Transgender people are born warriors. They spend their entire lives fighting ignorance, bigotry, and vile hatred. When that civil war happens, Y'all Queda are going to be so pissed that they're getting killed by transgender soldiers.

1  2019-02-13 by mukumukum37


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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I told him trying to play mind games with me was useless. If he got just a glimpse of the inside of my head it'd turn him to cinders.


Yeah that line is /r/iamverybadass and /r/retarded in one.

To be fair, if he absorbed anything from xir mind he'd probably join the 40%.

Imagine backtalking a drill sergeant and not getting smoked harder than a slope village in 'nam.


I knew a guy in highchool like that, actually joined the military, less than honorable discharge for going awol during basic for like 3 months.

Imagine not being able to do the last resort job lmao

welcome to my twisted mind

I liked the comment below as well.

During Basic it pissed off my Drill Sergeants to no end that they couldn't get under my skin. It became a sort of game for him. At one point he lost his shit and got in my face asking wtf was wrong with me why didn't anything ever bother me.

I told him trying to play mind games with me was useless. If he got just a glimpse of the inside of my head it'd turn him to cinders.

Heh, nothing personnel Sergeant kiddo 😎😎😎

*teleports behind you*

Lol that person was NEVER in

Edit: LOL MAGA snowflakes downvoting me. Bring it!

And all her drill sergeants had to do to get under her skin was downvote her apparently. If only they knew.


I honestly don't know if they are MtF or FtM so I can't tell if you're based and redpilled or woke and bluepilled. A true radical centrist.

If they're insane, melodramatic and narcissistic there's a 99% chance they are mtf.

Smh and then people say trans women aren't women

Please ask what xer preferred pronouns are before referencing xem.

"LOL it seems you guys are the actual snowflakes"

kills self over internet jokes.

This has to be r/iamverybadass and r/iamverysmart satire. No wonder they want these people in our military.

R/Drama posters are born warriors. They spend their entire lives fighting ignorance, bigotry, and vile hatred. And people want them BANNED from the leddit? The religious right and the atheist left always manages to amaze me with their stupidity.

they targeted trannies


The only thing that got to me in Basic was when I got hurt and it looked like I might even have cancer. I powered through (didn't have cancer), and still finished without getting recycled. Literally the only thing that got to me was my own body getting in the way of shit, which is pretty much the trans experience


she got feels cancer, and didn't have enough spoons to cure herself with Ben&Jerry's.

People who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia are born warriors. They spend their entire lives fighting alien, reptilians, and any other voices in their heads. And people want them BANNED from the armed forces? Neurotypicals always manage to amaze me with their stupidity.

Imagaine a trans regiment in the upcoming civil war.

Half of them will have killed themselves before they even got to the front lines. The rest would need therapy for the mis-gendering by their enemies.

How y'all gonna fight a civil war when your soldiers an hero whenever they see graffiti that says "XY=man"?

Don't give away our secret weapons!

We can win without firing a shot with the graffiti and photographs of happy nuclear families.

In this case it'd essentially just be the scene from Metal Gear Solid 4 where the soldiers get their devices turned off, and start killing themselves and each other not responsive to any commands, while the enemy blasts propaganda over a loudspeaker telling them that they're a he and they don't and will never pass.

"My dear wife, it has been two weeks now since the 5th MAGA Battalion cut our supply lines. We are surrounded and hormones are unavailable. The regiment is in low spirits and I am afraid that if we do not find estrogen soon, it will be the end of us..."

-Ayala Darkmagic, 25th Transgender Shock Regiment

My dear SO,



25th Transwoman Shock Regiment

I see what you did there

What is it?


Dear Mother,

The Red Hats pinned us down until we were saved by the cavalry: women of color on horseback charging into battle.

Afterward, despite having no horses or expertise, some of the white males in our unit demanded to be in charge of the cavalry.


Aha hahaha hahaha

40% of us would make good suicide bombers


Probably bait but r/politics eats it up anyway tbh

Trans women are women

No matter how often you repeat this, you are still gay for wanting Trussy.

Its only gay when you drink their cum

Then it is never gay because that faux sew-on dick cant do much.

Imagine not eating it in s price of toast

I just drink it from the glass like warm milk 😋

hitler thumbs up emoji

Also trans totes ain't sexual!!!!!!!!!!

Based and trappilled.

Ugh Natalie is so fuckin bae.

controversial cross, every single time

did you actually mobilepost this

How would you be able to tell?



Frankenstein gussy

In the same way that vegan chicken is chicken

trans “women” are dead👏🏾

And biologically male. Get rekt, Libtard.

most liberals think that, too. Only on reddit and twitter is this some political alignment-defining issue.

What is a woman?

imagine actually thinking this lol


This is retarded


Trans rights are just men's rights with a bad wig.

trans women aren't even people

trans women aren't even people

Mods complain about agendaposting then pin their dogshit opinions.


Actually they are mentally ill men with tits who spend their time weighing the pros and cons of castrating themselves.

What I CAN say is that the hormones wouldn't make a difference. I worked with transgender troops that had deployed and never heard issues about them. I've never seen a study that shows transgender soldiers are more likely to go postal on base compared to a cisgender person after being in combat. I've never heard how being transgender and undergoing HRT has negatively impacted mission readiness for the military. I've never heard of a transgender service member attacking another service member in the bathroom.

So do the studies support this claim(or do such studies exist at all?) or is this guy plain ignorant?

We know for a fact that trannys are more likely to have mental illness, drug addiction, and suicide

then just ban severe depression and actual mental illnesses itself you drooling fucking retard

... I assume they are?

