was a huge reason he the election.

Don't attribute to genius that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Trump, being a retard, kept saying outrageously retarded things during the campaign trail. The media covered it because, duh, that's what the media do, they live to report bizzare & outrageous events. His equally retarded fanbase just ate it up and became energized.

I mean, he is an idiot, but he is still pretty good at media manipulation, as evidenced by the fact that he, a twitter retard managed to get the presidency.

Even a retarded sperg knows how to set the political equivalent of a box propped up by a stick.

Is that not a good thing?

The craziest thing about this - you already know there's going to be next to zero political fallout for this. Nothing fucking sticks to the guy.

Meanwhile, Democrats debate whether they should chuck their Virginia governor for wearing blackface is HS 30 years ago.

That's because Democrats scream loudly about this kind of shit, while Republicans don't care.

Democrats have to stick to their own standards or they'll be hypocrites. Republicans don't have those same standards, because they don't give a shit if someone did blackface 30 years ago.

while Republicans don't care.

Lmao Republicans care about people wearing Blackface how deranged are you.

Republicans don't have those same standards, because they don't give a shit if someone did blackface 30 years ago.

How high off of sniffing your own superior farts are you?

Republicans care when Democrats wear black face, because the Democrats are the ones screeching about the horrible behavior or wearing black face. The Democrats need to be held to their own standards.

they literally forced a republican sos to quit last week for an old blackface picture

Ertel, there's another one who dressed up as his BFF for celebrity day or something, dunno if he's quit yet.

the Amount of Cope in my inbox lmao

Tfw you got into politics 2 years ago after an epic sjw meme on pol

I’m pretty high off my superior farts honestly, cause I’m not retarded enough to gay up drama with seriousposting. If you donald loving mongs are gonna come here and stink up the joint at least be funny.

How high off of sniffing your own superior farts are you?

Not gonna lie, I was pretty high before, but watching you type like you're retarded just made it even better.

you're retarded

Go back to /r/Politics seriousposter who thinks republicans don't care about blackface when they literally just fired 2 guys for wearing blackface.

I know you think literally every good thing Repubs do is because of Dems so it's pointless to talk to you.

I'm a Republican, you fucking retard.

You can be a retarded /r/Politics serious poster and still be Republican, I bet you are raising shit about the "New Green Deal" or the new york thing

Unless it was a Democrat. A lot of conservatives and even Trump supporters suddenly cared. Even Daddy tweeted about it a couple of times.

Although I guess he never really condemns the blackface, just says it's a horrible picture and that he was lying.

they literally forced a republican sos to quit last week for an old blackface picture

Nah, they don't care then, they just know an easy win when they see one. They don't have to care to hold the other side to the standards they claim to have.

At this point I'm not even sure if Republicans know if they're sarcastically fuck around or genuinely outraged when shit like this happens.

Remember when people kept saying the CNN reporter "put hands on the poor young girl" as if he'd backhanded her to the ground and unbuckled his belt? The tenacity of some people was fucking retarded in how hard they tried to drive the narrative that it was physical abuse.

It seems like the idea that Democrats are bleeding heart hypocrites is far more important than the actual things they bleed hearts about at this point and everything else is just noise.

That's easy.

They are genuinely outraged at Democrats and sarcastically fuck around at Democrats' standards.

Nobody, for example, on the Republican side of the aisle gives a fuck that Northam wore blackface for a stupid joke in the '80s, but they're realpolitik enough to realize that since he, his lieutenant governor, and his AG all have some kind of outlandish Democrat-values-violating shit going on, they could get the Republican Speaker of the House of Delegates in the governor's mansion.

Republicans want to win. That's it.

Except when they pull this shit they drive home the outrage so consistently without bringing up double standards that it just looks like them getting angry at Democrats when they do thing that don't bother them/willfully ignore when Republicans do it.

I.e. literally exactly the same kind of hypocrisy

I'm not sure how many times this has to be explained to you, but I'll give it another bash - they don't care if they look like hypocrites. What they are doing is holding Democrats to the standards that Democrats hold and live by, but Republicans do not hold and live by, in order to win easy victories.

