Chelsea Clinton adds another innocent victim to her family body count

1  2019-02-12 by TehAlpacalypse


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


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Imagine lecturing a guy named Friedland about Antisemitism

Even the Jews hate Jews. Or they hate Jew hating Jews. Or something.

Tbf Jews are pretty self deprecating so a self hating jew isnt wierd.

many Jewish people are antisemites


It's actually a thing though. Jews are cucks. I'm not even joking.

Don't all the normal Israelis hate the Ultra orthodox Jews cause they get out of everything like National Service and actually working.

Greenwald would have been an advocate for Hitler if he was born on the 20's

If you come at Mommy Jr you best not miss 😤

Jewish humour is like 50% self deprecation. Every Jewish comedian in the world has a bit about negative Jewish stereotypes.

Chelsea Clinton is one of the most privileged people in existence. I literally can't think of someone born into more power and wealth in America. People yas kweening her on Twitter for punching up on this oppressive Jewish comic are literal retards.

Are you seriously serousexplaining what happened?

Are you saying she's more jewish than a jew

no that's you

I got no money tho


when I rejected Israel they rejected me

Rob Zombie voice: "More Jewman than Jewman!"

If (((you))) got out-jewed by Chelsea Clinton you don't deserve to be a Jew. It's like you married a shiksa, we're going to pretend you're dead.

Yeah, I'm a self loathing Jew!!

-Larry David, CYE

50% of humor is making fun of Jews.

I wouldnt call her that priveledged considering 90% of boomer retarded conspiracies revolve around the clintons which ends up with her being stalked by insane mayos seriously asking her how many babies has she raped.

I have information that'll lead to Hillary Cl

Is Hillary the new Candlejack? Because that's a meme I ca

Looks like Cool Adam couldn't take the heat.

That's hot

He got cucked by Chelsea Clinton. That's pretty amazing.

I wish she would cuck me 😢

Me too friend. Me too.

I met her in person in college. Even as a younger woman she was not attractive, at all.

I have relatively low standards.

Oh for a second there I thought she was just unphotogenic (S).

She listened to the last ep and was angry he couldn’t come up with a follow up for Bill Mahergera



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White women win again!

Like if owned

Chelsea gonna need to keep 6-7 extra packages of hummus in her purse for this one.

More than one year later and I still fall for this shit

The police are surprisingly bad at carrying out investigations, especially when they're on the same side as the suspects. Serious shit is gonna come to light over this. There's mumblings on the deeper internet that trump himself may have ordered this.

He got Seth Rich'd

He had information that would lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest.

How much of the $3 000 000 for her wedding went to the makeup artist that made her fuckable on her wedding night?

post face

You can image search her yourself. Be warned that its NSFL.

Is it your first time here?

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yeah we're looking for you champ


The best part all of the chapos clamoring over one other to comment on the ugliness of Chelsea Clinton is that they would still fuck her at the drop of the hat due to their thirstiness.

stones glass house chapo etc etc

Her and her husband are far from 10s but they are cute together so 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Sometimes homly hebrewic types meet and copulate :)

Envy isn't a good look for you



Adam Friedman

Horton Hears a Literally Who

Podcast host. Imagine a Chapo host but edgier and more pathetic.

this is the peak male body. you may not like it, but this is what it looks like

Goddamn why I can't I be punching him right now

y i k e s

Is he incel?

I can't imagine looking like that and getting laid. Like ever.

He's engaged to a weirdly attractive and disgusting Russian lefty podcast host.


Ever seen the movie The Believer with Ryan Gosling in it?

Imagine being so cucked you call Chelsea ugly and get removed from twitter

Looks like hisvaccont got deleted :(