Me arguing with a fat and sassy #instathot

1  2019-02-10 by charming_tatum


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Yikes Snappy

worst post of the year nominee

Oh boi I hope I win!!! I doubt it though with gems like this out there

I baited everyone in all 3 threads including a drama mod and people liked my pasta so much they suggested snappy quote status. Try again sweaty 🤗

I baited sperged out on everyone in all 3 threads including a drama mod and people liked my pasta sperg so much they suggested snappy quote status. Try again sweaty 🤗

I fixed it for you lil bud

You’re jealous your posting power is so low. It must make you tired seriousposting all day.


No explanation of this shit = who fucking cares. This is Randy levels of delusion

what kind of explanation do you need, it's pretty straight forward.

Some fat cow commented something she thought was witty and snarky and I responded like a drama poster then she proceeded to blow up my inbox to prove how mad she wasn't.

We made r/fuckfuckjerry when the fuckjerry controversy started in hopes it would take off and I made an insta for it to get subs and completely forgot about it until this land whale made a comment

Never heard of the fuck jerry controversy

For the drama I posted it's not really necessary but here's a rundown

Fuckjerry is a social media brand than gained a bunch of followers by reposting jokes and memes, now they get paid for those posts. They were also heavily involved with Fyre Festival and actually funded the netflix documentary in hopes it would clear their name in that whole mess.

Their online presence is basically them stealing OC jokes and memes from comedians and regular people then reposting them without acknowledging the creator while getting 30-60k $ per post from company sponsorships. A week or so ago a couple of no name comedians started the fuckfuckjerry hashtag to shine light on the situation. It took off and a good amount of big name comedians and entretainers retweeted/reposted it. It got to the point where fuckjerry released a statement apologising for stealing content and pledged to only repost stuff when they're given permission and to also give credit to creators. People are still pissed though and beleive they should be paying royalties.

Thank, fren