New episode of Big Mouth on Netflix mentions bussy

1  2019-02-12 by Power_Incarnate

I may not be Gallowboob but I'll still take my paycheck Netflix


dude, bussy, lmao

But trussy tho


hasnt this season been out for a while

I think they released a Valentine's Day special.

nigga it's too early

He's right, it's out! Watching now and it's funny af

Shame wizard started out as really annoying his first few appearances but man he was great by the end. Was hilarious seeing him tape up Coach Steve's photo of the "Shane Lizard"

Thewlis' voice work is just on another level, it is legitimately enthralling when he speaks

He's probably KIA's favorite character

Is this show worth watching? I’ve seen it around but basically passed over it cause the art style is fucking atrocious

depends in what else you have to do, lol

it's decent and there will probably be a few characters you take to, but when Mulaney and Kroll's characters talk like the two actors are just having a conversation it gets a little eye-roll worthy

Is this show worth watching?

I think it's absolutely hilarious, but some people seem to hate it.

it's basically family guy-level crude/sexual humor, but written in a funnier way. imo

I think it really depends on your sense of humor. Personally, I find it hilarious half the time and cringe-inducingly bad the other half.

It's worth trying the first episode or two and seeing what you think.

Thanks, I’ll give it a try then!

The first episode has a reeeeally steep learning curve but if you make it through it’s a great show

Eh the glimpses I’ve seen from when my brother watches it, I’d only ever watch it if I were really bored and drunk and ran out of other shows to watch

I enjoyed the show. I think the humor outweighs the art style most of the time if that makes sense.

ive only seen that show through gifs and pictures but holy hell it certainly made me aware that I live in a society

is this a show about morrissey?

I would love to see a cartoon about Morrissey. Either it would have to be something like Mike Tyson Mysteries or some self indulgent bullshit written by Morrissey himself. Either way it would be hilarious.

that shit is the ugliest jewiest cartoon in existence, its pure netflix

hey guys lets animate an 11 year olds vagina thats ok isnt it

the dude who wrote that show, is the son of the founder of kroll inc, the company responsible for security during the 9/11 twin tower demolition.

fuck that show honestly.