It's the same reason I can eat bacon, but would laugh at a hardcore Jew/Muslim for eating bacon. I don't live by those rules, so I don't have to follow them. They do live by those rules, so they have to follow them. I personally do not care if someone eats bacon. Me pointing out that a hardcore Jew/Muslim shouldn't eat bacon is not the same as me being outraged at the act of eating bacon. It also doesn't make me a hypocrite for eating it myself.

I've made myself hungry for bacon now. I hope you're happy.

Holding people to their own standards is a good thing.

Especially if those standards are retarded.

if your standard is to fire someone for a yearbook photo 35 years ago. Those standards are shit.

they literally forced a republican sos to quit last week for an old blackface picture

It's because Republicans aren't interested in holding themselves accountable while Democrats want to hold everyone accountable.

they literally forced a republican sos to quit last week for an old blackface picture

Usually their programming is at least good enough to vary the response a bit

Oh hey, I know you

In the 1970s Trump was sued by and settled with the DoJ for running for segregated housing.

ok? my reply was actually relevant.

Why would republicans want to hold themselves accountable to democrat standards? That's letting your opponent decide how you can behave, whilst also knowing that half your opponents are wingnut SJWs who make up the rules as they go along.

Probably because they'd look like abject shit. They don't even measure up to their own standards. I personally never thought I'd see the day a USA president attempts felliato on the dictator of North Korea but here we are, and he's a Republican.

It's not that simple though, is it? He also called him short and fat on twitter and then insinuated it in person. Didn't they end up acquiescing to all of his demands too?

Whereas under Clinton (the relevant one), it went the opposite way, and America got completely cucked by them after giving them everything they demanded.

Weird hill to die on. I would've gone with the Saudis or something, but then I guess Democrats fellating the Saudis aren't exactly in short supply.

No. Trump unconditionally accepted them as a nuclear state and now even though we know they're making more fissile material missiles, Trump can't admit he fucked up so the USA isn't taking any actions against them for doing so.

Clinton had a GOP HoR for much of his presidency.

Trump is the guy selling Saudis weapons, who ignored the CIA when they told him they murdered a permanent American resident.

You can't be geniunely this stupid and a waste of oxygen. Quit the fentanyl or do more of it.

Admittedly, I had no idea about the nuclear weapons stuff.

Trump is the guy selling Saudis weapons

Well yeah, because he's the dude in charge now lmfao

You can't be geniunely this stupid and a waste of oxygen.

I beg to differ.

Wow Trump completely fucked up his greatest foreign policy "achievement" but I didn't realise because I've been nodding for a year. Guess I should be completely on board with this.

God right wing people are gross.

I'm not even American m8, my position on the political spectrum is so far left it doesn't even register with American mainstream politics. Are you one of those comical American liberals who think you're left-wing?


they literally forced a republican sos to quit last week for an old blackface picture

It's all about choosing at what hill to die at. Dems are really bad at that.

Except republicans very much cared about the black face thing you absolute retard.

Good. The joke was funny and a perfect jab at ole Pocahontas.

The joke was funny

If you're a pubescent /pol/ cavebeast or a fent'd out boomer, maybe

What's the matter? Don't you have somewhere better to go be genocided?

Rule one of leadership: Never Apologize

He should have just called her Horsenigger and be done with it 😹😹😹

He is truly the greatest, how long until some unhinged libs try to blame the trail of tears on him personally? Every time I think Trump has peaked he proves me wrong, there really is no limit to his power!


Imagine being unironically triggered by Daddy-tier Boomer Bait.


I honestly doubt he meant trail of tears. He probably meant trail like in the Lone Ranger with her being Tonto. It's not like the Trail of Tears is on a lot of people's minds.

Let's be honest, what percentage of burgers do we think actually learned about that little black mark on US history in school? 50%?

Um excuse me, I think you meant to say "African-American mark on US history." it's 2019 buddy

I hope he did. That would be awesome.


how was it an atrocity?

