2019 can go fuck itself

1  2019-02-14 by Strictlybutters


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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having a problem with a foreign government openly lobbying yours and buying influence with tens of millions of dollars is unbated antisemitism. every time you post a news story about an israeli spy(israel is a tier 3 intelligence threat, the highest category btw) stealing from an "ally" we get one step closer to reopening auschwitz and turning the ovens back on

The problem is AIPAC doesnโ€™t really spend any โ€˜benjimansโ€™. She went after the wrong thing. Again as a JIDF the relationship between Zionist right wing christians and Israel is ... fucking weird.

The choice of "Benjamins" as the slang for money was even better in that context. But yeah, Israel is attempting to pivot hard to the Republicans, which will be... interesting as this is really, really pissing off the 70% of American Jews who vote Democrat.

Israel is attempting to pivot hard to the Republicans

i dont buy it, seems like theyre doing basically the same thing theyve been doing since what, at least the 90s? theyre just used to having unilateral bipartisan support and dont know how to operate when they cant completely sideline any dissenting voice

dont know how to operate when they cant completely sideline any dissenting voice

They sidelined Ilhan Omar pretty quick. I wouldn't say they can't completely sideline dissenting voices just yet.

It took less than a day to have the entirety of the Dem party to bring her to her knees.

Israel loathes the Jewish diaspora. They think of them as traitors for not joining in on their religious holy war and campaigns of genocide and ethnic cleansing in the middle east.

I guess one way to make them join Israel is to fan the flames of anti-semitism abroad through their actions in the Middle East.

That's exactly what they did in the 1950s by sending out terrorists to do attacks in nearby countries. The Jewish populations got blamed for it and deported to Israel.

Yes, Rabbi, this post right here.

trying to make everything be about Jews

being Swede-ed out of your money by a million DLCs for a trash game that hasn't improved in a decade

Congratulations goy, you really know how to beat the system.

Oh nice, an agendaposter. It means I can agendapost like a faggot too, right?

>lavon affair

Oh ffs.

1) barely anyone knew about it inside the country, apart from like 3 people

2) caused a scandal in israel

3) was aimed at stopping the foreign forces in egypt from leaving, which would have lead to egypt's aggression towards israel to ramp up (and it did ramp up, holy shit)

4) was planned specifically so that there would be no casualties and minimal property damage

5) Literally no one was deported because of it, because egypt has already murdered/stripped of property and kicked out part of its jewish population by that point. The rest were forced out after the suez crisis. The same was true for all the other arab states.

And now,

That's exactly what they did in the 1950s by sending out terrorists to do attacks in nearby countries.

Find me another example of it happening or you're a lying little cunt.

My country had a policy of trying to kill Americans in false-flag attacks Egypt and blame it on Arabs, as everyone found out in Israel when this was a big scandal and really controversial, but it's anti-Antisemitism if you mention it now.


My country had a policy of trying to kill Americans in false-flag attacks

Except it literally didn't. Lavon affair didn't even have any casualties. The explosives were tiny and were set to detonate way after closing hours. So whoops, doesn't hold up. Now come on, bring up the uss liberty next. Pls.

Or even better, find a single other false flag attack.

Goddamn you're really hyperventilating over this. It's okay if your country fucked up a little bit like 70 years ago if you can admit it. It's the need to deny this stuff and silence anyone who mentions it that's troubling.

Lavon affair didn't even have any casualties.

So Israeli agents planted bombs against Americans and blamed it on Egyptians, but nobody died before they got caught, so it was okay. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

It was a policy to "send terrorists to nearby countries"

I could probably come up with a lot of dirt about what happened with Yemen, but why do I need to when you're already lying about Egypt? Also great job finally wiping out the Jewish community in Beirut after they survived through 7 years of civil war.

Goddamn you're really hyperventilating over this.

>starts agendaposting like a faggot

>complains about agendaposting

This is your brain on reddit.

It's the need to deny this stuff and silence anyone who mentions it that's troubling.

Literally fucking no one denies it.

So Israeli agents planted bombs against Americans and blamed it on Egyptians, but nobody died before they got caught, so it was okay. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

The bombs were non-lethal and were set to detonate specifically so that no one would be anywhere near them. So it isn't "before they got caught", it's "no one was supposed to die or get hurt and no one did". You literally can't twist it into "they tried to murder burgers" without lying about something.

But the best part is, this has never happened again so your "israel has a false flags policy" falls apart instantly.

I could probably come up with a lot of dirt about what happened with Yemen

>come up

I like me a little bit of self-awareness ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„.

Also, you're saying you could but you didn't, lol.

you're already lying about Egypt


Also great job finally wiping out the Jewish community in Beirut after they survived through 7 years of civil war.


>arabs can't be antisemitic, the joos make arabs antisemitic ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

1) anti-jewish violence and other attacks was widespread in lebanon in the 40s (and after israel was established), despite lebanese jews being mostly non-zionist. Especially after the UN partition where bloody riots happened literally everywhere, including beirut

2) when the good old nazi mufti of jerusalem ran away to lebanon he started riling up antisemites, which resulted in them not getting a seat in the government

3) each instance of anti-jewish violence prompted a wave of emigration:

The Jewish population of Beirut, which stood at 9,000 in 1948, dwindled to 2,500 by 1969.

