Muslim mommy names the Jew

1  2019-02-11 by Strictlybutters


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This should be good.

Is it her turn yet ?

This is really gonna test the limits of intersectionality and "allies". Look like the progressives are gonna find out that holdings hands and singing doesn't actually solve geopolitical issues.

I just want the world to see jews show minorities how viciously they’ll attack one who steps out of line.



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Chinese, Mutha Fucka! Do you speak it?

Ilhan has been doing this for a while. Look at this tweet lmao. This is also a nice thread covering some stuff she did.

Not sure if she's based, stupid and does not realize how the words coming out of her mouth sound, or just really hates jews and can't keep it a secret.

These poor new progressives are about to learn about the real internal dynamics of the Democratic party. There are a few groups you don't touch, and the Jewish banker's who still tell stories about the times the Russian army burned their grandparents' villages down are one of them. Oh, and they don't fucking forget. Except for Mel Gibson. I still have no idea how he can work in Hollywood.

Like all patricians, the Jews enjoy a good trainwreck.

this is a weird thing to say after someone gets elected. maybe the "internal dynamics of the Democratic party" aren't actually the invincible force of nature you seem to think they are?

Except for Mel Gibson. I still have no idea how he can work in Hollywood.

Hollywood is its own cesspool as well tbh

You think progressives care? Lmao half of /r/Minnesota drools over her because she pushes identity politics.

Imagine thinking Reddit is representative of anything that isn't Hayes Valley or Brooklyn.

Nordic genes confirmed to be riddled with predisposition for cuckoldry.

How I'd staying an objective truth about money and politics anti semitic?

Eh, in isolation it isn't, but like I said she has a history of this stuff, in that linked thread. Not to mention she has also received funds from lobbyists, ones focused on american-islamic relations, so I dunno why she's singling this one out.

She doesn't necessarily have to be antisemitic, I did give her the benefit of the doubt and said that maybe she doesn't think that what she's saying can be interpreted as such.

Oy vey......shut it down

Infighting is always good drama. Who wins in the minority Olympics, Jews or Muslims? Tune in next week to find out!

Jews obviously

dunno, it seems like progressives are willing to go to incredibly great lengths to defend Islam/excuse their beliefs. It would be funny if Israel of all things is what changes progressive opinion on

This should be interesting either way. I hope Muslim Mommy teaches Americans more about Muslim conspiracy theories.

I mean is it really a conspiracy that AIPAC throws around ton of money at both political parties to protect its core interests e.g. the survival of the Jewish state? Both Saudi Arabia and Israel aside from their strategic importance (which is in dispute because of domestic American oil production) enjoy the only bipartisan foreign policy consensus in Washington DC and I think a fair amount of that has to do with the insane amounts of money they throw around lobbying politicians...For example the Clinton foundation alone has taken in $3.5 million from AIPAC over the years.

I mean is it really a conspiracy that AIPAC throws around ton of money at both political parties to protect its core interests e.g. the survival of the Jewish state?

Yeah, what she said is true, but it would be entertaining if she went even further and started spouting the kind of conspiracy theories that MENA is known for.

Oh yeah lol, if she ever starts tweeting about shark attacks in sharm el sheik being part of a Zionist plot that’ll be entertaining for sure

Nah they usually side with Muslims, like with gay men vs Islam. They just need to cast Jews as white men, then it's an easy call to make.

Always bet on bagel

Remember: with either platform or either party, the Nosebergs win.

Consistency is always a good thing

The balkanization is proceeding as planned.

Which side will the libs take? Taqqiyah purveying Muslim or Jewish Lobbyist? Tune in next time to watch the civil war of the Democratic Party unfold just in time for 2020.

Divide and conquer. In this case, just press into the contradictions.

I don't know but I'm rooting for Jews.

That's dumb. Muslims will repeal women's right to vote. Clearly the greater good.

I unironically love her for this. American dems loves to close its eyes when it comes to kikes in Israel and stops its moral grandstanding at niggers and faggots while censoring anything that is anti Israel and may not even be anti Semitic using their Twitter mobs

Hi, Wololol0w!

I am stopping by to wish you the best day, and the best year!


Thank you bot. Just so you know if you're Jewish I don't hate you except if you're Israeli

Israel has the only hot jew girls, calm down fag.

