A critique of /r/Drama

1  2019-02-10 by Voltairium

This group focuses far too much on the absolute worst redditors you can find. It relies on sensationalist imagery and stories to propagate it's incredibly weak argument that "all redditors are useless soyboys that will lie to us, repost content, and lock threads, all the while accusing us of what they are guilty of." Now, I know that I won't change any of your minds, but let me try to explain why some redditors may exhibit defensive behaviours in your presence. Two words: pack mentality. I want you to all ask yourselves, "When I see a group of redditors approaching me, what do I think to myself? Am I threatened?" The answer is, you're most likely not.

Now when a redditor walking alone sees a group of drama users shit-talking powermods and approaching xir in a manner that subtly challenges her as if to say "yeah, where's your moderator now?" That is terrifying. That is how I felt discovering this group. I was expecting to find a movement that worked alongside mods to make reddit better for everyone. But no, you're just another group of fascists whining about how terrible it is that you don't have the monopoly on power structures anymore. Learn to share. Honestly, just be a bit more fuckin forgiving of other humans. Probably the most infuriating thing about this group is that some of you would probably be decent people if it weren't for your belief that an entire userbase has the same beliefs, motives, and skill-range. I mean, you've got to be joking right?

Are you going to spend your whole life on the internet moaning about how you've got it so tough in life? or are you going to realise that almost any redditor couldn't be fucked what gender, race, or sexuality you are as long as you are a respectful ally and don't hold the belief that she is inferior? Whether you are on board or not, the world is not going to grant you respect, love, and influence on a silver platter. You are not at a disadvantage because powermods are locking threads and removing comments. It's time to stop being so threatened by people who are different. It's time to stop assuming the opinions and beliefs of others. Think of what we could achieve if we all just figured out the gender, race, and sexuality bullshit and moved on to other world issues.

If you've read this far, thank you. I hope you consider how just being a part of this hateful group is putting you on the wrong side of history.


Too long. It's just too long.

too long for the bot, tbh.

Gender studies is actually science. Your gut reaction, layman's understanding, what you think of as common sense, and/or intuition, or absolutely anyone else's for that matter, have no place in science. None. We don't parse out truth from lies by surmising, or guessing, or dredging up what you learned in fourth grade biology class. Because the scientific process doesn't care about what you think, only what can be tested. You have no knowledge on the subject whatsoever, have never done your research with any amount of intellectual honesty, and already you have an opinion on the subject based on nothing but what has been fed to you by the pundits you listen to and the peers you're around. You don't seem to actually care about what's true, because you just reflexively dismiss things you don't understand for no other reason than they seem like nonsense to you.

So far, for instance, transpeople have been shown via post-mortem examinations to have brains remarkably similar to that of the opposite birth sex. Furthermore, the evidence-based treatment for people with gender dysphoria is the WPATH standard of care, which involves strict guidelines allowing the person the transition to their preferred gender, which has been shown to be the only effective treatment for gender dysphoria; and allows them to have a good quality of life. Also, people who are born medically intersex also benefit from gender studies, especially as they are often forcibly operated on without their consent.

There are a wealth of differences in the structure of brains in regard to sex, hormones, physical sexual characteristics, and chromosomes. That is gender studies. It's no less an important field as anything else.

Your arrogance in thinking you know better than scientists much smarter than you or I, and that your knee-jerk reaction to field of study is a good stand in to an opinion informed by the current science on the topic is called the Dunning-Kreuger effect. You don't really care about science, and that should bother you a lot. I think you're a person that has fell into some really shitty ideologies masquerading as "reason", and unhealthy attitudes about the world and other people.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Fucking OWNED 😂😂


A very sad Chinese story:


So depressing

Especially when she said: "汦睯攺",

I almost cried. 😞


Wow. Gay.

TL;DR: gay piss shit cum

a respectful ally

The need for allies is a sign of significant weakness.


This but ironically

If you can't express something simply you don't understand it as well as you think you do

A critique of you: you are a fun-hating piece of shit

Shit nigga, you expect me to read all that?

Good, good... Let the hate flow through you.

When I see a group of redditors approaching me, what do I think to myself? Am I threatened?" The answer is, you're most likely not.

My sides.

Xir / her

My sides.

Are you going to spend your whole life (...) ?


For those who care about this kind of thing, SRD actually posts drama and has a mod team who are interested in enforcing some rules. The sub I mod has been linked to by SRD a few times and I’m sure some vote brigading has gone on, but you guys don’t really cause much trouble and we know your mods will help us out if you do.

Drama is just a personal army. Someone gets offended at something, then crossposts it, knowing that 30 or so people will show up and try to shout down the person being linked, often spamming homophobic and racial slurs all over the thread. It’s a massive hassle to clean up and a waste of our time. Back when userpings were allowed, that was even worse, you’d get people insulting our users to tempt them into the thread so they could insult them even more.

I mean look, I don’t give a shit about Gallowboob, but if you’ve got a subreddit whose only purpose is to interfere with other subreddits, intimidate their users, and waste the mods’ time, then clearly it has to go. Reddit is better off without it and us mods could spend the time we’re using dealing with coordinated trolls on something more worthwhile.