Smart man draws many conclusions from an 11 second video of a junkie slapping a cop

1  2019-02-14 by POST_BUSSY


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Because I've spent a lot of time among these people, and a lot of that time I was among them, I was criminal minded myself. In my mid-twenties I became a social worker. I've worked for several institutes and have worked with every demographic there is, from old folks to mentally disabled children to the terminally ill and refugees. It is indeed (merely) a presumption based on nothing but these 11 seconds of video, the presumption is based on my knowledge and previous experience. I couldve also commented 'lol what an idiot' but I tried to contribute to a conversation.

I like it when people draw some conclusions about these videos. Das genius is kind of going full conspiracy theory but it might be a pretty good take. Once you step out of your bubble and realize just how shitty everyone is it makes you look at things with a different lens. I used to be libertarian leftist anarchist when I was a kid because I thought "can't everybody just get along" was a legitimate ideology but then I lived another decade and realized, "no, unfortunately we can't" so now I'm a radical centrist.

I'd really like to know what the fuck the naked guy was spraying on people with that pump sprayer though. That bit makes the whole thing much more interesting.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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if the events in the video happened in western europe, he's probably right.

This is a man that legitimately has a plan to get arrested

I learned that the native population knows way less about their options than the ethnic minorities that knowingly abuse them.

Because I know/experienced that the amount/extent of scam artistry reaches beyond common knowledge.

But the reality is that some people's IQs are so low they would do more damage than good in any working environment.

Dawg you got to pick an angle and stick with it. Is he a criminal mastermind or is he ultra low IQ?

He’s “schrodinger's minority”, he exits in a super position of “genetically lower IQ and mastermind social benefits heist artist”.