1  2019-02-11 by BlessThisBussy


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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I wish snally would power mod me if you know what I mean 😢

How dare you talk about sweet, mother Snally like that >:(

implying mommy-gf snally won't be the hottest version yet.


You have bee banned from...

Powermods are people, too.

Debatable, to say the least.

Powermod here. I don't know who you are. I don't have enough knowledge of you to assume that you're an asshole, so I assume you're just a normal person. Every mod I've ever met (besides a few, who are very infamous for this reason) treat other users with respect. You gotta remember that mods are, as OP said, people. Volunteers. I'm not denying that there are some mods who are utter cunts, there are several mods I've met who have been powerhungry assholes and who practically nobody likes, even within the modteam. But the vast majority are just normal people, who just like helping out. You've probably talked to hundreds of mods in various subreddits and not even noticed. This is because mods are, for the most part, really nice, genuine people.

Imagine being an internet janitor for free

I mean, I mod some of the largest subs on the site. I'm friends with several of the largest mods. I'm literally Facebook friends with a few of them. I even spoke to Gallowboob just yesterday. What do you define as a powermod then, if not that? Is there a certain subscriber threshold or something? Do you have to have a certain amount of removals a week?

Someone who eats the shit from the worst of the internet all day and asks for more

Nope. Before we even get into this I'm just going to cut you off for a moment. Take a look at a massive moderators' profile. Let's take ATT as an example. He mods over 2000 subs, but most of them have less than 10 subscribers. In reality, he mods a few hundred active ones. Now he's probably a bad example, since he's fairly inactive in most of them, but I hope you get my point, the sub number is usually overinflated. There's another mod I know, one of the largest mods on the site, who I mod many subs with. And they're active in every single one of them. It's all time management.

Here's what I do, I set aside X number of hours a day for moderating. Usually 3-4 from my free time. First, I moderate all subs with less than 100,000 subscribers. You can edit all these into one queue by doing something like r/AskReddit+pics+gifs, and save that as a bookmark. These subs are extremely easy to moderate if you know what you're doing. Then I do subs from 100k-500k, which usually take a lot longer. Then everything above that, which takes less time, paradoxically enough. While I'm not the most active mod in every sub I mod, I am at least in the top 10 for all of them per month. And even then, that's only really taking unmoderated into account. Many subs don't do unmoderated because there's simply too much shit to handle (subs with uber high activity like r/softwaregore cannot practically look at every single post, so instead they only do the things that are reported; the modqueue is the proper term for it). Modqueue takes even less time. When it comes down to it, all subs are mostly the same shit. You don't have to remember every single rule, just the basic premise of the sub and any particular rules that come up all the time, and even then you still end up remembering most of them.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Keep going daddy I'm almost there

Good user


X - Doubt

powermods are worse than furries