Commie Mommy triggered enough MAGAcels she now has a subreddit where she lives rent free in their heads.

1  2019-02-11 by GodOfWineWisdomWar64


Jews did this


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Which enough spam subreddit will emerge victorious in their stated mission goal, vote in comments below!

If there's one thing positive about a Trump presidency, it's that the "people" of /EnoughTrumpSpam have their historical asses handed to them.

I don't mind these subreddits - seeing any post from /r/enoughxspam lets me easily and quickly know I can ban the sub and get on with my life.

This is a new account so I lost all of my filters. You have no idea how grotesque /r/all is when you let all the casual filth go through.

enough aoc spam is /r/neoliberal users, like enough sanders spam was. I got banned from enough sanders spam for making fun of clinton in 2016. its not run by daddytards.

Yeah looking through the profiles of some of the front page posts there isn't a single trumpet lol

Yeah the only moderator is bigly neo lib. He really seems to hate every politician outside of Clinton.

What kind of sad world does he live in?

What kind of sad world might anyone live in if they unironically like Clinton. Hillary is a textbook case of a certain type of girl, who will snitch to teacher/higher up to maintain the look that she is a "goody-good", despite doing the same little shit when nobody is looking.

That's all neolibs though. Clinton is untouchable. The Prince that was Promised Macron, despite his objectively shitty results, is untouchable in that sub.

do they have a yellow vest flair

Probably owns at least one sec x doll with clintons face on it.

Yeah, looks like it. One of the top posts link back there:

Where they're also all making fun of her.

enough sanders spam

Ugh why are those people such toxic piles of shit.

The left continues to divide itself and the world keeps turning. A story old as time itself.

>thinking neolibs are in any way left


To conservatards, everyone not bending over to the "rich jahbgivers" is a leftie.

You mean communist.

It’s like the boy who cried wolf at this point

You mean communist

Dude, I'm from formerly communist country where faggotry would lend you GuLAG, like, literally. (Lesbians were ok). Lumping me and my people with american "fullcommunism" faggots is a bit overboard.

It’s like the boy who cried wolf at this point

"The boy who cried Stalin" for right and "The boy who cried fascism" for lefties.

Oh please, this applies to anyone in any spectrum. To hard leftists anyone right of themselves is a literal fascist.

Neoliberal isn't part of the American political left spectrum?

no, and anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to trick you

No one told me anything but I can't imagine many neoliberals voting for Republican candidates judging by a quick glance at that sub.

This video becomes less funny when you realize its a 100% accurate portrayal of reality.

let's stop circulating someone's presence by creating subreddit dedicated to them

Oh honey no no no no

idk pre end of primaries enough sanders spam was pretty fun, i probably wont participate in this though because of the degeneration of the enough_spam family of subreddits is dogshit now

Yeah that wasn't created by conservatives. We love this fucking retard for her amazing ability to inspire cannibalism among her party.

This guy gets it

Not having preferential voting is one of the stupidest things about the US and that’s saying a lot

Fundamentally, it's still the people though.

plus she unites the trumptards and neocons.

Trumptards and neocons are rather easy match to make. The impressive part is making trumptards AND neolibs agree in hating someone.

Trumps foreign policies are literally antithetical to neocon and neoliberal global philosophy so whatcha talking about

Trumps foreign policies are literally antithetical to neocon

Yes but it's much easier to reconcile and find common ground between conservatives. Same for trumpers and libertarians, where every once in a while they'll agree.

and neoliberal global philosophy so whatcha talking about

Oh yeah, there's no reconciling there, I'm saying it's impressive that both groups hate AOC for basically the same reasons.

Fair enough explanation

Op is retardcel

Every politician in office after Ron Paul needs a "Enough X spam" sub; this is just a rule of reddit

I like AOC, she's a bit retarded but she calls out some relevant shit, can someone explain why it's ok that 99% of politicians are bankrolled by the likes of Comcast, the medical industry, the NRA ETC and that's just like, fine. Vested interests are just kinda passed over as a means to an end but it should be looked on as pure poison.

American politics have been infected for a long time by big business but nobody seems to care.

All "Enough" subs are fucking cancer and all their regular users need to die slow. If you pop in on an occasional shitpost, whatever. but if you're one of their S E E T H I N G regulars, you have to take a break from any sort of respiratory process for some period of time.