Definitely israel's fault. Of course. Sure. Especially considering that maronites were pretty sympathetic to zionism, as they were trying to establish a multicultural minority in the middle east (as opposed to monoreligious majority of muslim states)




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Just you wait longpostbot-sempai, the other agendaposting faggot is going to shart one an even bigger one. Or pull a "lul y so triggered" which would be a win in my book ๐Ÿ˜Ž






I'm so lonely.

I'm so lonely.

repping for Israel

heh, that's what you get.

Schaden-๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป-freude ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป is ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป antisemitic

It is also a German word, so it's double minus oy vey.

That way the eventual jihad kills a large percentage of Jews alhamdulillah.


>Arabs can't be antisemitic, jews make arabs antisemitic. All the antisemitism in islam and christianity is false flags set up by zog.

>Arabs loathe the arab diaspora. They think of them as traitors for not joining in on their religious holy war and campaigns of genocide and ethnic cleansing in the middle east.

Arabs loathe arabs

There ya go.

I just fixed his comment, don't mind me.

itโ€™s all abt the pentiums bby

pissing off the 70% of American Jews who vote Democrat.

You mean the self-loathing types that trip over their own two feet rushing to denounce Israel and defend Hezbollah and Hamas whenever the latter decide to do something stupid like fire rockets into Jerusalem and the former lays the pimp hand down with such excess that you have to wonder what sort of masochist keeps coming back for the beat down?

You just have to look at the difference in politicians to realize why they hate each other, Chuck Schumer is the epitome of the career politician, has never dirtied his hands once in life

Uncle Bibi is trained in how to kill Schumer with only one hand usable

They're both dirty and coniving, but only Netanyahu has personally killed his enemies

The problem is AIPAC doesnโ€™t really spend any โ€˜benjimansโ€™.

Thats because they put all the benjimans onto gift cards and visas, stuff them in an envelope to get them to you. Or they they just send you on a trip abroad all expenses paid through one of their 'charities' theyre connected to, that has no office or physical location. And AIPAC openly makes huge donations to campaigns of either side.

There are legitimate arguments to be made about AIPAC's outsized influence, Israel's espionage habits, the habitual conflation of criticism of Israel with antisemitism, etc, but don't be surprised when you find out that a particular Somali Muslim is an antisemitic holocaust denier.

And she also married her brother

what lmao

Truly, politics is the worst sector, for it is a cesspool filled to the brim with agenda-cels.

And why do you say that other than the fact that she's muslim? does the quran have a Surah against holocaust acknowledgement that i was not aware of? your ability to know the inner thoughts of people is unparalleled.

Stereotype dictates most muslims are retards who think the holocaust was invented to create Israel

They were the 50th biggest spenders on lobbying in the last election, yet the only evil lobbyists I ever hear of from Reddit are the NRA, Telecom companies, and AIPAC. Somehow all these other lobbyists are conveniently ignored because (((they))) are scary

Why did she question why she should trust the word of a guy who was previously guilty of lying to congress? Clearly it's because he has a jewish name.

Jews and lying, name a more iconic duo....

Jews and gold?

Jews and possibly starting every global conflict.

/u/annoysthegoys please confirm

Goyim and inferiority complexes is way more iconic tbh

I have a strong feeling this is going to end up as some kind of Streisand effect. I had no idea about this rep or the comment until a bunch of people started accusing her of anti-Semitism. The massive backlash and the word games that Israel shills were playing was pretty shocking.

Clearly she didnโ€™t get the standard issued AIPAC memo for every member so congress

oy vey

Clearly we <<<Minnesotans>>> produce top shelf drama politifians. Omar, Al โ€œMale Feministing to be Frankโ€ Franken, Michelle โ€œJohn Wayne and John Wayne Gacy are the Sameโ€ Bachmann, Paul โ€œOnly remembered for being a bumper sticker memeโ€ Wellstone, and Walter โ€œLet my running mate fuel the self inflicted hateโ€ Mondale.

You even had the silver medal action star / Governor, Jesse Ventura.

How dare you forger pro wrestler and WWF/WCW color commentator as well

Doesn't really work when calling him a second-rate Schwarzenegger though. Also, I just found out that a third actor from Predator (Sonny Landham) ran for Governor. Seriously did they make some sort of pact?

๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ขhow could I forget. Also a 9/11 conspiracy theorist

Looks like a hall of fame tbh

As JIDF poster I might get remanded for this but: ELLIOT IS NOT A HEBREW NAME U BLOCKHEAD ITS SCOTISH. You can literally just google this shit. How does this dude even anything

As JIDF poster

Have I got the flair for you

Hook a brother up? Heloise is turning 18, you know.

Of course for you, poutie! ๐Ÿ˜

Heloise is turning 18, you know

Oh so it's like that ๐Ÿ˜ช

Youโ€™re the one who left her waiting in the airport, bucko. ๐Ÿ˜ก You had your shot.

What happens if I dislike Israel but hate Palestine even more?