No saloons along the way

The natives were in their spiritual golden age, they were only a century away from discovering basic sanitation if it wasn't for evil wypipo

Wow, I thought he meant campaign trail. Shit

It's kind brilliant, how can anyone hurt him in 2020 race when nothing sticks to him. They call him lazy or bad President, he points all the things he has done peace in Korea, if he leaves in Afghanistan so end of war in middle east and how unemployment is down and stock is up. If they attack him for saying horrible things be just shrugs and says so what, his voters Cleary dosent care. Russia thing is only one that can hurt him but he propaly go to war whit Venezuela and throws some sanctions to Russian so his bullet proof in that front.

It's like 2016 all over again.

This truly is the dankest timeline

He made a genocide pun and it wasnt even funny.

14 year olds with did Nazi that coming memes do a better job.

I just saw people on instagram freak out for calling a meeting a "pow wow", so this is actually great.

Between that and "huddle", that's a common term used for meetings in the army. Maybe we're all deranged racists?

Maybe we're all deranged racists?


It’s funny bc Elizabeth Warren contributes to a cookbook called Pow Wow Chow.

Was one his tard wranglers out to lunch or something. Holy fuck.

At some point high functioning retard turns into genius

Yeah because now her response basically has to be "I'm not native american don't call me Pocahontas anymore" which undercuts her career for the last 35 years.


how was this retarded?

Seriously it was: mean, provokative, some will say racist. It was not dumb.

There's no way he wrote it himself. Referencing a history event without anything that looks like subtlety is way beyond his writing ability

Barron wrote it. We all know he’s really the one pulling the levers behind the scene.

Just when I thought he had hit his shitposting peak he comes out with this. He's the gift that keeps on giving.

This tweet should be the litmus test for all humans.

If you start laughing uncontrollably, you're worthy of living.

If you unironically cheer or actually get buttblasted, you get the bullet.

I second this. Seriouscide now!

wouldn't cheering and laughing be the same?

No dipshit cheering and laughing would not be the same

What if you fist pump with one arm but fist your butthole with your other arm and let out a cry of joy?

Still not the same but it's impressive.

hahaha, me too, fellow radical centrists. People who strongly believe things should be executed.


fuck off this is /r/RadicalCentrism territory

/r/dirtbagcenter is better.

Aliven't yourself faggot.

no u

I shared this on my group chat last night, which has both former slave owners & genderfluid art history majors (republics & democrats) and everyone thought it was funny because we're not a bunch of faggots that get our feelings hurt over a joke.

This is the best timeline. Hilarious

absolute madman, holy shit. He takes 0 victims

Warren will only have to travel 1/1024 of the distance though

Elizabeth Warren likes to think of herself as a Native American, but a DNA test Trump suggested and she took showed she's only like 1/1024th indigenous. It's like Amerimutts who are totally (1/16th) Irish, but it allowed Warren to get some PoC brownie points.

Pocahontas is nothing new for Trump, but in his infinite wisdom he managed to reference Trail of Tears so some bombastic drama is bound to develop.

Warren 1/2020th

I remember when her results came out and there was an article at the top of r/news which triumphantly proclaimed “Elizabeth Warren releases DNA results - She’s Native American” and people were making smug unironic ‘heh.....drumpf btfo.....how will he ever recover.....’ comments. That was a weird one.

Those twitter comments are like some twilight zone or black mirror dystopian shit.

But then again... fucking based

How can they be so retarded and cry over some bantz when Trump literally referenced Trail of Tears in the tweet they're replying to?

You are overestimating their knowledge.

Christ, I'm not even an American and I got that reference.

But he tweeted about that as wellk

Cause the teeets are prewritten and bottled up to the top

Hahaha funny as fuck m8

Nothing makes me lose respect for an attending faster than them posting scrubbed in pictures on social media.

Oh it gets better my friend. That particular guy, Eugene Gu, annoyed his fellow medical staff so bad with his constant unending REEEEEing against conservatives that he was actually kicked out of Vanderbilt University.