I failed my medical for the British Army on the grounds of previous mental illness. It was a permanent bar to entry.

Literally just judge it based off of past suicidal attempts or thoughts themselves, I don't see why this is so much of an issue

I get your point, but you suggested they ban serious mental illnesses and called the guy a "drooling retard". Upon finding out that they do, you've moved the goalposts.

The rationale given in the UK is that you're potentially going to be sent somewhere without the ability to receive frequent medical care other than for trauma; i.e someone may have Bipolar, have spent 4 years being stable and functional on mood stabilisers, but during a 6 month deployment may be unable to have access to those medications - thus relapsing.

On a similar note, someone may never have had suicidal ideation - but you're going to be placed under more pressure and stress than you've likely ever been exposed before. Screening out those with an obvious predisposition - i.e a psych diagnosis - is a good filter to help ensure service-member's wellbeing.

I honestly don't give a fuck about the whole trans issue either way - I live in another country, and just think "let them do them"... But still, if a certain demographic is predisposed to serious psychiatric symptoms such as self-harm or suicidal ideation, and they're subsequently barred from service for the reason, shouldn't other demographics with the same (higher according to some) risk be barred too? Is it unethical to place that group at additional risk in a role that is already dangerous?

Anyway, enough unironic serious posting from me - dude bussy lmao

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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Do you have any other examples of demographics being booted just for being more likely to kill themselves? I mean, poor white men have a higher chance of being suicidal in the past and we take them in all the time

Do you have any other examples of demographics being booted just for being more likely to kill themselves?

Brilliant question to be honest, and not one I've thought about before. I looked in to it out of curiousity, but I'm knackered so I've probably misinterpreted something somewhere!

The big issue is that there isn't really any other demographics that come close to the rate of suicide in the trans community. Going off of the estimate of 40% of non-binary youth, then the rate of suicide is slap-bang in the middle of the 25-50% of Bipolar sufferers - i.e the rate is comparable to a severe psychiatric disorder, and one that makes you ineligible for military service.

Or to put that in to perspective, and compare it to a non mentally ill sample - the demographic with the highest risk is men over the age of 65 - the rate is 32.3 per 100,000. So the demographic which commits suicide the most has a rate of 0.032%... compared to 40% in the trans community. That demographic is also ineligible for military service anyway, by virtue of age.

So to answer your question, I can't see any comparable demographics because of just how high that number is, and that means I doubt there'll be any demographics with comparable treatment.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Commiting suicide isn't the same as having had suicidal thoughts. The 40% statistic comes from transgender people having had suicidal thoughts before. I'm sure a much lower number of us have actually offed ourselves

This tbqh. I'm a trussy but I'm out of the people i know I'm one of the least likely to even attempt suicide, plus I have that lust for war from all the CoD recruitment propaganda so I'm like the perfect soldier

Lol top comment:

If a transgender soldier wants to take a bullet for me then more power to him/her. Thank you in advance 40 percent chance they will anyway, even if they don't join the armed forces.

him/her? Um try to be more inclusive next time sweaty

The best part is I can't tell if it's praise or insult.

Y'all Queda

That's actually pretty funny.

When they slay me with their stupid ass, useless pussy hats.

Trannies got mad about the pussy hats because "not all women have vaginas."

I thought black trans people were super soidlers i see nothing wrong with this

Have you owned the libs yet?

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/u/lightumbra fix ur bot to properly parse markdown you filthy 0.1xer

I'm not putting any more work into it.

Then post the source code so I can put the work into in it instead of maintaining my other projects



Its literally too much work.

LMAO! Straight Outta

Bless this /u/blessthisbussy


Have a blessed day!

A conceptual opera about AOC hahaha please let this happen

Abortion is the ultimate expression of the female will. Why are conservatives so afraid of women?


Jesus if you believe r/Politics then apparently every 3rd persons in the military is trans.

That's why traveling is so important. You learn that most people around the world are just like you - all they care about is family, their job, and providing a good living to those they care about.

Tfw you have to be a jet-setting upper class White Westerner to realize that people are boring everywhere. Oh how worldly of you.

I know you're trying to be an insulting, insensitive clod... but you know what?

During Basic it pissed off my Drill Sergeants to no end that they couldn't get under my skin. It became a sort of game for him. At one point he lost his shit and got in my face asking wtf was wrong with me why didn't anything ever bother me.

I told him trying to play mind games with me was useless. If he got just a glimpse of the inside of my head it'd turn him to cinders.

The only thing that got to me in Basic was when I got hurt and it looked like I might even have cancer. I powered through (didn't have cancer), and still finished without getting recycled. Literally the only thing that got to me was my own body getting in the way of shit, which is pretty much the trans experience.

I'm trans, I'm a veteran, and I promise you the vast majority of trans people are tougher than keyboard warriors who don't know shit about medicine/biology/science.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go infect some people with T3h g4Y!

Edit: LOL MAGA snowflakes downvoting me. Bring it!

Press (X) to doubt.

I saw snippets but reading the whole thing was very entertaining.

If a transgender soldier wants to take a bullet for me then more power to him/her. Thank you in advance

It'll probably be by there own hand, chief


Y'all Qaeda

GB rises up!!!

I am signing up to be part of the sissy squad.

Serious post. I'm against trans people serving because of the high rate of suicides in both the military and the trans community. It seems like a bad idea to allow such a fragile group delve into such a toxic occupation.

What happened with the word y'all. I only used to hear it from some family members but now it's everywhere online and my sister is saying it now too. Is it like cancer?