It's over for dramacels.

1  2019-02-10 by leekyleaks


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

How come I can see so much of gallowboob's inbox?

Because he has always been willing so show the most intimate parts of himself, especially to children.


Imagine sucking gallowboobs trans cock

Imagine being a GB Groupie.

A fate worse than death itself.

Doesn't he have an SRD mod run his user page?

For every comment calling him out for stealing someone else's content there will be a dozen GB apologists practically tripping over themselves to fellate him.

Claims to be receiving 500+ death threats, only ever posts the same one. šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤”

I once sent him a death threat saying that comment karma was more satisfying than link karma

Wow that really is a chin scratcher šŸ¤”šŸ’­

If you point it out, he has to make more accounts to give him death threats

Why boob man no post death threats

He has all these alts to pat himself on the back but none to remind him to keep himself safe? Malarchy.

That's not even a death threat, it's just life advice.

Powerusers like gallowboob really exemplify the reasons why the law distinguishes between public and private persons when it comes to standards for harassment, defamation, etc. If your literal job is to get posts onto the front page so random people see your content, then those random people reacting to your content and calling you a shill is not "stalking" you or "following you around" or whatever. I mean I have no doubt that some people are doing this but I'm pretty sure a lot of the Netflix spam would stick even if no one was.

I hope he's got bodyguards protecting him 24/7 and making sure nobody plants a bomb on his car. Mildly annoyed redditors are a dangerous bunch.

That's not even a death threat.

Iā€™d rather read his apparent hate mail tbh.


So either gallowboob is messaging himself from alts to build this fake support campaign, or people are actually writing messages of encouragement to a stranger on the internet that reposts shit and shills for corporations.

I can't decide which alternative is sadder.

Definitely the latter.

People are doing it so that when he sees this post he won't be able to tell which ones were genuine. Then because he's an ego driven faggot he'll go crazy thinking that none were genuine.

Hopefully it results in a spicy livestream involving sleep meds and wodka.

sooo like where are the death threats?

people are so gay

I love how u / gallowboob goes crying in r/centuryclub. He knows that the only people who will support him on this website is other powerusers.

Dude needs to keep himself shaved, with Gillette to further the mayocide and maintain a good smooth face!

A power mod named gallowboob farmed karma to be a cool dude sent minors dick pics and shilled for netflix now people think he is just rude

What did I just read šŸ¤¢

He's still crying in centuryclub about it.

>I've had bots but it's only 1-2 votes within minutes of posting.


Being this delusional.

you thinking of leaving?


Gallowboob more pathetic than the average inceltears poster?

do u really expect me to read tiny text from a low effort screencap

Get better eyes

He included the pm with the secret message in it.