Even better he was a resident (and got fired for his kerrurfle with trump)


Omg one of the Krassenfuck's sent three response tweets and they're just "RACIST!!" "BIGOT!" "LIAR!!" lmao. Guarantee'd he was so hyped up after sending those he needed to jack it.

I've never read a trump twitter thread before. That's a LOT of boomer posting

these retards get so mad because trump is immune to any kind of backlash. If it was a normal citizen they would be able to dox them ect. But with trump he just gets away with it and they can't do shit about it.

Does this chink actually believe Warren is a native or something? Mind-bogglingly racist lmao, just wait until he learns some people (not me) call blacks the n-word.

This is completely and absolutely disrespectful and mind-bogglingly racist.

How is it racist?

Eugene Gu aka Kaepernick Doctor Kneeler may be the most pathetic and sad person in America. It's astounding how he has 10 tangentially related tweets just waiting to be unleashed each time Daddy says something.

I dont really get the whole /#resist thing anyway. Trump is like a dude from a silent movie era, stumbling about and making a fool of himself. But instead of pointing and laughing,they act like he's literally Hitler.

Remember all the trannies who said they're gonna be stuck in some half transitioned body because Trump is gonna make their meds illegal if he's voted president?

they act like he's literally Hitler

The ratio of people actually calling Trump literally Hitler vs meth'd out Trumpoids bitching about people calling Trump literally Hitler must be like 10:1000 by now. This meme got stale by early 2017.

Is this dr gu?

Well akshually dont you see the similarities between the concentration camps and when he says fake news == lugenpresse? Nazis didn't start with the Holocaust btw 👏👏👏

Implying they’re not stuck in a half-transitioned body anyway

Implying further that transitioning is a thing

this inside out penis is a real vagina I swear

the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between a penis & a vagina. you imbecile. you fucking moron"

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cocks all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known so as not to be annoyed.

It’s a front bussy, and it’s magical.

I'll let you know that if you refuse to stick you tongue and dick into a somewhat aesthetically pleasing open wound, you are in fact a bigot and a transphobe.

Trump is a disk with a hologram stored on it, and #resisters are the projector.

if only he did make transition illegal.

Remember all the trannies who said they're gonna be stuck in some half transitioned body because Trump is gonna make their meds illegal if he's voted president?

This 👆🏽 would have made me actually vote for him TBH.

I bet his nurses can’t fucking stand him

Well he got fired from residency for being an idiot so he isn’t practicing anything and doesn’t have nurses unless he has them locked in his basement. Which he might.

He got fired for being loudly liberal in a very conservative field.

Source: I'm a surgeon and know how this shit works

According to Wikipedia he beat his wife and molesting a girlfriend. Pretty safe to call the women he works with victims or future victims.

That guy is convinced it's racist to mock someone who isn't native American for saying they were native american. I'm very confused.

call them Indians.


They all are, it's always the same idiots in his replys. The Doctor Chinamen those Krastein Brothers and a few other assorted retards.

He got accused of male feministing his ex a while back.

This is on the Mount Rushmore of trump tweets

Maybe the secret to being a chad all along was to just embrace our inner tard

And remembering to have absolutely NO INHIBITION, even if what you say or do massively backfires

all that's missing in that tweet is cyber police

My personal favorite

This is the best one



id still say "i have never seen a thin person drinking diet coke" is the top one, followed by the one where he warned someone in 2013 that he was gonna be president/

The “nipples protruding, very disrespectful” one is pretty good.

i agree, plus fuck barney "let's roll the dice a little more" frank

‘Little Adam Schitt’ is my personal favorite. I was rolling when I saw that one.

Uh oh, looks like the Senator is about to go on the warpath

She’s sharpening her tomahawk at this very moment.

Lighting the smoke signals to gather all the surrounding tribes to the battle ground

Trump should give her a relief blanket to help with the pain of losing a primary.

Eugene is a massive try hard. Twitter needs to be eradicated.