/>not claiming your girls by right off conquest.

Commit liven't

Fucking up off and of

Go commit die

Go commit not alive

Go commit aliven't

Go commit uninstall life

Go commit discontinue life

Go commit short-circuit life

Go commit not feeling so good

Go commit blood not flow

Go commit death-pacito

Go commit sewer side

Go commit oxygen not reach lungs

Go commit heart not pumping blood

Go commit cease the means of carbon dioxide production

Go commit neck rope

Go commit wrist knife

Go commit jugular scissor

Go commit plug fork

Go commit swallow lit firework

Go commit celebrity's career after saying n-word

Go commit train track picnic

Go commit exhaust pipe succ

Go commit shove head in oven

Go commit skydive no parachute

Go commit 3 shots of cyanide

Go commit approach lion during safari

Go commit cliff jump

Go commit skinny dip in flood

Go commit gay in Iran

Go commit break into gun owner's home

Go commit XXXTentacion leave motorbike store

Go commit 30 days no eat

Go commit hold breath underwater for 10 minutes

Go commit bite dust

Go commit Logan Paul's reputation after suicide forest vlog

Go commit jump overboard on ferry

Go commit choir in "This is America" music video

Go commit motorway chicken

Go commit bully weird kid in American school

Go commit dog in Sputnik rocket

Go commit bucket kick

Go commit fetus in liberal's womb

Go commit neck dislocate

Go commit Niagara Falls jump

Go commit Robbie Rotten cannonball hit

Go commit stare at enderman

Go commit swim in lava

Go commit oof IRL

Go commit Ukraine's population in 1930s

Go commit liver after 10 shots of vodka

Wow, you must be a JP fan

I am a bot. Contact for questions

/>Not knowing about swype fucking up words like off and of.

It's over for nonswypecels

Imagine not using a blackberry in 2019 for the superior physical keyboard

Go commit liver after 10 shots of vodka

without a timeframe this one just makes you sound like a pussy

Blame the pastaman not the pastamessenger

Dude the Israel thing isn't even a fucking dem thing it's just the whole fed at this point.

Rightoid get out.

The Holocaust happened but it seems to have missed a retard. Did you know your keyboard is made of chocolate? Hi ahead. Take a bite.

Hi ahead? Unfuck your keyboard before coming at the king negroid

It's a Chinese phrase, in honor of our new overlords.

You must construct additional pylons.

No that's korea. The worst one.

i can't tell if /pol/ is supposed to be the Nazi or the nonwhite

Just replace '/int/' with Reddit.

holy fuck this is accurate

Llegó el americANO

/pol/ is the one that's smug, not the one that's laughing.



Is that Jim Norton and his new trans girlfriend?




It's a deleted scene from Avengers: Infinity War. Hawkeye discovers Hydra had some good ideas when he realizes that a small minority of purple people commits most of the genocides.


Somalis are trash but good for dramacoin. A lot of leftist heads are going to explode from the retarded shit this woman will do.

Guess our immigrants think we have gotten too soft with the Jews. This is why immigration is good for America: their belief to the American Dream is unparalleled, and they keep us on the right course!

On a serious note, I wish American Jews and Muslims can just agree that everybody in the Levant region needs to be cleansed and the settle Belgium over there. Only the Kingdom of Jerusalem can ensure the peace and prosperity of the Holy Land.

we were just talking about this chick and her anti-semitism the other day.

I love this democrat freshman class. Great for dramacoin.

Just a preview of the future, tbh. I'm looking forward to things reaching President Cumacho-tier in my lifetime.

a Muslim who hates Jews


Apparently she was forced to apologize for this one too :(

why won't people ever stand up and be proud of their racism?

She better take it back before the Guardian of Israel hears about this

Lol fuck AIPAC

Why is everyone in this thread shitting their pants lol. Do we unironically love Aipac now or what?

Lots of shills pretending they actually don’t have an opinion, but also Omar is being retarded somehow

AIPAC isn't a political action committee, they don't pay anyone

expecting anyone to believe this

did a child write this?

Wtf. I didn't sign up to be bullied. Apologize immediately

Shooo kike shill

Oh look, turns out muslims aren't that progressive after all...