AOC tweets Green New Deal plan, outlines how males should pee in milk containers instead of toilet

1  2019-02-10 by mamadrama3


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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Invest in pissjug companies now

This is good for pisscoin

Way of the road, buddy!

Fuckin' way she goes.

"Gaming Pissjug"

Let's put it this epic way: She wants to ban gaymers from using their toilets, both in real life and in vidya games to force them into milk container submission. This is true discrimination of the most oppressed minority. We must RISE UP against the society we live in, which we most certainly do.

They targeted gaymers. Gaymers.

REAL gamers already exclusively piss in plastic bottles.

This is just a cynical attempt by mommy to appeal to gamergate.

Real Green Gamers keep the 💩 bottles and recycle it into Jenkem. Compress that bad boy into an asthma inhaler and you have Jet from Fallout.

It's all to get back at racist white milk drinkers. She's literally telling mayos to drink pee.

This isn't 1990. If you want to piss of gaymers in current year, you tell them to use a toilet.

This joke offended me.

Your skull is filled with cow farts!

A reliable and self propagating fuel source! Our prayers are answered!

Boomer roasts are so low energy

Literally fake news. Can we delete rightoids?

It was spread as a joke and commie mummy took it seriously.

Spreading fake versions of real bills with real consequences as a joke

I thought rightoids liked to take the government seriously?

Whatever gnd is gonna suck anyway

Boomers don’t understand the internet and they don’t have gullibility filters. I guarantee at least 80% of the people who retweeted that did so unironically.

They're still claiming she was evicted twice and has a low credit score.


>Thinking Mark Dice wouldn't actually believe this

He literally made the pictures

Poe effect.

Literally fake news



Yes the onion, that notorious fake news site should be shut down.

Holy shit, it turns out I'm already sustainable 😮😇

What is this stupid shit? The title is just a dumb lie.

Dumb fuckers on the right tried desperately to get a fake version circulated.

It's a joke. No one believes it.

As if the average MAGAtard wouldnt take the edit 100% seriously

I have an idea to MAGA in 2020. Let AOC and Trumpador Rex alternate for presidency each week. The fluctuating blood pressure should kill off a fair amount of easily triggered retards on both sides.

Radical centrism wins again.

Oof owies my two party political system

Once again, Romans were the true chads.

Like you degenerates don’t already piss in milk jugs.

Eh. I believe he actually was kidding and the other guy wasn't

He may have been kidding, but that doesn't change the fact that a non-trivial percentage ot magatards would believe in the "joke"

Fair tbh

But only by expecting/appealing to the humor of "smart" (at this level it basically just means non boomer) people can you attract them

I'd pee on her milk containers

Swallowed the fake news

but the real one nets 70 House cosponsors on Day 1 and all Dem presidential candidates sign on anyway

Are they trying to have two terms of daddy?


yes they are

Probably she needs to say that the rest of it was fake, too, now that all Democrats are on record supporting a plan that would destroy the economy and double your electric bill.

This is kinda what's going on.

The non-binding resolution to be voted on is an emptiness devoid of any details.

But the Ocasio-Cortez office put up this FAQ on their website and sent this other FAQ to journalists, which have details, and they're idiotic.

So now they are talking about leaked drafts, doctored documents, fake documents, to try and hide this.

I like the part that compares finite industrial projects (e.g. going to the moon, building roads, building planes) to her plan which mandates huge changes to the way the country works. Does the author of that FAQ really think "making way more of a thing we already make" is the same as completely upending the infrastructure of the whole nation?

Not that she'd give us any actual numbers, but it's plainly stated that her plan would involve total mobilization in the same way as fighting a major war. So imagine if we had to fight World War 2, forever. I'd say that's a pretty upending change to the status quo.

Total mobilization is a far cry from this conceptually. I would say its conceptually closer to the actual "new deal" in terms of sectors/intentions/intent to destroy the supreme court if they get in the way.

Wartime is temporary and involves more re-allocating money and resources than changing anything about how the economy works.

double your electric bill

That's a pretty conservative estimate considering what's inside of that batshit crazy document.

Can't have an electric bill if you don't have electricity.

That's the most likely outcome.

Realize the same people saying Daddy's wall is a waste of money are praising Mommy for pissing it into a jug and throwing it in their faces.

Reagan already destroyed the economy in the 80s.

Raegan began a period of unprecedented prosperity worldwide.

You mean he was directly responsible for the dismantling of many of the systems that lead to the golden age of US prosperity from the late 1940s - 1980s.

>golden age of US prosperity

>including the 70s


Have you ever heard of "stagflation"? The 60s and 70s were absolutely not a "golden age of US prosperity".

I'm sorry bussy bro, but I've reached my serious post limit for the day.

Except in the US

Thank God for globalist hero Reagan!

Why even fake it when the real thing is already cuckoo bananas?

Mommy's plan, although retarded in some areas, is actually good at its core.

Taking from the rich white and giving it to the poor other colors is advancing the mayocide, this is good for /r/drama

Pretty sure AOC is the Muslim from Kenya about to see Trump on the TRAIL.

It's a plan in the same way that saying "we should cure cancer, you guys" is a plan.

That's the unintended brilliance of it.


AOC: Imma cure cancer

Sane people: Uh your cancer curing plan is shit and hardly even a plan

Wokes: YIKES you don't think cancer is real? You don't care about curing cancer? That sounds like something a Republican would say!

It's fully intended. "We should stop global warming" leads to "Your plan is terrible and expensive" which leads to "Ok, how you want to do it?" at which point the discussion is where the left wanted it all along. It's the same shit the right thought they were doing on immigration with the wall, but it turned out Trump wasn't pretending to be retarded.

That sounds nice and stuff, but when we look at what you're saying and flip it to if trump put it forward then it instead comes across like you're one of those "They are just pretending to make retarded plans! it's actually 74D chess!!".

