Chelsea Clinton calls out Cumtown

1  2019-02-11 by wfa19


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Why does respond to everyone. Can't she pay someone to pay attention to this shit?

i need someone to finally explain to me what this podcast is about

It’s a Chapo spinoff

What is hard to understand about "it's a podcast about having sex with your dad"

epic win

It’s literally just about sucking your best friends dick

Gay* sex with your dad

Imagine if Chapo was hosted by Dramateers


ehem dramatonians

It's dramanauts you inbreds

I kno



Fairly certain it's dramacels

how the fuck would that be any better than normal chapo lmao

Honestly I thought cumtown was hosted by dramanauts.


I've never listened to chapo because I'm gainfully employed and dating a woman.

So not only do you have a stupid reference to an even stupider "power user" you don't know even the most basic of things r/cumtown one of r/drama s staunchest allies . . . . . . why are you even here?

Just don't listen to podcasts.

Cummie Bois

Saying the n word

If you want a glimpse into the future imagine all white people saying nigger INDEFINITELY

It’s a obesity acceptance group

It’s a pod about German betting sites

It’s about a New York experiment in universal basic income

Grown men with the comedy chops of stoned teens

On economics theyre Chapo and on social issues theyre like us

I mean....hmmmmm.

So economically socialists and socially “lol ur retarded”?


"Something is always going into someones ass".

It's about a town made of cum


Hi /u/MikeStoklasaAlcohol - you’re right, I am not Jewish. Since you find me ugly, feel free to never look at me. The ugly Jew is a vile centuries old anti-Semitic trope so next time, please just go straight to ugly and leave out the rest. Thank you.

Oy vey. I'll be a good goy from now on.



Not gonna lie Adam is unironic Semitic boitoi material

Wow she actually went 200% boomer. Impressive

Chelsea Clinton is what a true femcel is actually like. This is what happens when foids are deprived of attention.

How do you have so much money and not fix your front teeth?



There are businesses that give this creature money and jobs simply for the fact she's a of the rope when?

Still unemployed, I see.

I keep saying "white people are retarded" but every time you sperg out at me

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

Oh FUCK YES. /u/n_mullen come in here

Chelsea Clinton is more electable than Hillary. Could you imagine if she's the first female US President? If literally everyone but Hillary Gets Their Turn?

This is a boldface lie. No one likes Chelsea. Not even the radlibs.

"More likeable than Hillary" isn't a high hill to climb, friendo.

I didn't actually read your comment past most likeable, so I probably deserve this fate.

I have no opinion of her one way or the other. CMV.

Can't wait for the quality of the podcast to dramatically improve after Adam gets suicided

I live adam


I know right? Adam should say the n word

He has already

That was the joke

Thank you Wade Hubble. PBUH

Chelsea Clinton looks like Barbra Streisand.

Except BS is actually Jewish and was not ugly when she was younger

Stav weighs in. Cumtown really is the best

**weighs** in

Adams 2nd cousin was the girl who got Lorde to cancel Israel lol

What kind of retatded factoid is this lmao

The ugly Jew is a vile centuries old anti-Semitic trope

But he specifically said she's not jewish. How can she be retarded?

How can she slap

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

The ugly Jew is a vile centuries old anti-Semitic trope

lol yeah people made it up its not like you can just look at them

Low key shade with the acknowledgment that everyone thinks jews are ugly lol

Quick somebody tell Gal Godot and Natalie Portman

Wow bro two hot jews! I’m sure you can name like, at least 5 more!

Ben Shapiro's sister

Dachau tits

Larry David's daughter.

That girl on two broke girls with capital knockers

I’d fuck the entire Seinfeld cast

To be fair Elaine could definitely catch these ropes if she ever gets tired of being married to a multi billionaire.

Okay, fair enough, gonna listen to their podcast.

Nuked his fucking twatter apparently

Lol, whole account?

I'm assuming so at least.

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Lot of chapocels here shilling what looks like a gay porn or whatever podcast