"Zh./r/shittysubreddit.com"? Be weary /r/dramanaughts, )they( are onto you.

1  2019-02-13 by Chapocel

Dontbknow what's up with the "zh" prefix, but its not Mckoy, and un-cis/not normative


Np posts are b&able, bwhats with this new "zh" bullshit?

Yeah, this Chinese language ZH bullshit made me waste time digging through my Reddit/RES settings thinking I fucked up my language defaults.. Then I saw the zh prefix in a lot of the Reddit links dumped here lately. It's pretty annoying


What is this? One of those things the kids call a Hashtag? I don't know how to read those either. I'm fucking useless

gramps, i think it might be over for you.

Well shit, I better get my son to fake my deathbed on Reddit for karma, then I'll magically get better and be dancing on a beach by tomorrow.

this, but unironically

No. And I mean this concisely unironically.

No way are we gunna get supplanted by an economy based on ghost cities.

thoughts and prayers for your brave stance of standing infront of a speeding train 😊

I prefer tanks 😜

Americel cope

If you link a post without zh it gets deleted by automod

What the actual fuck? Yikes