Normie take

The origin of the Scottish name comes from Elliott which is Greek for Elijah. In fact most traditional Scottish names have a biblical origin.

Really? Cause im pretty sure craig means rock.


Craig does mean rock. Saint Peter's name when translated from Hebrew to Greek is Cephas meaning rock. Craig is just the Gaelic equivalent of Peter. Again, most predominantly Catholic nations have a strong history of deriving names from Biblical figures.

I still find it bizarre that Americans pronounce Craig as Creg.

JIDF poster

fite me irl

I like how he feels the need to give a breakdown of the name as if Elliott Abrams didn't set off everyone's jewdar

  1. The year Jews start voting Republican. What a timeline.

The wishful thinking in this post is adorable

Yesterday's posts were filled jidf posters, including me, today it's anti-jidf posters. Jewposting brings the seriousposters and should be a bannable offense imo.

There is no one sperging harder up and down the thread than you. The copeposting is delicious and pathetic.

I am legally allowed to sperg out on other agendaposting spergs. You idiot. You fucking moron.

Is this what the JIDF pays you for? What would your (((masters))) think?

That's jidf's current objective here, to epicly own and force out all enemy agendaposters on drama and ideologically take over the sub to use it as a brigading platform for reddit operations against chapos and other undesirable elements. I merely follow orders.

Meanwhile the rest of your peers are influencing American politics and carrying out covert ops in the Middle East. You're destined for middle management, at most.

Well, at least I get to look at bussy whenever I want. The rest is trivial.

This is truly what Ben Gurion had in mind

I'm just shocked that /u/YHofSuburbia deleted like a bitch. The absolute state of drama posters these days smdh

I delete most of my comments in drama after a day or so, this is nothing new.

but y tho

๐Ÿคท why not

eh ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฟโ€โ™€๏ธ

Lol if you actually believe that

new york memes, nj memes go here, like shalom, welcome to New York, I will laugh at you

I don't care about any of these, i just oppose SJWs/dems. You a dem? I'm against you. You an SJW? I'm against you. Simple and to the point, no need to stress out thinking about geopolitics.

You are the enemy of America and will be dealt with in denazification

Trump IS america. :)

first against the wall, mayocide can't come soon enough

who keeps letting the boomers in

I'm 28 :)

elliot abrams has built a life of comfort and prestige off of murdering children, if anything these ghouls should be mad at him for so thoroughly embodying the most grotesque anti-semitic stereotypes

I don't know what's more retarded, you blaming Elliot Abrams for everything that Salvadorans did in that war (keep in mind that the majority of the country voted for ARENA in fair elections), or Trumpets pretending that he wasn't an incredibly sleazy liar.

sorry for being mean to your favorite war criminal :(

Sorry for having a more nuanced, post-middle-school understanding of the situation than "brown people don't have any agency so the white man must have been making all the decisions". ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ #sorryButNotSorry

when you train a group of people who carry out a massacre, give them the arms to do it, then spend years covering for them afterwards, the blood is on your hands too. not sure what point after middle school you lose the ability to understand basic causality, is it one of those boomer diseases?

The US trains Salvadorans to fight a counterinsurgency campaign. The Salvadorans are highly resistant to actually learning what they're taught. (You've probably read as many accounts written by US advisors to their army in this time as I have, right?) The Salvadorans go out and massacre a bunch of people just like they had before Americans had been involved in their country.

I will admit that I suffer from the boomer disease of having lived at a time when this was happening and it wasn't just a fairy tale for explaining why it's okay for mayos to buy cocaine.

lol "no see the spics were just too naturally stupid and violent to absorb what our enlightened army commanders were trying to teach them" but im the unwoke one for thinking when you prop up a regime and try to cover up its atrocities youre complicit in them

The US tried to support the moderates at first but they got wiped out by extremists pretty quickly. If you're a twitter-woken child and still don't understand how that works, I don't know what to say to you.

the spics were just too intrinsically stupid and violent to absorb what our enlightened army commanders were trying to teach them

My homework assignment for you is to learn about Salvadoran attitudes toward non-commissioned officers. That might reveal a lot to you about their society.

The US tried to support the moderates at first


Seriousposting is a plague.

TIL Elliott is Elijah. Makes sense really.

(((Elliot))) (((Abrams)))

The longest bow in existence.

Isn't Islam an Abrahamic religion too?

And arabs are semites unless the speak ill of jews. Then theyre anti-semites.

Abraham is one of the major prophets of the Muslim faith. One of the 5 pillars of Islam (Pilgrimage) to Makkah is partly based on his journey and story.

All-ah= El + the "-ah" Arabic suffix. Examples "Shajar-ah" (tree), ""darraj-ah" (bicycle), or "i'tikad-ah" (belief)

But hey what do I know I just happen to be a native Arabic speaker and a citizen of the country containing the world's oldest Torah inside of a synaguoge that has been partly built with stones from the Third Temple of Souleiman. It's home to a yearly Jewish pilgrimadge by the way... No problems so far.

Semitic fragility

I love the Jews but also wants to perform some proper Jihad. What do I do?

We need another โ€˜caust... they didnโ€™t learn