r/politics is really triggered by Daddy making a Trail of Tears joke at Pocahontas. Some mayos claims that Elizabeth Warren never claimed to be native.

1  2019-02-10 by GodOfWineWisdomWar64


"She has never claimed to be native. She has claimed to have some lineage and never enough of a claim to warrant the 'controversy."




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Imagine spending literally months coping, just because your praxis demands that you blindly defend anyone on your side of politics

praxis is wacksis

i cant even tell which side you are talking about, burger smh.

You're in /r/drama, it should be clear this is a B O T H S I D E S sub

Glorious 56% Americans and Latinos, hear me:



I thought 'praxis' was a term Reddit leftists used, not libs?

People in that thread literally arguing that it's ok for her to put down "native American" on her bar application or whatever because she is a fraction of a percent native American. If that was the case half the people in the country could be claiming that.

Probably more than half tbh

u/the_marx making an appearance.

Imagine being so up your own ass you call /the_marx a right winger lmao

It's fucking crazy when he becomes the voice of reason.

🐎 👞


> does

Wtf I love Marx now

Just love him so much

Unironically one of the top baiters r/Drama has in her arsenal


Holy shit imagine getting your campaign ended by your own hand then getting mocked on Twitter by orange man for it

How is her campaign over? I’d say she focus on Native American issues and attack Drumpf

I say she start calling him Drumpf, that way she'll surely stick it to him.

Lol just say he's poor

le Drumpf maymay

Absolute state of r/Drama

She actually wouldn't be the worst option but she is far too hated and has to much baggage over this to be nominated. I believe Gabbard will run and be the nominee. She is a younger, prettier, cooler, smarter version of Warren without all the baggage.

I think Gabbard SHOULD be their nominee, but because of the anti gay things she said (but apologised for) in the past, wouldn’t surprise me if they smeared her

The left and eating their own, name a more iconic duo.

The left and eating their own, name a more iconic duo.

At this point, the Democrats should just rebrand themselves as the Donner Party.



Bruh she had her whole staff work overtime through the holidays on her presidential bid packet, and then she just told someone in a radio interview that she was running. Her campaign manager just left her. Lol

hating gays literally does not matter. hillary was against gay marriage like 1 min before running in 2016.

That was only to get the votes of rural bumpkins

Tulsi "The Lioness of Damascus" Gabbard?

She was proven right about Syria.

That's suicide. She's literally built her career on stolen minority status. I struggle to see how she could be in a worse position. Democrats election strategies these days rely 100% on securing the minority votes across the board.

Too late to pivot away from that, and minorities hate cunts like her.

No, she didn’t. She built her career on ancestry and she’s proven she has it. She should focus on tribal reforms and let people see how she’s more Native American in spirit than most are in person.

She proved that she had .09% Native American ancestry. The average American has .15% Native American ancestry.

Her ancestry also isn't relevant because she has no true culturual connections to any Native American tribes.

The Democratic Party need a simple candidate, with minimum baggage for Trump to go at.

We aren’t comparing her to the average American. Why not ask how she compares to the average Pacific Islander? She has ancestry which was entirely her point. Either way, she’s resolved the issue and we can celebrate the possibility of a Native American female president.

Might as well have every previous president's genetics tested then, maybe Bush was the first actually black president if he's <1% African.

Bush never claimed to have African ancestry

Before the flopped ancestry announcement, Elizabeth Warren was saying the same thing about herself.

That she had African ancestry?

You lack basic intuition and reading comprehension. Nice bait though.

Well, explain it then. What exactly did she say that was the same?

It's a simple comparisons between the hypothetical I gave and what Elizabeth has done. Read for yourself.

https://www.thedailybeast.com/warren-ive-never-claimed-to-be-a- native-american-citizen


We don't need another lying spinster in office, but maybe that's too much to ask for politicians.

Is this bait?

Bait for what?

He's literally celebrating the potential for our first native american president, considering not even r/politics is following suit, wtf do you think?

Our first Native American female president. Many firsts.

She’s a TRAILblazer.

Brings a tear to my eye, that does.

No, she built it on being that minority. She literally deprived native Americans of salary, career and education opportunities, grants, etc.

She proved she has fuck all reasons to claim any connections to native American heritage. She's more black than she is native American lmao. Wonder why she hasn't tried to launch her campaign as a black candidate. 🤔🤔

The issues like this people suddenly care about they surely would have otherwise never ceases to amuse me.

It’s what the Russian trolls are here to do

Like the russians would give a shit about influencing this shithole, nah it's just your run of the mill trump voters pushing daddy's narrative. The funny thing is I suspect they secretly like "taking up" these issues as it probably gives them a taste of the righteous outrage "sjw's" enjoy on a daily basis.

beep boop cheeki breeki

Wonder why she hasn't tried to launch her campaign as a black candidate.

