Sit down everyone, and listen to the story of how a r/FuckTheAltRight mod used to be pro-Trump and the same r/FragileWhiteRedditor mod used gay and racial slurs

1  2019-02-10 by forever_abanned

Our dear belleAriel from r/FuckTheAltRight used to be a pro-trump supporter, hated hillary and ...gasp.... used gay and racial slurs in her posts. How does one go from defending Trump, saying Hillary should be jailed, and saying anti-trump people are idiotic to now the staunch mod of well respected alt-right and white privilege hate subs? Well, I'll tell you.

BelleAriel's old reddit account was Eveyisms. Her website is here:

As you can see, she uses the same avatar icon on reddit that she uses on her website. image in case she deletes her forum avatar:

She tried to run this forum, but it was invaded by trolls. She came to reddit because she had been banned from after having many drug-fueled meldowns.

She originally decided to make friends at T_D by being pro-Trump. However, she was ostracized and the Trump people didn't want her, so she decided that being a leftie was much better for karma and sucking up to powermods so she is now the BelleAriel we know today.

Bonus content: She's also a r/FragileWhiteRedditor mod and I guess oopsie even they sometimes use the n and f words. :(

Full imgur list of images


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. r/FuckTheAltRight -,,*

  3. defending Trump, saying Hillary sho... -,,

  4. -,,

  5. -,,

  6. T_D by being pro-Trump. -,,

  7. r/FragileWhiteRedditor -,,*

  8. oopsie even they sometimes use the ... -,,

  9. -,,

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This but unironically.

bad bot

You're looking at someone easily recruited to work for a foreign influence.

More like someone so desperate to belong that she is willing to drift from one diametrically opposed extreme to the other just hoping that her toxicity and stupidity won't turn people against her again

It's not that Uncommon

Fuck that's a weird story.

This wouldnโ€™t have had to happen if your country didnโ€™t bomb my country.โ€

County arrest records indicate Arthurs was born in Florida.

This story is like one of those jackets you can turn inside out and itโ€™s the same but a different colour.

It's almost as if the cops and WaPo were falling for obvious bullshit from a bullshitter

I met this person on a Minecraft server before they yeeted. Check out your local extremist (on both sides ofc!) drama political Minecraft server at! Or r/civclassics , where in the past week three people have been exposed for doxxing, two have been revealed to have tried to self-safe keep, a 100 millionaire gay Mayo was forced to quit his leadership position due to harassment, and toxic fourteen year olds tell other toxic fourteen year olds they should keep themselves safe because of how toxic they are to other toxic fourteen year olds. It's great drama, but you'll wish you'd never found it. Just like r/drama!


The entire server is about using personal connections in a myriad of ways for gain or other ends. Dramatards would love it.

You should bless us with a write up ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜

Hold the fuck up, who was this in Civcraft?

wolfdevon. We also had the reiko drama, it happened in a discord for some civ peeps

Ok, all that must've been after I left the server. That server had a way of attracting strange people, myself included.

Come back it's epic. The admins are back!

Minecraft in current year

All the cool kids are doing Fortnite tho


I lost my minecraft account :(

When I get my computer back I'll give ya one, I have too many alts. I am sadly a political Minecraft power user

Nah, I'll try to restore it later. Or buy a new one.

a Minecraft server

toxic fourteen year olds

story checks out

neonazi to islam fundie isnt really that big a leap

I have a cousin who use to be a super annoying militant atheist, he converted for a bit and became a preachy and pushy christian, went back to being annoying atheist sometime after.


He is also a "member of peta" (gets shit mailed to him that he's supposed to put up but never does) and gets in everyone's face about eating meat and such, and this same person had to have "his dogs" taken by authorities because he wasn't taking care of them and basically letting them starve chained up.


People and their "beliefs" really annoy me. Go up to a religious person and tell them that god spoke to you, or you saw a demon or something, they would rightfully call you insane. People like to pretend to have these beliefs, most people don't really believe in anything.

Remember this crazy broad?

This person legitimately reminds me of her.

Imagine thinking horseshoe theory is ironic.

bro what happened to the emojishit u used to be cool ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Lol even ddf didn't want her as a friend?

More info about her:

Of course she likes corbyn

source on that pic btw

You mean my flair.



She turned up to that post in the comments

Sounds like solid Discord Trust and Safety material.

A true centrist. Mod her

Damn shame, but I guess she treats us like she treats her kids

How is she being negligent to us?

but I guess she treats us like she treats her kids

She wants to abort us?

Damn Shane

How about r/badredditnodonut?

I'll take her spot.

Well, maybe I can follow her around for a few years and see if she changes her mind.


Is she still pissed that she was featured in a snally writeup? Because that was aso posted to srd. And they loved it

Never trust a foid

Inshallah brother

avoid the foid TM

I donโ€™t see any proof

Ah there you go

I found a picture of her and she looks like someone you'd drive to a trailer park to cop jenkem off of

wow I just got in a message slap fight with that idiot like a week ago and then banned from the modhelp sub for shitting on her about it, never has any ban been so worth it.

Histrionic no doubt


That was already assumed

Says the rdrama user

I love you OP, thank you ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

u/Quietus42 I think you should demod her from TMoR so we can watch the shit hit the fan ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Ooh and mod natezomby after removing her. That dude getting modded on FTAR after she got demodded made her lose her shit.

I try not to shit where I eat.

What are some good subs to crosspost this to?

Wait she got remodded on FTAR after that meltdown 2 weeks ago?? Lmao she swore she would never go back and couldn't even last a week before crawling back.

Standard mod behavior.

