r/news janitors can't stop going full retard and censoring everything, as usual

1  2019-02-10 by Sunshinetroughrain


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Remember when the orlando shooting happened, reddit censored everything and the only subreddits standing for bussy were the_drumpf and askleddit?

I don't personally



Pepperidge Farm remembers!

I was following this live, and it was amazing to watch literally every thread on the subject get nuked from orbit as soon as the media started reporting that the shooter was a muslim.

Made me do a think so big it's still ongoing.

Really got those almonds activated, huh?

only a fool wouldn't activate their almonds

our beloved jannies would never do that

must have been Ch*na

The threads were up for hours with people screaming about how it was daddys fault and its a scary trend of growing right wing terrorism in the US.

Then the revelation that the shooter was a gay ISIS wannabe came out and all the threads got nuked.

sure, that's exactly what happened 🤪

I mean it is, places like /r/subredditcancer were sperging out about it for months. Probably still are.

So what happened?

Wasn't that pretty much what happened? I don't really remember, except of course that there definitely was censorship for a while.

Yes of course that is what happened exactly. They are trying to deflect with smug snark as though that replaces reality.

I perceive you used a rhetorical question above, so whoosh

Then the revelation that the shooter was a gay ISIS wannabe came out and all the threads got nuked.

Not this. The idea that /r/news mods delete stories because they think that somehow censors the knowledge that the crime was committed by a Muslim is silly.

Lol, you are just spinning the exact same actions

Ok, I thought people believed it was to censor news, not because the mods got tired of babysitting threads.

They absolutely do censor news. They didn't give a shit about having to babysit when it was just shitting on hypothetical conservative white male killing gays.

😭😭 Poor white men 😿😿

Poor Muslims. Same difference.

I'm not sure if you are saying topics are censored, like muslim terrorism, or if you think posts that circle jerk about white men are allowed while circle jerks about muslims aren't.

Any thread about anything is going to have a collection of people jerking off to it.

They censor shit the very second Muslims get involved. This is a repeated issue with the mod team. This behavior unironically created T_D because normal people don't like the blatant censorship and they got pushed to the only places that wouldn't do it.

The News mods held build the groups they probably personally hate the most.

Too bad uncensored news got filled with unironic nazis.

Here is a post from 6 months ago about a New York Times writing racist tweets. All the comments in red are deleted by the mods, I want you to tell me which rules 95% of them are breaking for them to be deleted.

Specifically scroll down to these deleted commets:

Did the previous post get deleted or something? Having a hard time finding it

yes got to 500 in barely more than an hour. can't have that!

I don't want to say they got caught red-handed, but they were caught red-handed censoring that story.

I dunno, it's weird. It isn't only one side of the '''debate''' being censored because shit like this got removed:

Two wrongs don't make a right, but I do find it hilarious that the same /r/The_Donald posters who mock liberals for being snowflakes are here REEEEEing and feigning moral outrage when they're the same ones constantly cracking jokes about minorities. Stretching your eyelids out and going "ching ching" in front of an Asian is okay, but someone else does it back to you in the form of a tweet, it suddenly becomes an internet witchhunt. Bunch of alt-right snowflakes.

I'm wondering if auto mod removes comment that have x number of reports and it's idiots reporting each other's comments. But, was the topic itself censored on /r/news? Was it never able to be discussed at all?

There are a few comments from the other side which were deleted I'll admit. That was was probably for the 'ching-ching' part, which honestly is pretty understanble even if he didn't mean it like that.

But I do know for a fact that it's not an automod because this is the reason I was banned from /r/news. They did the same censorship to an article on people calling white genocide. I literally posted a comment like my original one here pointing out proof that comments were being deleted that weren't breaking any rules and was banned for it. When I asked them why the dude insulted me and that was it. I'm looking for the post, but it's an effort to find.

I don't know what the answer is. The huge subs could maybe have professional mods. I know everyone wants to be heard when a big news story comes out. OTOH, they could probably delete 75% of the comments and improve the quality. Comments are filled with people who are mad because they only read the headline, people yelling about Coulter's Law, people asking where another thread is, people spreading deliberate misinformation, etc.


the gay part was fanfic

I thought they found a shit ton of gay porn on his hard drive though. I'm sure I read that in an actual article.

That was the one where they made fun of the victims for being gay and spread false blood donation information before finding out he shooter was brown, right?

The /r/news mods are cancerous unethical twats. Fuck I wish we still had ping.


Ni Hao fellow Pedes! . #Deport kebab!

This is some eregious slander directed at the glorious Middle Kingdom.

As part of the reddit redesign we are proud to announce these great feature

  • 1 downvote against blatant western propaganda = 100 PUBG coins
  • 1 ban of slanderous article = limited edition comisar skin

Swap those PUBG coins for 100 Vbucks and we got a deal.

Glorious Middle Kingdom owns Reddit now! Bow down and pay tribute to Heavenly Emperor Xi Jinping, western barbarians!

If I shill hard enough for 中國 will I get a free copy of Metro Exodus on Epic?

Censorship is good.


Funny how redditors are spazzing out about China now when just a week ago you were called a conspiratard for mentioning the suspicious flood of pro-China posts whenever talking about the trade war

Why do the r/news mods care that people know bad things happen in China? What a dumb thing to worry about.

Tencent's investment

I am NOT allow.

What's with the zh links??

Zhōngwén, you fucking chǔn zhū.

小白 Xiǎo bái = noob

小 Xiǎo = small

白 Bái = white

What did the hive mean by this?

Ni hao fellow newfriend! Sadly, because of 雞湯, we're only allowed to post zh. links.

I hope i could help you (・x・) moonwalks away

China number one, you no speak barbarian language! Speak glorious Hànyǔ!

Russian interference is apparently code for welcoming our Chinese overlords

The user deleted the post himself. Can't really blame the sub for that.

First of all, that article contains no useful or reliable information whtsoever. Secondly, the source is basically the propaganda arm of the Turkish government. Thirdly, it appears to be fake news, as China has released a video showing him alive. Y'all need to start being a little more skeptical.

Looks like OP suicided his account with three gunshots to the back of the head

Why do you fuckers keep zh.posting?

Also why does reddit think 150m gives Tencent full operational control of the company?



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because the source of this is a turkish propaganda news with ties to erdogan?

no shit theyre going to remove it if theres no good source to it