Don't want to steal's Dolezal's thunder for 2024

Imagine coming to this sub to get this triggered ayy lmao

Sorry, I don’t know what got over me. I always fall for such right wing talking points

native issues aren’t going to get votes, at least not from people who haven’t signed blood oaths to vote dem until they die no matter what

Democrats don't care about natives, outside avoiding them outside the gas station, unless they TV tells them to.

Issues like alcoholism, foraging, and eating maize on the cob

Imagine thinking a post containing the name 'Drumpf' on r/Drama is sincere.

Put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger


Politics wants his scalp


Seriously go fuck yourself with a steak knife.

Hows she supposed to respond to this. As far as I know they don't have wifi on the reservation

Smoke signals, the original Twitter.

She literally put it down on her bar registration.

Oh noes!

c o p e

But she didn't benefit from it! Lying for years doesn't matter if we can't prove that she immediately benefited from it.

I've lied to girls in bars in the hopes of them sleeping with me. One or two did sleep with me, but you can't PROVE my lies had any effect!

I've lied to girls in bars in the hopes of them sleeping with me

Rape by deception

“She attempted fraud, but isn’t very good at it.”

God damn, this chain is fucking amazing. I've never seen a more beautifully straightforward example of plugged ears.

if you are upset about blackface, you should be upset about genocide jokes.

All it takes for spray tan hitler to be BTFO is pretending to be upset. I mean it worked really well the previous 10'000 times.

Disgusting apostrophe use. Despicable.


spray tan hitler

Orange face is a hate crime too

All that impotent rage and by next week it'll be completely gone, because somehow nothing at all seems to stick to teflon Don, I mean other than cheeseberders.

Put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger

Someone asked what sorts of things have triggers but no barrel, and I'm really disappointed nobody capitalized on that setup.

The media learned nothing from the 2016 election. Teflon Don is gonna get them to give him hundreds of millions of dollars worth of free advertising again. He's harnessed the power of the outrage machine by tricking these histrionic foids into screeching loudly about his jokes, so this stuff hits the national news and most Americans think, "huh, a trail of tears joke. But that lady really did lie about her heritage for all those years."

He's been doing this since the 1980s, getting free advertising for his real estate in the New York Times by getting dramatic stories published about himself. And our media and political system is so easily gamed that this guy who is pretty unqualified will continue to win.

United States BTFO by daddy again.

And if he wins in 2020, they will still screech and not understand why it happened.

It really is so incredibly obvious to anyone with a brain stem yet they swallow the bait time and time again

Giving the right to vote to non-property owners was a mistake

Your right, sadly we are seeing this again especially if dems with the help of media "pick" Warren, Cory or Kamala" via superdelegates.

I'm just looking forward to the drama that occurs when the democrats pick a nominee. They've all become so caught up on purity tests that they'll say, "Oh Warren doesn't support X, I will never vote for her." Then when Warren gets the nomination they'll stick to their guns (like bernie or bust bros) and reddit will melt down. It'll be better this time because there are like 5 equally strong contenders.

And that's why when people say Trump has 0 chance of winning, I tell them it's just the opposite due to what's going on now.

You're both idiots.

Fyi superdelegates can't vote during the first round at the DNC anymore. They're now essentially tiebreakers after the pledged delegates vote.

Wtf is up with calling Trump daddy that's a bit creepy

Dw we can Hillary mommy.

I though AOC was mommy?

She's commie mommy. Regular mommy is the Hill dawg.

r/politics shall ignite the fire of the S O Y V O L U T I O N

Tell you who should give her schtick another go, Rachel Dolezal. Now with all the trans stuff and people claiming to be races they aren't, she'd be now considered a woke hero

  1. The joke was funny
  2. The president shouldn't say stuff like that
  3. The reaction to it is overblown and hysterical, but that's par for the course with the legion of limp wrists at r/politics.

All of these things are true at the same time.

This nigga proofs

Radical centrism achieved.


Mother Jones was founded as a nonprofit in 1976 because we knew corporations and the wealthy wouldn't fund the type of hard-hitting journalism we set out to do.

The joke was hilarious and anything that erodes the taboo about those damned indians is good.

The joke could have been delivered a little better but its the most top tier boomer bantz we can expect

I love mayos calling other mayos, mayos. Also can you please refer to him as something other than “daddy” it’s so...common and unoriginal, also his small ugly penis is not something I wana associate with daddies.

Thank you bitch.

mayo detected

Fuck this guy. He is pure evil.

He deserves the same exact treatment as Saddam Hussein. He deserves to live in constant fear, living out his last days cowering in a hole in the ground before being caught and tried for his crimes against humanity.

Then, after his hanging, we can all begin to correct the damage he has done, heal, and move forward united.


heal, and move forward united.

I hope they get run over by a magapede's truck.

"Right-wingers don't debate in good faith"

She publicly took a DNA test and then publicly apologized. At this point anyone who is trying to push the "Warren did nothing wrong" narrative is only helping reelect their arch nemesis, 2nd term mecca Drumph