There was a former r/conspiracy mod named kit8643 who a while ago who got booted out of the mod team after a sperg out. Then a couple months later he was permabanned from the sub and cried in r/WatchRedditDie, whining about how the mods are a "cult" (fair enough) and how moderating is a scam and saying they were going to sue Reddit. Then like a week later one of the /con mods was suspended, they offered kit his mod position back as a replacemet and he couldn't suck their dick hard enough.

belle is very good at groveling to come back. She will do it again in a rage. Probably on a saturday night drug binge.

I'm just loving the fact that she's in r/FuckTheAltRight calling people Nazis and yet here she is pro-Trump calling people faggots and niggers. lol

True. She emailed a admin every day for eighteen months.

She seems like a DID sufferer lol

Trumps the greatest thing to happen to /r/drama since Obama

I think it's since Sarah Palin tbqh

every president causes dramacoin to go up

How does one go from defending Trump, saying Hillary should be jailed, and saying anti-trump people are idiotic to now the staunch mod of well respected alt-right and white privilege hate subs? Well, I'll tell you.

Quite simply. Hillary is a bitch, but cuckservatives are sanctimonious faggots, while alt-right are pretty much white niggers whining about "muh represantation of joos" and similar.

Hi, Alpha100f!

I am here to wish you well, and hope this year is your best one yet!


Kill yourself.

Oh dear what a strange coincidence, forum has bee lock down for and 'upgrade'....nothing to see here

Aaannnd the forum is gone, whomp whomp

But what will all the members there do now ?

Knife of Hurt

No one knows how I feel, Right now, scattered like orange peel, Full of so many dreams, No more, just endless means,

Sitting here with silent cries, Pictured like stormy skies, Fear of the unknown, Just me here, all alone

Threatening to take her away, As if she were a cat, just a stray, Looking at me, judging me, I am anxiously waiting what is to be,

I feel like I'm being ripped apart inside, Tried so hard to prevent, this is why I lied, Each morning I awake, it's at me like a knife, Reminding me that was another life,

I can't help but push my loved ones away, Like on a wrecked ship, casting them astray, All I wanted was to be happy, Yet it always goes wrong, I end up feeling crappy,

Why do I have to feel so much pain? That leaves me all cast out and lame, Why so bad does it hurt? And why do I feel like a piece of dirt?

As I walk along, I hope for a happier song, To feel happy and good, Without leaving others lying in the mud

Evey 11/06/2009

Thank fuck for that, at least some of the ace content is still there :-

archived the shit:

This is amazing lmao

How can you read that and still decide to creep on and stalk her and add to her misery?

"lol look at how much pain this person is in! Let's add to it!"

I bet you're the kind of person who'd kick a homeless person while they're asleep and then run off laughing.

"hahaha I made someone's life even worse! Aren't I smart?"

You know the equation by now, drama = karma work the rest out for yourself slimshady...

As a wise person once said, "Fuck the alt right."

Evey trolling is so much fun though.

Takes its toll though. So many good accounts lost to the cause. And r/Loungers too.

Now the ultimate goal has been reached of finding her pro-Trump posts.

And it's kind of underwhelming. Just the same empty Evey phrases but cheering for the other side.

Evey, you're a constant letdown.

I mourn the loss of loungers. It was so fun!


Oh its Evey's alt account, hello Evey.

Added it to the thread description.

BelleAriel: Fuck those r/drama racist scumbags this is totally a setup I am not Eveyisms.

Also BelleAriel: Deletes forum to cover tracks because it's just totally coincidental you guys.

lol that's belle. You can't disagree with her even if it's polite. She just bans. In r/FuckTheAltRight, she calls everyone a nazi and bans them. lol

Haha oh I know, I have been laughing about her antics since Snally posted this about her

Been watching her in SRD pretend like she has no idea what is going on and she's dialed up the Trump hate and calling people nazis and racists today. lol

She is frustrating to deal with

High quality drama and you really did your research. When I read /r/drama posts like this, I'm entertaining, but then I think, "geez, I wish I had the drive and autism to dig up this kind of drama and organize it into a post," but then I think "oh wait no I don't."

This had Lysis written all over. U go girl

JFC, take a look at that tattoo, she actually paid for that shit :-

She has offered safe haven to Gallowboob and you are all"ifiots"

I love when she does this, gets downvoted and it's just crickets in her sub.

Post this in /r/Fuckthealtright

just got banned from there today and muted when asking for an explanation..


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but they are British? how can they have any strong opinions on US domestic politics?

First off BelleAriel is banned from most all of the UK subs for spamming and being a generally retarded, drama seeking ifiot.

She'll also take any view point if it enables her to think she's part of some kinda inner clique, especially of it gains her precious karma.

Folks like those in subs like FTAR and such just love feeling all indignant about perceived injustices, it makes them feel better about their inadequacies and gives them a vehicle to express all the pent up hate they have inside.

I'd like to say I feel pity for them....but I don't

She'll also take any view point if it enables her to think she's part of some kinda inner clique, especially of it gains her precious karma.

ahhh autism works in mysteirous ways!

She's banned from all the main UK subs for much the same reasons as she's been banned from all the forums and websites.

interesting comment considering I had a 3 day reddit ban at their expense.

People/mods tend to take a great deal of nonsense and tolerate a lot of shit before they get wise and get rid of her.

really? how the hell did they do that?

Kicked up a major shitstorm. It was a while ago, I don't recall the details. He's still a mod on every other UK sub and predictably he got demodded defending her.

I want to be Evey because at this point she's notorious. I'd be making merchandise if I were her

Man, those fags are in a tizzy now lmao