Somali mommy causes a stir by implying (((they))) have congress bought and paid for

1  2019-02-11 by rPoliticsBTFO


This is why we need mayocide.


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You were doing so well, bot.

Jews are mayos I guess

Islam is a honorary mayo religion according to the person who created the modern mayo Hitler

Glad to see some acknowledgement


America: where jews are consevative, Muslims are liberal and christians are centrists. All the while arguing with guns

The Muslims are only pretending until they can lure us into a false sense of securiety. The Jews aren't pretending; they already run America, and its why America is great. Think of all the countries the Jews don't run. Countries like China, Somalia, South Africa, Iran, North Korea and Haiti. You'll notice all those countries are shitholes. All hail the master race!

America the not shithole. Fat black tranny celebs.

Fat black tranny celebs

Tell me more?

at least we're not the United glorious kingdom where you can be jailed for stirring drama calling a trap man a man tranny

But Japan > America, so...

American Jews are overwhelmingly Democrats.

America: where jews are consevative, Muslims are liberal and christians are centrists. All the while arguing killing each other with guns

You are now aware 13 members of the senate and 27 members of house of reps have dual citizenship with Israel

Woah buddy don’t be kicking our greatest ally! Just for that we’ll be adding a extra billion to the 38 billion 77 out of a 100 senate members passed and stay a extra 2 years in Syria, ok?

Oy vey! What a coincidence..

I'm bringing it back on a new alt


Beware the Jewish psy-op!


Beware the Jewish psy-op!


Beware the Jewish psy-op!

anyone who unironically believes this should be given unlimited access to fentanyl

except it's true.

sauce? my friend. it's an easy thing to search and confirm.

jesus christ you're retarded
go fuck your sister in her trailer and leave this subreddit alone, cletus

All Jews get Israeli citizenship automatically by visiting unless you renounce it in person.

It is very likely that our Jewish representatives have visited our greatest ally and not renounced. Therefore they are Israeli and American dual citizens.

you're always welcome to enter my sweet bussy with your gargantuan bepis
congratulations, you're gay. there's literally no difference between being offered something and actually accepting that offer.

this sub needs to go private again to keep retards like you out.

It's not an invitation to become one. If you visit, you are a citizen in the eyes of the law. You specifically have to opt out to not get your rights.

Getting hit on by twinks doesn't make me gay. It only gives me an invitation.

you replied to my post, so you're my daddy bear bf in my eyes.
since you didn't explicitly opt out of it, you're now official gay. i sure hope you brought condoms ribbed for my pleasure

Since your tard wrangler has let you run off your leash today, I'll try to explain the difference.

Israel has the power to declare who is a citizen, you do not have the power to decide who is gay.

can israel demand military service from all jewish young men?
all of them are israeli citizens by your logic, and israel has mandatory military service.
weird how my jewish highschool friend went to law school instead of palestine

Surprisingly, yes

Israelis abroad who don't register are considered draft dodgers.

Complaining about proportionate numbers of whites = woke.

Complaining about disproportionate numbers of Jews = Hitler.

anyone who unironically believes this should be given unlimited access to ~fentanyl~ bussy


How is it even disputed or a scandal at this point lmao

I know enough somalies to not like them

The girl in middle school class was Somali and she was hot.

Girl in my high school class was Somali and she wore a chador. One time we were playing football (soccer for the Americucks) and she hid the ball inside of her chador/skirt, ran up to the goal and scored while everyone else was trying to figure out where the ball went.

Team Chador will always beat team Virgin.

Considering that Jewish people overwhelmingly vote Democrat, the party is doing a great job trying to turn the Jewish vote to the other party.

Sorry for the seriouspost, but the fact that merely stating a fact that there are pro-isreal groups that donate money to politicians, and that money is a reason the politicians support shit for isreal is somehow antisemitic is fucking retarded. I hate the fact that any criticism of how shitty isreal is sometimes is immediately met with cries of antisemitism. Bitch, you're not beyond reproach just because you're a religious state.

No. But leaving out the bigger pro-israel Christian group most certainly does sound fucky.

jeez stop being so anti semitic

i love it. attitudes like that force moderates to move to more extreme spaces just to have a conversation. while the blue-checks are worried about the alt-right recruiting on discord, they’re literally delivering them prime candidates by banning everyone who doesn’t pass their purity test or might be guilty of wrongthink.