Vic Mignogna drama effort post.

1  2019-02-13 by Ghdust2

For those of you that aren’t aware, weebshit voice actor Vic Mignogna was accused of doing weeb things at anime cons.

The post contains all of the accusations and drama i’ve found.

List of accusations:

The ensuing drama:

Twitter drama:

Drama on the Spacebattles forums.

Drama on the Tvtropes forums:

Drama on Reddit:




If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. doing weeb things at anime cons. -,,

  3. https://thetrashiestoftrash.tumblr.... -,,

  4. AnimeNewsNetwork thread in 2014 on ... -,,

  5. Extremely old LiveJournal post of a... -,,

  6. Old reddit thread. -,,*

  7. -,,

  8. Old Yahoo Answers post on conventio... -,,

  9. Con attendee experience on Vic. -,,

  10. Old Tumblr post on rumors. -,,

  11. accusation that started the drama b... -,,

  12. Accusation from a fellow voice acto... -,,

  13. Accusation from a fellow voice acto... -,,

  14. Compilation of allegations on Anime... -,,

  15. Google docs megathread of allegatio... -,,

  16. Vic’s response. -,,

  17. Another response to the allegations... -,,

  18. One of Vic’s accusers/colleagues th... -,,

  19. Legal action threat number two. -,,

  20. Legal action threat number three -,,

  21. Legal action threat number four. -,,

  22. Legal action threat number five. -,,

  23. Legal action threat number six. -,,

  24. A voice actor getting angry at some... -,,

  25. A voice actor describing what Jesus... -,,

  26. <em>Yes, I want his head. I want his balls. I want him to feel an ounce of the pain he's caused others and then fucking choke on it.</em> -,,

  27. A person on Facebook reportedly con... -,,

  28. ....However reportedly that is a fa... -,,

  29. Drama on the Spacebattles forums. -,,

  30. <em>Bye Broly, it’s been real.</em> -,,

  31. <em>I'd been hearing stuff for years about Vic being a creep from a friend who lives in Texas and goes to cons a lot there.</em> -,,

  32. <em>Funimation is pathetic for firing Vic Mignogna</em> -,,,

  33. <em>This thread will certainly contain civil discussion.</em> -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

This is how the robots will win.

implying they haven’t already


gas all weebs


This, but unironically.

^ this comment gets you permanently suspended from reddit lol

this, but don't ban me I'm joking

Forgot to say “in Minecraft” 🙄

Not even a call to violence: it's a simple summary of action.

Reminder that some salty weeb reported this and got LSU banned. The call is coming from inside the subreddit!

The Weinstein of animu got 88#WeebToo**'d

I know for a fact that you had a big fat grin on your face when you hit submit.

Guilty 😁

he said, she said: the anime

genre: harem, drama

runtime: 20 something fucking years

My first ever sticky was thrown to the curb for this.

Next time pick something that isn't "Chapo reee'd today." They reee every day.


Chapo reee'd today.

Did they find out one of the little girls El Chapo was raping managed to survive or something?

Even worse. Commie Mommy and all the rest bowed down to (((Isreal))) when she refused to join the jihad that Congresswoman Islami Mommy tried to start.

The Virgin Islamist vs The Chad Semite

wow everything is worse when put through the ouroboros of weebs, even rape.

Drama on the TVTropes forums

Question, are you thirteen years old?

Vic Mignogna

Literally who?

i looked him up yesterday, he voiced the main guy in full metal alchemist in english, that looked to be the only relevant thing on his wikipedia article.

Ah, that OK show that everyone jerks off about because of that one episode where they pull the most heavy-handed "shocking event" in years?

It's a good show.

Sorry that statement can only ever apply to /r/familyman

Not Broly from South America's favorite show.

There's a South America?

It's the one you're born into when you tell God your interests include doing drugs and being murdered.

No idea why God ignored my request and put me in the boring North one instead.

and that junpei dude from jojo’s bizzare persona

“The Man”

American cartoon voice actor.


Them's fightin' words, partner.




thank god there's no statute of limitations when it comes to drama

nice effortpost

Glad this is finally getting the light it deserves. I used to be obsessed with him when I was 15, glad I never met him then. He creeped on me a few years ago and had he not needed to get back to his autograph line that he had hastily abandoned just to come geek out over me/my Star trek costume he probably would have crept harder.

I'm not sure if it counts as sexual assault but he did hug me really closely three times in the span of 5 minutes, kissed my cheek while hugging me, then whispered "you're gorgeous" into my ear, and slowly dragged his cheek across mine as he pulled away. It was... Weird. I was of legal age (23) but I looked young enough that it should make you suspect there's a chance I was underage.

This wasn’t an invitation to post your fan fiction 😤

Send photo

Is this copypasta?

No I’m pretty sure it actually happened to her. There be former webs among us.

I don’t really care about her dumb weeb problems tbh

once a weeb, forever a weeb

Well ai don’t care about DBZ so I hope the guy gets imprisoned for decades.

hugging isn’t a crime retard

It can be. We need only believe. DBZ isn’t a crime either. But it should be.

being a weeb is

DBZ is the only weeb trash that is tolerable. How dare you.

fhjtffvfvy ya The fuck?