Is this guy retarded enough to make a Trail of Tears joke on Twatter or did he genuinely meant 'campaign trail', but is retarded enough not to realise the bad PR using that word, in this context, would bring?

He wouldn't capitalize if that wasn't what he was getting at.

It's obviously a trail of tears reference. Trump loves Andrew Jackson.

if you don't love andrew jackson, you're wrong

I guarantee you this will work out in his favor and Warren losing out on this exchange.

This. I don't like Trump but the man is wicked good at mud-slinging. He knows how to label people and make it stick. Guaranteed that this native american stuff is going to dog Warren the entirety of her (probably short-lived) campaign.

Its fucking brilliant how she has been btfo the campaign like an hour after announcing that she was running

You have to realize that the road to the presidency is a long and hard one, but she's 1/1024th of the way there.

Honestly, Trump has said so many things that if others were to say it would've completely destroyed their lives and their employability and he just shrugs it off like a fart in a train full of people.

It only destroys your life if you let it

It also helps that media and himself is constantly creating new scandals so no single blemish has time to fully soak in other than long term stuff like the investigation

Not to mention that even though there are many, many things you can criticize daddy for, the media just HAS TO keep him in the news cycle 24/7, so they publish some petty shit and occasionally even lies or misleading articles, which is just a simple ammo for him to use and call them "FAKE NEWS!!".

In a desperate attempt to paint Trump as an enemy of the people at every single opportunity, they just allow him to call media the enemy of the people.

It doesn't help that the media is also and has been for a while the enemy of the people.

Ever since journalists conspired together to attack the most oppressed minority they have been the #1 enemy of the people.

Our patience has it's limits. One day we'll shut their dirty, lying mouths.

Warren should just ignore it and let him look like an idiot and not put her foot in her mouth.

She should. But I don't think she's going to.

She won't since Warren has a pathological need to put her foot in her mouth. What kind of idiot is goaded into taking a DNA test by some Twitter banter?

And being retarded enough to release it when the results go against her narrative.

and she was proud that she's 1/1024. how the Dems think she's a viable candidate makes me laugh

Even though not releasing would've looked bad, it wouldn't've been so godawful retarded. Even some spin could have been put on it, "I'll release my results when you release your returns".

You must know a different Warren than I do.

Lol that ship sailed the moment she posted her DNA results on Twitter and bragged about her heritage.

bad PR?

rofl have you not been paying attention the last 3 years?

trump is the opposite of retard in this case.

It's bait.

In what world are top level bantz "retarded"?

What is up with that Eugene MD guy always at the top of Trump's Twitter replies? Is he a real doctor or LARPing? Because I'm pretty sure a real doctor does not have the time or interest to constantly reply to Trump's tweets

Daddy broke people's brains.

Basically he talks like a fag and his shits all retarded

Vote Camacho 2020!

True and factual

You're a poet. 🤣🤣🤣

That's not helpful though, that describes 110% of /r/drama perfectly.

He was a resident at Vanderbilt until he got fired. He still has his M.D. license, but without a residency he can't actually practice medicine.


Alos, he was accused of sexual assault and domestic violence:


Eugene Gu, former trainee.



I know DailyDot blows, but the Duke and Vanderbilt news articles on him were absurdly biased in his favor and weren’t objective in the slightest. They basically overlooked his scuminess and lionized him because he “stood up for diversity” and “opposed white nationalism” while completely sidestepping his flaws. He isn’t renowned enough a figure to merit a piece in a bigger news site, so... DailyDot it is.

He's gonna be a medical celebrity when he's used as the case study for TDS in all the books.

Also, he was accused of sexual assault and domestic violence.


He got fired from residency so I assume he does nothing but sit at home and wait for Trump to tweet.

Smug chink doctor and Krassensteinbergblatt top of the comments as always

Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate

donnie sleeping on my boy Charles Curtis smh




what goes through someones head when posting that? all caps and replying to yourself two times? Is there even a thought or is it just primal instinct?

the ironic thing is they started doing that to copy trumps writing style. which he does stuff like that. all caps, direct, and strong words.

if you stare into the abyss...the abyss stares back at you

What they think- Trump is Hitler who weaponized twitter and used it to Blitzkrieg Dems so now they are appropriating his technique and using it against him.

