Unironic question: why do ppl hate GB so much

1  2019-02-11 by BriefSquirt

Like im really ootl here pls help a dramanaut out


Reddit powermod + reddit poweruser + victim complex = a pretty insufferable person.


Fuck white people

Mayocide and state enforced bussyposting now

It was leaked that he was sending bussy to users while withholding it from the r/drama mod team.

I think it's because of the hypocrisy of him abusing the hell of out of Reddit to (allegedly) earn money for himself while at the same time being (unquestionably) protected by Reddit admins when he breaks sitewide rules and then going on to harass anyone who criticizes him, even if they do follow the rules.

He talks like a fag and his shits all retarded

Because he's too much of a git to ignore it instead of trying to duke it out. Really r/drama loves him.

He's a good source of drama, fam.

Great Britain massacred people in its colonies while simultaneously acting as "Imma save world from Nazism and racism"

Gay Britain

That doesn't seem pertinent to the question asked. r u a bot

A Lotta people hate great Britain(GB)

r u a bot

Aren't we all Allah's bots

well, guess I needed the lesson

he's peak redditcel

Who is Gb?