Katy 'Tyler' Perry dresses her feet in blackface

1  2019-02-12 by Scopejack


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Imagine doing anything in America and not knowing how to not fuck up and have people call you racist. Whites make me wonder sometime

not knowing how to not fuck up and have people call you racist.

as if american retards need a legit reason to cry racist.

Imagine giving the non crazy people reason to call you racist

lol it is definitely not non-crazy people screaming racism over ugly shoes.

I'm calling it because that ugly shoe is black




Yeah right

WTF are you even talking about, did you even read the submission you're commenting on?

Im too busy being in shock of how ugly those shoe are

The more pressing issue is that those shoes are ugly af

Literally like the ugliest shoes I’ve ever seen

You have to be smooth brained to ever want to be seen in those

I want to joke about mayo fashion but I feel like it won't even sound like a joke in this case.

that's why black women are seeing their face in them

Cool racism bro

If you see this shoe and think it's a depiction of you, it's because you're ugly. Don't be so sensitive.

I can't over the fact that the eyes aren't symmetrical

It's got a neat "preschool arts and crafts project" vibe to it.

yeah, i get that they wanted to go for artsy but this just looks like they gave a third grader some hot glue and shoes and let them go wild

Her feet are p cute too, so tbh idk why anyone thought that was a good idea

I’d give those shoes to somebody as a prank.

Looks like an autistic Picasso painting

Of course you’d think that

You’ve been entrained with a white European standard of shoe beauty

A news article about a tweet with 22 likes. That's how I like it.

From the fucking BBC too. They've really started hitting the clickbait hard, which is appalling for a tax-funded service.

I stopped paying the license after an Afghan refugee blew himself up outside of a music festival in Germany during the migrants crisis, and the BBC ran with the headline "man dies carrying bomb" until it fell off the top 10 articles, before changing it to something more accurate.

They weren't technically wrong, but it's hard to imagine how that title was settled on with honest intentions.

"man dies carrying bomb" omegalul.

I couldn't believe my fucking eyes. I also can't prove it, since they changed the article title now, but I saw it with my own eyes and that's all I give a shit about. No more payments to the BBC, ever, from me.

I liked how the independent described a terrorist attack

Women in headscarf praised

being a cuck who ever even paid for it

The UK is so dumb.

You won't be hearing any arguments from me.

Because I'd get arrested for making them.

I love that any dipshit can screech into the void and have an entire article written about their dumbass opinion. The absolute state of modern journalism.

One person tweets their outrage


The Internet BREAKS Over Katy Perry's BLACKFACE

BBC's standards for ya

the state of journalism

The future of coding does not look good

just learn to report!!

2 unemployed eggs on Twitter are offended = There has been mass outrage and backlash pertaining to ‘fill in the blank’

Whenever I see a story that says there are 'calls' to do this or that then proves it by linking to a couple of Tweets I just thank Allah the day of the spilled latte has never been closer.

Whoa buddy, there was almost 500 tweets about it today. Safe to say the world is burning.

How can she be so retarded so as not to see this happening by the fine folx at Twitter?

Be white

Katy says the shoes, The Rue and The Ora, were "envisioned as a nod to modern art and surrealism"

So, yeah, in other words she meant for it to be racist. Racist, Just like the infamous "Black Square" modern art piece with the microscopic text reading "Battle of negroes in a dark cave." Her shoes are a nod to racist modern art. Just own it Katy.

Frankly, she didn't even deny that the shoes were meant to be racist. Her statement reads that she's "'saddened' that her design was compared to [blekfece]." Yeah, sad cause



I don't like katy perry

Is that because she doesn't have the body of a 12 year old korean boy?

No it's because she was very rude to tay and also her music isn't good anymore

Swish swish bish... 🐭🐭🐭

Unironically the worst song in history.



Because she has boobs?

True Tay fans will know that Katy is trash.

Nobody gives a shit cameljockey

Don't make me ban u sweaty 😘


2/10, banned

Mods are fags

They are ye

Would you say there's bad blood?

She needs to be held down and injec tr ed with a bunch of seroquel.

She should sell them in mixed pairs and claim wokeness.

Katy says the shoes, The Rue and The Ora, were "envisioned as a nod to modern art and surrealism"

Oh yeah you're a real fucking Picasso

Those shoes will give me nightmares

what the shoes look like Pretty atrocious looking lol

Those shoes were so fucking ugly anyway.

What a retarded outrage. Wokesphere surprises me sometimes.

Designer and celebrity brands come up with some of the strangest pieces of clothing. Almost like it’s a competition of who can come up with the ugliest design.

Damn....people are bored or something...

My son did similar designs. When he was 4.