What it is - Some retarded faggot chimps shrieking flinging shit at each other

Treezy wildin fr fr

You will never be this chad

Why even live


At this point the Dems should just nominate based on who Trump has the weakest roasting material on. If she’s nominated she’s toast

please jim webb

He'd probably call him a cuck.

based on who Trump has the weakest roasting material on

I can’t believe this is a serious point in the fucking presidential elections context.

Dems, please nominate Warren. The first debate will be classified as a war crime.

Trump won't even prepare for the questions he'll just spend all night coming up with native American puns.

“I’m going to wig-wham you so come Election Day so hard that you’re gonna Squanto back to that reservation.”

The war room is already working on making a whomp whomp joke work with "wampum."




This comment should be remembered. I'll PM you once the debates come out.

Quote me on this, he'll roast her so hard she'll start screaming "shire baggins".

I'm fairly sure that it means we are days away from Trump tweeting out the first presidential rape joke.

Didn't he insinuate a woman's sexual assault claims were fake, because she wasn't attractive enough to be sexually assaulted?

Yeah but he was right tho. Not my first choice either. Then like all the other woman who accused Daddy, when he pulled out his big legal dick and threatened to sue them for slander/libel or whatever they disappeared into the wood work

fuck, now we're waiting for the holocaust joke

I don't think he'd burn the jews like that.

He has the best shekel shuffling jews working for him. The very best jews, let me tell you he has the most jewyest of jews.

I wish Warren stood a chance in hell of winning, the cost of drama would plummet due to market saturation.

she's an idiot.

Having an idiot in the WH is exactly what causes loads of drama

she does have gud chances tho lol

He's really off the reservation with this one!

I love the usual crying from the "woke" crowd in the responses to it.



Andrew Jackson was a Democrat - Random Troll

Acktuwlay... - Every mayo with a phone

I mean in name yeah but with party ideologies switching it is kind of a mute point.


Pocahontas rn

, /:\ >:< >:< >:< ,,,,,:/ ######### //////\\\ // /\ /\ \ ( 0 _ 0 )/ /\= _\ =//\ \/\ --- /// //\ '---' /\ // \/ /\ //\ \/ // # # " "

How does every shitpost of his beat the previous one of of the water? 😂

He called her this a while back and it caused an outrage, anyone remember?

When I thought he could not top his last bantz, and boy he did it.

It would be nice if he changed his shitposting skills to actually doing his job, but I sometimes think this ain't so bad either.

The way I see it, the country seems to be running pretty well on auto-pilot plus we get a massive amount of drama straight out of the oval office. I'll never vote for a non-retard again.

Good thing we are a democracy with a massive bureaucracy on its back.

It would suck if he really gets to decide whatever he wants. Yay for Separation of Powers

I mean once Ginsberg kicks it, and daddy gets another SCOTUS appointment, the supreme court will basically be the right wing christian version of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in Iran.

I doubt it would get that dramatic.

Not Trumps fault that Ginsberg is having health issue. DNC better contract a golden throne and get thousands of psykers to be sacrificed if they think it is really going to be that grim.

That's not his normal shitposting hour. He didn't write this.

This sub's trying pretty hard to be 4chan nowaday huh.

Fuck trump with a tire iron, but whatever that forever logical page is under his tweet can fuck a suck right off, too.

fuck trump with a tire iron

Drumpf officially finished

Le absolute state of trumpstruction

Oof owie ouch my wounded knee.

Trail of Tears 2: Electric Chair Boogaloo

oh my fucking god

the way he’s going I’m taking bets on trump 2024


Trump's a retard but he got bantz

Ok he normally comes out on too with her, but this one is kinda la-


ok fuck that got me

i mean, it’s not gonna play well, it’s is a joke about a genocide perpetrated by his idol, but goddamn if it wasn’t totally worth it