The true dangers of anime are revealed to those who started off head deep.

Nah I guess I just don't know what subreddit I landed in

he probably likes lolis

He kissed you on the cheek? Fucking jail the pervert. Harvey Weinstein 2.0 right there, you're lucky he didn't rape you then and there

Oh shit, he made you feel UnCOmFoRTaABLe? Lock the man up and make sure he can never work or earn a living again. Causing foids to feel UnCOmFoRTaABLe is a crime worse than murder.

Never implied he should suffer any consequences for what he did to me, merely that it was weird and potentially indicative of a larger issue. He also invited my friend up to his hotel room when she was 14.

He also invited my friend up to his hotel room when she was 14.

A weeb attracted to underage girls? Say it ain't so!

I'm not sure if it counts as sexual assault

You're pretty fucking stupid if you can't tell.

The kind of story we need more of.

If you can't provide any credible evidence, then you might as well join the #metoo movement. I heard they're great at allegations without any proof whatsoever.

Literally dozens of people have similar or worse allegations against him many times over the past decade and you still find it hard to believe? Think it's some far-ranging vast conspiracy of women all around the country who were once fans of his but decided "fuck this, let's lie for fun and suffer the assholes who will come out in full force to harass and threaten us for making such claims, it'll be fun!" He was even banned from a con for flirting with two 14 year olds on stage.

You weirdos think women need to wear a gopro at all times to have crimes or injustices committed against them count.

Countless males lives are ruined because of false rape allegations. Monica Rial had evidence against her being too comfortable with a male fan, but isn't getting called out for it because of her diva status. Unfortunately for most people against this guy, a lawsuits already on the way exposing Monica and friends with their faulty claims. Boohoo.

At the risk of seriousposting, this is one of the more unusual cases we've had. It seems there are an enormous number of people who think he's annoying, an asshole, and from a problematic religion, but nobody can actually come up with any credible accusations against him over the course of 15 years.

It would be nice if we could just say "I don't like this guy, I don't like how he treats people, I don't want to be around him". It seems to me that whole thing is a bunch of people who resent him for various (probably legitimate) reasons trying to make this into a #metoo case because that's the trending hashtag at the moment.

Unfortunately we'll never know the truth because nobody is going to sift through all this and find it except for weebs and they're the last people you can trust.

except for weebs and they're the last people you can trust.

I trust feminists even less, especially male feminists, and don't get me started on weeb male feminists 😨

A weeb feminist?? Isn't that a paradox?

Imagine calling yourself a feminist but also loving a medium from a country with views of women straight from the 50s

2,090 neet bucks from patreon a month, jesus. I wish that I could whine about anime on the internet for that much.

Neither weebs nor feminists need to follow any sort of consistency or logic.

Legit though, this "I've been hearing about this stuff for years" is the most weaselly shit that always comes out in these situations.

And they try to pass it off as a whole body of supporting evidence, when it's just multiple layers of unverifiable claims.

It also doesn't help that Vic has dedicated hate groups online that have been active for years

You can guess as to motive, maybe in private he's an ass, but there's no proof of such, on the other hand Vic is an outlier among his fellow voice actors, he got into the gig early before it managed to entrench itself, and plenty of the more ideological people in the business are now the people striking at Vic

Understood: he's a rapist.

I made a post on Winn Lee's spergout because it spilled onto my twatter feed, but god damn has that Monica bitch got her beat in that department. I'd love to be a fly on the wall of her lawyer's office.

"No Monica, we can't arrest some dude from a public internet forum because he told you you're wrong. Please turn your phone off while we deal with this mess you've kicked up."

Also, it should be noted that ANN jumped in only because a contributor to their site got #metoo'd literally a day before this Vic shit started so they needed more drama to distract people. The dude, Hazukari, was your typical male feminist so no real surprise there.

Personally I think western voice actors get high off their own farts way too often, and that video game voice actors strike they were all in ended up basically being a waste of time so whatever knocks them down a couple pegs, I'm all for it.

So they're trying to distract from an actual pedo/rapist by running lots of drama about a guy that just kinda a dick?

I want to say yes, like most of those ancient posts about Vic point more towards him being a drunken retard at conventions rather than an actual sexual deviant... but at the same time, if he was indeed attempting to bang his teenage fangirl harem then that's a super duper turbo yikes from me, dawg.

Still though, don't imagine for a second that anything ANN does is them wanting to do the right thing. They just want woke kudos points from inside their rancid little circlejerk.

O no Broly what is you doin 😥

My take: anyone who watches dubbed anime deserves whatever they get. How is this guy at all a celebrity?

I sincerely apologize for all those times when I was taking 15 minutes out of my day to make a nice lunch out of ramen and let some stupid dubbed anime to play in the background. 🙄🙄🙄

you could listen to Bach but you choose Chinese cartoons defiled by burger people

Apology accepted, don't do it again you fucking weeb.