What's next? America will implement AOCs full green plan and make Mexico pay for it?

I mean, it's not that hard to determine who is pretending to be retarded and who is actually retarded.

If Trump had compromised for like 10 billion in border security money but no wall he would have been pretending to be retarded and he would have done a lot to prevent illegal immigration.

If AOC refuses to accept anything that doesn't include cow fart mediation she will have not have been pretending to be retarded and she will accomplish nothing useful.

A well-known cognitive bias in negotiation and in other contexts, the anchoring bias describes the common tendency to give too much weight to the first number put forth in a discussion and then inadequately adjust from that starting point, or the “anchor.” We even fixate on anchors when we know they are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Economists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman first documented the anchoring bias in an experiment involving a roulette wheel marked with integers ranging from 0 to 100. Each participant witnessed a spin of the roulette wheel. They were then asked whether they thought that the percentage of United Nations member countries that was from Africa was greater or smaller than the number spun on the wheel. Next, they were asked to make an estimation of the true percentage.

Participants who saw the wheel stop on the number 10 guessed, on average, that the actual percentage of African countries belonging to the United Nations was 25%. By contrast, those who saw the wheel stop on the number 65 guessed, on average, that the percentage from Africa was 45%. In the experiment, a clearly random number nonetheless had a dramatic impact on people’s judgments.

Even experts, such as real estate agents, can be powerfully affected by anchors in negotiation, research shows. Why are anchors so effective? When conditions are uncertain, high anchors draw our attention to the positive qualities of the item or individual (as in the case of a salary negotiation) being discussed, and low anchors draw attention to flaws, according to Columbia Business School professor Adam Galinsky.

Research on the anchoring bias has shown that negotiators may be able to gain an edge by making the first offer and anchoring the discussion in their favor. The decision of whether to make the first offer generally should be based on two factors: your knowledge of the zone of possible agreement, or ZOPA—that is, the range of options that should be acceptable to both sides—and your assessment of the other side’s knowledge of the ZOPA.

When you believe the other party likely knows more than you do about the size of the ZOPA, you will have difficulty anchoring effectively. Before dropping an anchor in such situations, arm yourself with as much information as possible.

If both sides have a strong sense of the zone of possible agreement (ZOPA), as in the case of a longtime relationship between a supplier and customer with open books, anchors are unlikely to have a strong impact.

If neither side knows much about the size of the zone of possible agreement (ZOPA), you may be able to effectively drop an anchor, though you could risk being too concessionary or too demanding.

If you know a great deal about the asset up for discussion, you can make an aggressive first offer with confidence and expect that your offer will anchor the discussion to your advantage.

What should you do if your counterpart drops the first anchor? The first and perhaps most important step is to recognize the move, according to Subramanian.

A common mistake is to respond with a counter¬offer before defusing the other side’s anchor in negotiation. If someone opens with $100, and you want to counter with $50, before presenting your number you need to make clear that $100 is simply unacceptable.

Defuse the anchor clearly and forcefully: “I’m not trying to play games with you, but we are miles apart on price.” If you don’t defuse the anchor first, you are suggesting that $100 is well within the bargaining zone.

After defusing the anchor, move quickly to your counterproposal, with the caveat that mentioning the anchor explicitly and repeatedly might validate it. Then, when making a counteroffer, be sure to explain why it is fair and justifiable.


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which leads to "Ok, how you want to do it?" at which point the discussion is where the left wanted it all along.

You wish.

To be fair, repubs plans of "just stop being poor and become rich, you lazy entitled fucks" are not much better.

Worked for me

It's the best plan. There's about a 0% chance of any of it passing, but there's about 100% chance it will cause an insane amount of Drama and Republicans won't be able to shut up about it for the next few weeks. This is good for drama coin.

Take the C O P E glasses off.

Actually it fucking sucks


because you like it

The plan is “we’re gonna like stop global warming guys”.

There is 0 chance all existing buildings in the US will be renewable in 10 years. Same thing is true for 100% renewable energy and net 0 carbon footprint.

Guaranteed jobs is also stupid.

The only legit way to stop global warming is to learn to manipulate climate in the "right way". Otherwise it's just trying to stop the dam from breaking by sticking finger in the crack.

Guaranteed jobs is also stupid.

It's within the realms of possibility, if you start straight up start opressing businesses that outsource, but the situation is so far up the ass, that the more logical point would be "making jobs not treat anyone but top-management as expendable cattle"

Top kek, do you have a job besides being a Taylor Swift fanboy?

I'm just an attention whore at heart

no you're just a whore


What was your favorite part, eliminating almost all forms of transportation? Or where we abandon nuclear energy? Or was it the forced gender reassignments?

All 3

Based af tbh

Banning cow farts, forcing us to eat vegeburgers.

I would support forced gender reassignment for all incels tbh.

Are you seriousposting???

Me? Never

you're still a slut

I dont expect any less stupidity from a mod

specifically this mod

mark dice and bumble jack pubesack

why do people fall for these dipshits?

Excuse you, but I love this plan. I'd love to have bullet train type rail service across this country. Railroads helped build America and we should respect that more

AoCs plan is to bring back Chinese slave labor? Nice.

Hasnt she already deleted this off her website?

OP deleted their account in shame.

Lol at implying the new green deal isn't a massive dump that might single handedly give trump another term.

"When your #GreenNewDeal legislation is so strong that the GOP has to resort to circulating false versions, but the real one nets 70 House cosponsors on Day 1 and all Dem presidential candidates sign on anyway"

Jesus fucking christ is there a coherent thought here?

She never sees to suprise me

Normies appropriating my pissjugs REEEE

When did this sub become a place for virgins to furiously masturbate over AOC