Tencent has a 20% stake in 50 Cent.

1  2019-02-10 by SandorClegane_AMA


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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20% = 10/50



Uncovered spoiler. Please tag your spoilers correctly.

This post has made me reconsider my stance on abortion on the condition that we invent time travel, and subsequently educate your mother on alternative uses for coat hangers.

Whoa dude like holy shit.

This is a good post

Tencent compromises 20% of the 50 cent party

(((%))) did this

They also have a 200% stake in Nickelback

Put down the fentanyl pipe, stop posting Nazi hate-memes and go outside, and find a cliff.

Wow you might actually be autistic. I was just joking too.

Typical genocidal fascist thug, claims he was joking when called out. We all know your predecessors exterminated people with autism.

You’re arguing with a child molester

🎢 China men, wish death upon me

Blood in my eye dog and I can't see

I'm trying to be what I'm destined to be

And Chinese trying to take my life away

I put a hole in Chink for fucking with me

My IP behind 3 firewalls, now you gon' see

Better watch how you ching, when you chong about me

'Cause I'll come and take your life away

Chinamen, China, China, China, Chinamen

Wish death 'pon me

Lord I don't cry no more

Don't look to the spez no more

Have mercy on me

ζˆ‘δ»¬θ’«ε‘ηŽ°δΊ†! πŸ˜±γŠ—οΈγŠ™οΈπŸˆΉπŸˆ²πŸˆΊπŸ‘²πŸˆ²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³γŠ™οΈγŠ—οΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡³

Senkaku Islands BTFO, China Strong!

We're allowed to own black people again? Sweet!

Yeh but on the terms that your life and thoughts are owned by the chinese communist party and any essence of individualim erased. Also you will no longer identify as caucasian but asian.

Now that's a good joke.

Well damn, you really got my hopes up about some great drama about the Chinese buying a black man.

OP is not even on the spectrum, OP IS the spectrum.

Sucks about your ban, OP.

10 Canadian cents = 0.5 RMB = wumao (google it)