I came across this, I know it's old, and I am not picking on you, just want to leave you with some food for thought. When I started watching anime, all we had was subbed. I'm not what kids now call a weeb, but anime has some great stories to offer. As I aged it got harder to read subs, we got a bigger TV, but when I got trifocals It became impossible to watch with subs. For some of us it's either dubs or no anime at all. Remember only the dark side deals in absolutes. (I said I wasn't a weeb, not that I wasn't a nerd). I will say trying to watch Lain dubbed was horrible at first . No hate just another perspective to consider.

Remember only the dark side deals in absolutes.

Which is an absolutist statement of course. A non terrible person would simply have the subtitles streaming on an ipad or laptop they were holding. Also when you've already made the mistake of watching an anime as banal and populist as lain, what difference does shitty dubbing make?

Thank you. I needed a laugh. I have to admit this is the first time I have been called a terrible person for not streaming subtitles. I appreciate your concern, and thank you for trying to find a work around for me. There are a number of reasons they aren't the best solution for me, but I feel we would be digressing. As to Lain being banal anime.. eh... I have watched a lot of anime at different stages in my life, and I rewatch them from time to time to see if they have aged well. Some have, some have not. Interesting thing about anime is, like literature, or music, you get to enjoy and watch what speaks to you when and where you are in your life. It sounds like what speaks to you diverges from what has and will speak to me. Kudos... I hope whatever you chose you enjoy and helps you grow.. I know much of what I chose did for me. Although I have made it through some pretty bad animes too, hoping there is something redeeming there. Best wishes and happiness fellow anime fan, no matter how our ideas differ.

That first tumblr post is ridiculous


RIP Uncle Qrow.

Normally im inclined to be a "rape apologist" because accusations dont mean shit without substantial evidence, but the fact that Vic works in the weeb industry is all i need to be convinced that he diddles kids.

I hope youre joking bout that.

Because stereotyping an entire industry just cause you dont like anime is actually rather sad

On a side note, might want to do your research on the difference between "weebs" and normal fans.

Weebs are the fanboys/fangirls who are so obsessed with japanese culture, and think they can learn japanese and everything about their culture from anime. They are also the ones who will always say "Subs are better than dubs!, dubs are trash!".

Normal fans just simply watch anime, maybe collect some memerabilia, go to a convention on ocasion, possibly geek out every once and awhile. But they also know when to draw the line. They wont obsess over everything japanese, anime is just a casual hobby for them, they enjoy it, but they dont let it control their lives.

Also, saying an english VA works for the "weeb industry" is an oxymorin, as weebs only watch subs

I bet you're pretty upset about the latest loli ban too huh?

the loli ban? why would i be upset bout that? you assume a lot about me my dude

Dubfags are the lowest of the lowest of the low. If you can't understand Japanese or at the very least be able to read English quickly you shouldn't be watching anime.

Spotted the weeb!

Did y’all see that video that lazygamer put out? He called out Monica Rial on her hypocrisy and bullshit double standards and she blocked him on Twitter, then a bunch of people noticed and started calling her out

How is this is any different from R Kelly where there were weeb rumours for ~20years, which resulted in only one court case (which he got off by delaying the trial for >5 years and somehow not getting the victim to testify-the victim's family member plays in his band). And now finally things are moving on further charges only because it took a ~6 hrs of primetime TV outlining all his predatory behaviour from actual victims and co-workers - some of which had previously gone to the police.


I believe in innocent until proven guilty but if there is enough evidence at some point a trustworthy media outlet (TWJ, NYT, PBS) will run with it - just like Weinstein - it took years before someone would go on record but when they did the police charges followed fast.


This is probably going to be a wait and see and if there is no one to go on record because nothing happened it will just remain weeb rumours about an unliked human being. If not, at some point this will blow up.

You keep using that word "weeb"

I dont think it means what you think it does

Probably not in a reddit context, no. But I'm old.

Fujoshits are the worst form of weebs. Go and stay go till you have enough class and understanding of social ques to not spring gay porn on someone.

Heads-up that the Reddit post links show the Chinese version because of

Also, a Facebook post with redacted screenshots alleging Vic Mignogna's behaviour towards a Japanese singer.

[Discussion] Now that Vic Mignogna's accusers have been caught colluding and photoshopping evidence in a google group, do you think the voice actors who've shat on him for being accused (especially Monica Rials and ProZD) will apologize to him publically or in private?

al for >5 years and somehow not getting the victim to testify-the victim's family member plays in his band). And

They never will. The goal was to destroy him for some reason.

He's a Christian White Male (Actually he's a Catholic but the left hates those too because the left is allied with Islam) who regularly refuses to sign pictures of the male characters he voices making out, and a SJW recently got owned on Twitter by the voice actor of Bulma when the SJW said "Just finished watching the Broly movie. All anime is sexist and should be banned!".

That's right. Bulma's current VA pissed off the SJWs, but as soon as Broly's VA was attacked for it, she backstabbed him.

This situation basically equates to a bunch of people screaming at a brick wall that believes that they are the one and only important thing in this world.